2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit5(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit5(2)教案 苏教牛津版教材简析:本单元是复习单元,侧重归纳了本册书第一至第四单元中的主要语言项目。通过看图编号,涂色,完成句子,说话等练习,帮助学生归纳整理所学的词汇,日常交际用语和句型等。教师应针对学生的掌握情况,采用多种有效的教学手段,有重点地复习,把所学的知识有机地结合起来,力图使学生的听、说、读、写水平在原有基础上有所提高,使学生学得扎实,用得灵活,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。本单元的Look and talk 呈现了第一至第四单元的主要单词。教师在组织复习时,要加以归纳,使学生能牢固掌握所学的单词。第一至第四单元的日常交际用语及句型主要涉及“识别事物”、“寻找物主”、“询问物品的位置”、“表达自己的喜好”、“了解别人的爱好”等项目。教师应把对语言材料的复习放入一定的情景中,利用模拟情景进行操练,引导学生大胆地运用语言材料,使所学的语言知识转化为语言能力。教学目的:1 通过复习,要求学生能比较熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的单词和句型。2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生综合运用所学的日常交际用语。教学理念:1 采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。2 充分利用实物、图片、注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。教学重点、难点:能熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的单词和句型。教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。第一课时教学内容: 牛津小学英语4A第三单元,第一教时(Look ,read and write )教学目标:1 能根据图片上所提供的情景,选择相应的日常交际用语,并在气泡中写上序号。2 提高学生的观察能力,阅读能力以及情景中口头交际能力。教学过程:一、Warm up 1. Greetings.2. Sing a song Perhaps.3. Free talk (师生之间交谈复习巩固14单元所学句型。)4. On duty . 值日生可以走下去,与学生进行交谈,这样可以在交谈中复习旧知。二、Review .投影出示句型: May I have ? This is for Whats this /that? Its a Wheres my Perhaps its in /on Whats this /that in English ? Its a Do you like? Yes ,I do /No ,I dont .(让学生根据教师所提供的物品进行练习,可以让学生尽可能多地用到这些句型,进行比赛,看谁在一段话中用的句型最多。)三、Presentation and practice .1. Read the sentences . 指导学生读A部分左边的句子。并想想它们的答语。2出示挂图 让学生看图,根据具体语境选择对话。3师生共同核对。4学生分角色朗读,先个别朗读,再小组之间分角色对话,比一比哪一组最好。孩子不喜欢呆板的朗读,他们的好胜心强,竞赛更能激活他们。四、Do exercises .Is that a pen ? . Whats that over there?No ,it isnt . Its a ball pen ? Its a purse . Oh ,I see .五、Homework .读1-4单元句型2遍。板书设计:Unit 5A Look ,read and write 图一 b k 图二 c g 图三 a i 图四 e l 图五 d h 图六 f j 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit5(3)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express likesdislikes, talk about school subjectsTEACHING KEY: to help students to prehend Conversation and vocabulary, targetTEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the third periodPROCEDURES:Activity 2Getting readyl Put up a selection of picture cards from units 1 through 5 in a circle formation on the board. Write the vocabulary in random order inside the circle.l Ask student volunteer to e to the front. Give him/her a piece of chalk/marker.l T: (s1s name), choose a card. what is it? s1: its (a notebook).l T: good! Point to the word.s1 point to the word. draw a line from the pi8cture to word. s1 draws a line.l Repeat with two or three more Ss.Using the bookl T: open your books. Look at these words. Look at the pictures.l Have Ss read the words in the middle of the page.l Point to various pictures and ask Ss what they represent.l Have Ss work individually on this picture-word match.Extension TB p.54Optional TB p.56Sounds and word 1 getting readyl write dance and face on the board and underline the ending ce.l T: (point to ce) lets practice this sound. Look at my mouth and repeat.l T: /s/. Ss: /s/.l Drag out the sound /s/ so Ss hear it clearly.Using the bookl Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.l T: lets listen to the tape.l Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it .l T: lets listen again and this time, repeat.l Have Ss repeat after the tape.l After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2 getting ready l Have Ss look at the pictures around the lyrics.l T: what are these? (Point to the mice on the fence.) Ss: theyre mice.l T: do you like mice? Ss: yes, I do /no, I dontl Point to other items in the pictures and ask questions.l Review some of the prepositions by asking questions with in on, under and next to.Using the book T: lets listen to the chant.Play the tape once.T: now, listen and point to the pictures as they are chanted.Play the tape again and have Ss to point to the mice, dice and fence as they are chanted.T: lets chant gather.Play the and have Ss chant along.Extension activities TB p.54Optional activities TB p.56Teaching postscript:

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