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2019年PEP六年级上第一单元测试卷多份一、根据中文意思补充下列单词。(10分)S_bw_y(地铁) d_ff_ _en_ (不同的) c_ _ _try(国家) E_gl_nd(英国) _lw_ ys(一直) pl_ _e(飞机) t_ _ff_c(交通) A_ str_li_ (澳大利亚) b_ _e (自行车) l _f_ (左边) 二、按要求填写单词。(8分)same(反义词)_ by(同音词)_ two(序数词)_right(反义词)_ fifth(基数词)_ one(序数词)_different(名词形式)_ white(对应词)_ 三、选出下列单词划线部分发音不同的一项,把序号填在括号里。(10分)( )1. A. by B. fly C. why D. funny( )2. A. apple B. active C. fashion D. always( )3. A. Helpful B. then C. get D. remember( )4. A. drive B. live C. bike D. side ( )5. A.Left B. time C. west D. get( )6. A. beach B. meat C. bread D. mean( )7. A. stop B. know C. however D. north( )8. A. same B. subway C. wait D. Australia( )9. A. must B. subway C. university D. umbrella( )10. A. how B. brown C. slow D. flower四、翻译下列短语或句子。(12分)乘船_ 步行_ 乘火车_ 乘飞机_ 骑马_ 交通规则_交通灯_ 人行道_ 左转_在公路的右边_五、连词成句。(6分)1. foot, the, stop, we, bus, can, to, on, go ?_2. restaurant, afternoon, fast, lets, lunch, this, food, to, a, for, go ._3. park, how, to, nature, the, go, we, can, big ?_4. are, ways, there, go, many, to ,somewhere ._5. country, the, the, lights, same, are, traffic, every, in ._6.by,you,the,can,No.5 bus,go_六、找出下列句子中的错误,在其下面划线并在句子后面改正。(5分)1. How do Mary go to the nature park ? _2. You can get to the science museum at foot . _3. The green light mean “go” . _4. You must walk at right of the road in China . _5. I live in the second floor, room 2b . _七、按提示回答下列问题。(10分)1. How do you go to school ? (按自己的实际情况回答。)_2. How do your parents go to work ?(乘地铁)_3. How does John go to his uncls home ? (在医院的左边)_4. Where is the post office ?(在博物馆的前面) _5. Where do you live ? (在超市的前面)_八、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. Mary and May usually go to the park by bus .(就划线部分提问)_2. Amys home is near the library .(就划线部分提问)_3. You can get to the bus stop on foot .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_4. I know the traffic rules .(改为否定句)_5.在每一个国家都有相同的交通灯。(翻译)_九、阅读短文,完成下列各题。(14分)1.A: Excuse me. How can I go to the zoo, Mary ? B: You can take the No. 12 bus .A: Can I go there on foot? B: Well, you can , but its a bit far from here.A: Where can I find the No. 12 bus ? B: Oh, its easy, the bus stop is at the end of the street, just walk down . Then you will see it.根据短文内容回答问题。1) How can Mary get to the zoo ?_2) Where is the bus stop ?_3) Is the zoo near here ?_2.Mike: Hi , Im Mike . Luke: Hi, Im Luke .Mike: Youre new here . Luke: Youre right . Do you live here ?Mike: Yes , I do . Were neighbours . Luke: How do you go to school ? Mike: I usually go to school by bike .Sometimes I go on foot .How do you go to school? Luke: I want to go on foot . How can I get there ?Mike: Its easy .Walk to the traffic lights . Turn right .You can see it .Luke: OK. Thank you very much . Mike: Youre wele .判断下列句子是否与上文内容相符,相符的写“S”否则写“D”。(1)Mike is the new student .( ) (2)Luke is Mikes new neighbour . ( )(3)Mike usually goes to school by bike .( ) (4)Luke wants to go to school by bike , too . ( )(5)The school is on the right of the traffic lights . ( )十、补全对话。(15分)A: _ _ . Where is the science museum ? B: Its next _ the bus stop . A:_ can I get _ ?B:You can _ the No. 3 bus to there . A: Can I walk _ ? B: No, you _ . Its _ _ here.A: _ _ very much . B: Youre _ .一读下面各组单词,判断下面各组单词中划线部分字母的读音是否相同。()1. A. leafB. pleaseC. teaD. tree() 2. A. pigB. timeC. fifthD. music()3. A. springB. swingC. thinD. dish()4. A. greenB. eatC. peachD. three()5. A. inB. itC. isD. hi二写单词。 公共汽车 火车 飞机 自行车 交通灯 三判断下面各句说法的正误。()1. Usually I go to the USA by subway.()2. In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road.()3. In China, the green light is on the left of the traffic lights.()4. Usually I go to school on foot, because its fast.()5. In fall, its sunny and cool.四按要求完成下面的句子。1. I go to the park on foot. (就划线部分提问)2. Usually I go to school by train, because my home is near.(改错)3.my, office, near, is, the, post, home(连词成句)4.You can go on foot, if you like. Its not far.(译成中文)5.How do you go to school?(根据你自己的实际情况回答)五阅读下面一段短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)。The twins have a big room. There are two beds, a desk and two chairs in it. The door of the room is green. There are four windows in it, too. Theres a clock and some nice pictures on the wall. The clock is old. Its seven thirty in the evening. Lily is on the chair near the desk. Lucy isnt in the room.() 1. Lily and Lucy are twins.() 2. The door of Lucys room is green.() 3. Now its seven oclock in the evening.() 4. Lily is in the room now.() 5. The door has four windows.一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。1. do you go to school ? I go to school foot.2. your mother go to work? She by bus.3. How your brother go to school? My home is . he goes to school on foot, he by bike.4. We must know the . at a red light. at a yellow light. Go a light.5. I get to the hospital ? can get there bus.6. There are always three lights in every country: , and 二、看答句,写问句。1 ? I usually go to school by bike.2. ? My father goes to Hong Kong by train.3. ? You can get to the cinema on foot.4. ? No, you cant go to the park on foot.5. ? Yes, his mother goes to work by bus.小学英语(PEP)六年级上册测试题Unit One How Do You Go There ? 题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、找出划线部分与其他三个发音不同的词。(8分)1. ( ) A.peakB.beat C.teamD.breakfast2. ( ) A.pig B.big C.bikeD.ship3. ( ) A.stopB.go C.knowD.hold4. ( ) A.bus B.subwayC.usuallyD.us5. ( ) A.swimB.shipC.pickD.light6. ( ) A.trafficB.planeC.mayD.play7. ( ) A.footB.cook C.look D. floor8. ( ) A.homeB.toC.pianoD.hold一艘轮船二、将图片与词组连线。(14分)1 by plane a. 一架飞机2. by ship b.一列火车3. by subway c.一列地铁4. by train d.一辆汽车5. by bus e.一个学生走路6. by bike f.一个学生骑自行车7. on foot g.三、选择填空。(16分)( )1. _ do you go to school? By bike.A. HowB. WhenC. What ( )2. I usually go to school_ bus.A. onB. inC. by ( )3. I go to the park _ foot.A. onB. inC. by ( )4. I _ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.A. sometimesB. usuallyC. today ( )5. _ at a red light.A. StopB. Wait C. Go( )6. _ can I get to the park? By bus.A. HowB. WhenC. What( )7. _at a yellow light.A. StopB. WaitC. Go( )8.Go to a light.A. redB. yellowC. green四、连词组句。(12分)1. do , you , How , to , go , school _?2. usually , I , on , to , go , school , foot _.3. can , How , I , get , the , to , park _?4. by , go , You , can , bus _.5. is , Where , home , your_?6. Sometimes , go , I , plane , by .五、按照语意排列句子。(14分)( ) Its near our school.( ) Great! How can we get there?( ) Jim, lets go to the park this afternoon.( ) We go to the park by bus.( ) OK. But, where is the bus stop?( ) OK. See you at 2 oclock.( ) See you then.六、根据提示完成句子。(10分)1. 我经常骑自行车去上学。I go to school by .2. 通常我妈妈走路去上班。 my mother goes to work .3. 你怎样去学校?我乘公交车。 do you to ?I go .七、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)Mike:Hello,John!How do you go to schllo?John:My home is near.Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.What about you?Mike:I usually go to school by bus.John:Lets go to the park after school,OK?Mike:Great!But how can we get to the park?John:We can go by subway.Mike:All right.See you then!( )1.Mike usually goes to school by bus.( )2.Johns home isnt far from the school.( )3.John usually goes to school on foot.( )4.They want to go to the park after school.( )5.They want to get there by bus. 八、请根据实际情况回答Helen的问题。(16分)H:Excuse me, whats your name,please?Y:My name is .H:Which school are you in?Is it far from your home?Y:Im in .H:How do you usually go to school?Y:I go to school .H:How long does it take you?Y:It takes me .H:How many days do you go to school every week?Y:I go to school from to .H:Do you like your school?Why?Y: .H:Well,its nice talking to you.Thank you very much.附送:2019年PEP六年级下册Unit1单元试题及答案.写出下列各词的比较级形式。(20分)1.old 2.short 3.young 4.small 5.big 6.thin 7.heavy 8.funny 9.long 10.tall .按要求写单词。(8分)1.foot(复数) 2.teeth( 原型 ) 3.old(反义词) 4.long(反义词) 5.kilogram( 缩写) 6.centimeter (缩写) 7.与相比较( 英语形式) 8.think(汉语意思) .单项选择。(12分)1. Youre taller than me.A.6 cm B.6 m C.6 mm2. I Size 16.A put on B wear C in3. How is he?A. heavier B. heavy C. heaviest4. My brothers bed is long.A. 1.8m B. 160 m C. 1.5cm5.My schoolbag is heavier than A. you B. your C. yours6. My teacher is 160cm .A. long B. tall C. heavy.根据表格内容或句子含义填空。(10分)1TomAnnAmyAge121012Height148cm142cm150cmTom is years than Ann.Tom is than Amy. Amy is 8cm than Ann.Amy is 2 years than Amy.2.Tom is 35kg.Sarah is 30kg.So Tom than Sarah.3.Look at the map. China is than Australia.4.The elephants nose is than the pigs.5.The rabbits tail is than the monkeys.读句子,找答语。(10分)( )1.How heavy are you? A. Im 12.( )2.How old are you? B. Im 45kg.( )3.How long is your desk? C. Sarah is.( )4.Whos taller than you? D. Its 90cm long.( )5.How big are your feet? E.I wear Size 18.判断下列句子是否正确,对的打“”,错的打“”,并将错误的地方全出来,并改正。(10分)1.A sperm whale is shorter than a killer whale in its length. ( ) 2.How taller are you? ( ) 3.How long are your legs? ( ) 4.Im thin than you . ( ) 5.IMm bigger and stronger than you. ( ) .根据答语写问句。(10分)1.A: ?B: Our classroom is 920 cm long.2.A: ? B: Im 60kg.3.A: ?B: Im 164cm tall.4.A: ? B: Im 31 years old.5.A: ?B: I wear Size 20.连词成句。(10分)1. tail ,about ,is ,its ,cm ,long ,30 2. the ,taller, than ,brown ,its ,one 3. the ,monkey ,think ,I ,little ,is,40 cm ,only ,tall 4. your ,are ,big ,how ,feet 5. than ,year, one ,Im ,older ,you .阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(10分) Hello ,I am a Chinese boy .My name is Wu Yifan .Now Im happy to have a new pen pal .Her name is Susan .She is from Canada .She is 12,one year older than me ,and 2cm taller than me .She likes going hiking ,planting trees and flying kites .I like taking pictures,swimming and diving. We are in different countries .But we are good friends.1、Susans from the . A. China B. USA C. Canada 2、Susans younger than Wuyifan. A. 1 year B. 2 year C. 12 year3、Wuyifans 2cm than Susan. A. shorter B. stronger C. taller 4、Susan and Wuyif are good . A、schoolmate B. friends C. pen pal 试题共100分。 参考答案:、older ;shorter ;younger ;smaller ,bigger ;Thinner ;heavier ;funnier ;longer ;taller feet ; tooth; young ,short ; kg ;cm ; than;想,认为; A B B A C B、1two,older,shorter,taller,younger;2.is,heavier; 3.larger; 4.longer; 5.shorter、B A D C E、1. 将“sperm whale ”改为“killer whale”.“killer whale”改为“sperm whale”. 2. 将“taller” 改为“tall”。 3 4. 将“thin”改为“thinner”. 5. 将“strong”改为“stronger.”、1.How long is your classroom? 2.How heavy are you?3.How tall are you?4.How old are you?5.How big are your feet?、1.Its tail is about 30 cm long. 2.Its taller than the brown one. 3.I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall.4.How big are your feet?5.Im one year older than you.、C A C C

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