2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How tall are you?知识点归纳 人教PEP版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How tall are you?知识点归纳 人教PEP版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How tall are you?知识点归纳 人教PEP版话题(topic)How tall are you?(P 7-10, 12)词汇(vocabulary)词汇(听、说、认读) feet, meter, ton, each, squid, lobster, shark, deep, seal , sperm whale, killer whale, even,square meter(平方米)词汇(听、说、读、写) bigger, heavier, longer, thinner, smaller 对话(Dialogues)1. How heavy are you? 你多重? -Im 48kg. 我48千克。 -Im thinner than you, and shorter. 我比你瘦,比你矮。- Yes, Im bigger and stronger than you. 是的,我比你体型大,比你强壮。说一说Talk about it1. How long are your legs? -76cm. 你腿有多长? 76cm. 2. How big are your feet? -I wear size17. 你脚多大? 我穿17码鞋。3. How large is your room? -My room is .square meters. 你房间多大?我房间。平方米?4.- How long is your bed? -My bed is cm long. 你床多长?我床。cm长。5.- How big is your table? -My table is .cm long. 你桌子多大?我桌子。cm长。唱一唱Sing itP12 Lets sing!作业(homework)1. 今日所学听课文磁带并做熟练跟读。2. 抄写四星词汇中文一次,英文3次,背诵听写1次在作业本上;抄写三星词汇中文一次,英文两次,学会认读,家长抽查。3. 背诵今日重点对话,并且做默写。4. Lets read 部分熟练朗读,下次检查。(四项作业都需要完成之后家长检查签名在作业本/书上或者成长手册上。)备注附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 2 how was your holiday Lesson教案 人教新版一、教学目标 知识目标: To learn the past tense of be. To learn new words and sentence pattern. To practice pronunciation by chant. 能力目标: To ask the students to inquire or introduce ones holiday. 德育目标; 1. To arose the studentsinterest of English learning. 2. To teach them to love our motherland. 二、教学重点: How was your holiday? It was wonderful /exciting. Where were you during your holiday? I was at home. 三、教学难点:即教学重点。 四、课前准备 Word cards. A song: Today & Yesterday. To prepare some pictures of different cities. 五、教学过程 I. Greeting. II. Warming-up 1. Sing a song “Today & Yesterday”. 2. Free talk. 3. To review some words: interesting, fantastic, exciting III. Presentation. 1. To teach them the new words: wonderful, exciting. 2. To have a petition: Who can read it faster? (interesting, fantastic, exciting, wonderful) 3. To learn the new sentence pattern: How was your holiday? It was wonderful. Where were you during your holiday? I was at home. IV. Practice 1. To look at the words and pictures on the screen and ask the students to practice the new sentence pattern. 2. Chant. 3. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern (with their own photos or the pictures). 4. Time to sing. (Happy song)V. Summary 六、教学意图 I. Greeting. II. Warming-up 1. To review the words: was, were. 2. To review the knowledge theyve learned before. III. Presentation. 1. To teach them the new words. 2. The students master the new words. 3. To learn the new sentence pattern. IV. Practice 1. To master the new words and sentence pattern. 2. To practice pronunciation. 3. The students can use the new sentence pattern and new words freely by making up new dialogues.V. Summary 七,作业 1. To write the new words and sentences. 2. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern. 板书设计: Lesson 2 How was your holiday? It was wonderful /exciting. Where were you during your holiday? I was at home.


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