2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson20教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson20教案 冀教版一、教学目标:知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: Where do you live?I live in a/an .house, apartment2.能力目标:使学生能够熟练地运用“Where do you live?I live in a/an .”3.情感目标:感知英语的实用性,增强学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点:1.重要概念 house, apartment学生能够熟练地运用“Where do you live? I live in a/an .”三、教具、学具:1. house, apartment的图片.2.录音机及磁带 3.单词卡片四、教学过程:1.Greeting 2. 复习 Review “near,far”which students mastered in Level Demonstrate the concepts with volunteers.3.教授重要概念: Demonstrate “Where do you live? I live in a/an .”with puppets.Draw a house and an apartment building on the blackboard. Let one puppet “live”in the “house”and the other puppet “live” in the “apartment” Do a dialogue with the puppets based on “Where do you live? I live in a/an .”Remind the students about “a”and“an”: a house,an apartment.4.Practice:Divide the class into small groups then ask and answer ,they can say: S1:Where do you live? S2:I live in a/an . S1:Is it near/far from school? S2:Yes/No,5.Read after the tape.6.做7. 作业: a. 完成剩余部分. b. 对话练习.五、板书设计: Lesson 20 Where Do You Live?Where do you live? I live in a house.I live in an apartment.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson21(1)教案 冀教版Teaching aims:1Knowledge:学习掌握四会单词 avenue road street address 学习并掌握交际用语 Whats your address? My address is _.2Skills: 引导学生运用所学句式、词汇进行交流,启发学生积极思考,达到熟练运用语言的能力。3Feelings: 通过学习对话,培养学生有爱心,乐于帮助别人的美好品格。Important points: 1.学习掌握四会单词: avenue ,road, street ,address 2.Say the numbers correctly.Difficult points: 学习并掌握交际用语Whats your address? My address is _.Teaching aids: tape poster Puppet pictureTeaching procedures:Step 1. Warming up: Greetings: Good morning,boys and girls. Its sunny today,do you feel happy? 2. Number games:T:I have ten numbers.Listen carefully and point them out quickly. eg:35,100,third,400,620,first,900,ninth,42,315呈现数字,看谁先找出听到的数字,优胜者给以表扬,并发苹果贴以示鼓励。 3.Freek talk: T: Hello,A. Where do you live? S: I live in a house/apartment. T: Is it near the school? S: Yes/No.设计意图:抓住孩子心理特点,用他们喜闻乐见的游戏复习数词,既激发了学生的参与热情,又为本课学习作了铺垫。通过师生互动,让学生在宽松和谐的气氛中复习所学对话。Step 2:Presentation:1.Learn the new words: avenue road street addressT:Look,children, I have a poster.教师指路标上的名称,引出新单词avenue,road,street领读并教授不同道路名称。然后学习Chant:road, road, Park Road street street First Street avenue, avenue, Ninth Avenue.告诉学生这些都是address. 设计意图:运用节奏鲜明的chant,由词到词组,在循序渐进的教学过程中学习新知识,激发学习兴趣,提高教学效果。Learn the text of No.11)T(point to the poster) Look, our friend Jenny and danny are here.Listen carefully.What do they say? Play the tape and listen to No.1,学习并同时板书Park Road, First Street,Ninth Avenue。2)Listen to the tape and read No.1.3Learn the text of No.2 1)learn to say“Happy Hamburger Restaurant”,“Mr. Pizza Restaurant”2) Ask questions .Present new knowledge. T: Here are some questions for you. Listen and try to get the answers.Questions:a.Danny lives on Ninth Avenue. Whats Danny s address?b.Whats Stevens address? 设计意图:让学生带着问题去听,使教学有的放矢。既能检查学生的信息分析能力,同时通过多听,多读,多看,充分调动多种感官,培养学生听读能力以及对课文的理解能力。4在海报Ninth Avenue上画上Danny和Steven的家,并标明地址。 T: This is Dannys house.Dannys address is 942 Ninth Avenue. This is Stevens house.Stevens address is 135 Ninth Avenue.Listen to the tape and read together. Then ask three volunteers to draw their houses ordepartments on the poster. Ask and answer in pairs.: eg:Hello.Where do you live? Whats your address?Is that near the school?设计意图:让学生在模仿中逐步学习语言,在练习中掌握语言,课上多给学生充分展示语言才能和展示自我的空间,培养学生学习用英语做事情和解决问题的能力,也使学生间的语言交流达到高潮。5.创设情境:一位一年级同学迷路了,你问清情况,帮他找到了自己的家。 教师可先用手偶作示范。 eg: T: Hello. P: Hello.T:Whats the matter with you? P:Im lost. T: Whats your name? P: My name is _. T: Where do you live? P: I live in_. T: Whats your address? P: My address is_.T:Let me help you.学生分组练习。设计意图:通过手偶给学生创设情景,引导学生学习,调动学生的参与意识,实现语言的实践性和交际性,同时也培养了助人为乐的良好品格。Step 3. Homework: 1做活动手册练习。 2自己做海报,标明自家、学校地址,并结组编对话。设计意图:通过动手实践保持学习兴趣,巩固课上所学知识。通过编对话达到学以致用的教学目的。板书设计: Lesson 21 Whats your address? Park Road Whats your address? First Street My address is _. Ninth Avenue

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