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2019年三年级英语上册Unit4Ho教案2湘少版一、Teaching Aims: 1、Knowledge Aim: Words: old, how old, number one to ten Functions: A: How old are you?. B: Im. 2、Ability Aim: To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. To cultivate Ss abilities of listening, speaking. 3、Moral Aim: To arouse Ss interesting in English, Main points: To make Ss master the new words and functions. To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. Difficult Points: To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. Teaching Materials: animals cards二、Teaching Procedure(教学过程): 教 案学 案设计意图Step 1 Make a secret signalT: one, two, three Ss: four, four, fourStep 2 Warming up 1. Greetings(师生开展问候)2. Introduce petition rules:T&Ss have a match, who can get more annual ring, who is the winner. and the other one should sing a song to the winner.3. ChantSs get a kind of single that they should pay their attention.Ss know the rules of todays petition.Ss entered the classroom with relaxed and happyMood.集中学生的注意力,并利用比赛这条主线,长时间吸引学生的兴趣。Step 3 Revision Look at my mouth, and say out what I said.Step 3 Presentation and drill1、 Ss learn the knowledge by themselves and finished some exercises.(can discuss in groups)2、 Say out some words or sentences you have learnt.3、 Learn numbers 1 to 10.4、 Learn how to read” how old are you?”Situation: guess out some animals age.Step 4 :Consolidation 1. Make a dialogue with your classmates, then show your dialogue.2. Finished some exercises.Step 5 ExtendingIf I have more time, I will teach them” How old is he?” How old is she?”Ss review the knowledge they have learnt.Ss learn the new knowledge by themselves and discuss with classmates.Let Ss obtain a sense of acplishment.Ss throw the game attained the happy mood and get the knowledge.Ss use the knowledge in created situation. 复习已学过的知识。并由旧知引新知。不断输入本课的重点句型。这个练习主要是培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的学习方式。通过游戏和比赛掌握今天所学的知识。这个练习主要也是培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的学习方式。在活动中,让学生既展现了自己的表现天赋,又加强了学生的口语交际能力的培养。拓展所学,源于书本又高于书本。附送:2019年三年级英语上册Unit4Revisionlesson19-24教案人教课题UNIT 4 Revision课型review 目的要求Knowledge Target: Review the knowledge in Unit 1 2 3.Technique Target: Use the sentences in those units.Emotion Target: To let the students know the important of revision.重点难点To listen and say the words and some sentences.To read and write letters, spell the words.教学方法 TPR Game munication Audio-visual课时分配Sixlessons拟用教具 pictures tape-recorder板书设计 教学过程UNIT 4Myself My body My foodMy name is Im years old.Whats the matter? My hurts.What do you have? I haveWhat do you want for ? I wantLesson 19 & 20.Warmer.Train Train Go.Teaching.A. Lets sing. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Follow the tape together for several times. 3.Call volunteers to sing in front of the class.B. Listen, say and write. 1.Teacher says the sentences in English with actions then students tell the meaning. 2.Look at the book and fill in the blanks.C. Lets play. 1.Write the words on the blackboard. 2.Teacher points the word then students say the sentence quickly.A. Play a sorting game. Play the game by the way of Train Train Go.B. Make a food list for lunch. Students make food list by them-selves. Then talk about it.C. Read and write. Read the words then fill in the blanks. Homework.1. Listen to the tape and follow it. 2.Do exercises book.To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunicationGameLearn together 教学过程教学过程 Lesson 21.Warmer. Sing a song. Teaching.A. Act and say. 1.Review “Whats the matter?” 2.Lead to “Whats the matter with?” 3.Make dialogue in pairs the act in front of the class.B. Listen and say. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Studetns talk about what they heard. 3.Read after the tape. 4.Make their own dialogue.C. Lets sing.D. Find and colour. Homework. Listen to the tape and follow it. Lesson 22 & 23.Warmer. Sing a song. Teaching. A. Look, listen and say.1.Listen to the tape and look at the book for several times. 2.Try to say sentences as the book. B. Stick and chant.1.Listen to the tape.2.Chant it.C. Listen and chant.1.Listen to the tape and look at the book for several times. 2.Try to follow the tape.3.Chat together with action.D. Fill in the big letters.Fun Time1.Let the students guess the meaning of the story.2.Teacher explains each sentences to the students.3.Students read follow the teacher.4.Look at the PowerPoint.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Read the story.Lesson 24.Warmer. Say the chant. Teach new knowledge.A. Choose and write. 1.Look at the pictures and read them.2. Fill in the blanks as they like. B. Listen, repeat and do. 1.Listen to the tape without book. 2.Talk about what they heard. 3.Listen to the tape again with book. 4.Try to number the pictures. C. Lets talk. D. Lets write. Homework. Do exercises book. To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunicationTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togetherAudio-visualTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunication


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