2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 32(2)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 32(2)教案 冀教版 教学目标:1.知识目标:(1) 复习本单元的重点单词。(2) 句型:I like_. I like to _.2.能力目标:(1) 培养学生的听、说、读、写能力。(2) 培养学生的小组合作能力和创新能力。3.情感目标:(1)培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识.(2)使学生学会互帮互助。教学重难点:(1)复习本单元的重点单词。(2)句型:I like_. I like to _.(3)学生自测。教学过程:Step 1.Warming-up and preview:1. Greeting.2. T:Now, lets chant“I My Chant” OK?Ss: OK!【复习物主our, their,代词they and we】Step 2. Review.T: Today, lets have a race. Ill divide you into two groups. One is red Group, the other is blue Group. (1) T: Lets begin. First, Can you write. Each group choose ten pupils to do this. S1: Whats your favourite colour? S2: My favourite colour is orange.S1: Can you write it? S2: Yes.(Write this word on the blackboard, if right, then I will give a gift to this S )Present the vocabulary of this unit.Ask the Ss to spell and read these words. Make sure they can say it correctly.Step 3. Practice()Play “Chain”.(链式操练习重点单词以及句型)()Divide Ss into groups of four children to present “My Show”. Review vocabulary for colours, food, clothing and activities. I like to _. I like_.My favourite colour is _.My favourite clothes is _.My favourite food is _.My favourite dessert is _. My favourite school work is _.(课外拓展了解西式甜点)Step 4. TestStep 5. Class closing. Sing “I Am Drawing”Step 6. Homework. Write “My Show”板书:Lesson32 Again, PleaseI like to _.I like_.My favourite colour is _.My favourite clothes is _.My favourite food is _.My favourite dessert is _.My favourite school work is _.课后反思: 课堂教学资源:西式甜点西式甜点,中西餐谱上通行的英文Dessert乃借自法文,特指正餐之后的那一道甜点,区别于Tea Time的闲食,又作“甜品”而通行于中餐馆,不过那是粤语的说法。与甜点对应的是开胃菜,后者很少有甜的,种类上也远不如甜点丰富。如果说开胃菜相当于一本书的前言或者导读,那么甜品相当于这本书的后记或跋。成为经典的导读或前言不胜枚举,写得好的后记却并不多见。 西式的甜品花团锦簇,尤以意、法为盛。制作西点的主要原料是面粉、糖、黄油、牛奶、香草粉、椰子丝等。由于西点的脂肪、蛋白质含量较高。味道香甜而不腻口,且式样美观,因而近年来销售量逐年上升。习题:一、圈出不同类的词.1. apple chair grapes orange2. skirt pants marker hat3. yellow brown pink monkey 4. soup cookies donut cake二、选词填空:1. Whats your favourite colour ?I like _(blue, blouse)2. I like pink .You like green .We like _colour.(a different , the same )3. You dont like socks . I dont like socks _(either, too )4. We like to play games ,_she likes to read books.(and ,but)三、 听音连线I like to play ping-pong SundayWe like to draw pictures MondayYou like noodles TuesdayThey like ice cream ThursdayShe wears skirt Friday附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson Fifth教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, cold, warm, cool, hotSpecific target sentences: Whats the weather like in? How about ?Specific functional exponents: 能在电话里谈论不同地方的天气。Source of material: Part B. P50 lets talk lets find outAssumptions: 能模仿课文的对话,在电话里谈论不同地方的天气。Anticipated problems:学生分析: 学生通过前面三个课时的学习,已经掌握相关的表示天气的单词。本节课的话题是谈论不同地方的天气,会使用相应的问句询问对方的情况。Step 1: warm-up:Watch a story, then answer two questions: 1. Zoom给Zip打电话时,第一句话说了什么?2. Zip用了哪个问句询问天气?(先出示问题,让学生带着问题看故事。)然后在黑板上书写:1. Whats the matter with you? 2. Whats the weather like in Beijing?设计意图:小孩子比较好奇,看故事能迅速引起学生的注意力,并以此引出将会用到的两个问句。Step 2: preview游戏:Guessing Game: 让一个学生拿一张单词卡片,(如: sunny) 然后问:Guess! Whats the weather like? 其他学生猜:Its. 当该学生说: Yes. 接着将单词贴在黑板上,然后问:What can we do? 其他学生看着黑板上的图片,回答:Lets . (如果学生不会说,教师帮助)设计意图:让学生熟练说出询问天气的问句和回答,即可复习相关的单词,又可解决将要学习的对话中的重点句型。Step 3: presentation1. 教师创设情景,呈现新知:在北京的Amy正在给在纽约的Edward打电话,他们谈论了各自城市的天气,请猜猜: 1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 2. How about New York? Whats the weather like in New York? 3. 突然,Edward 听到Amy惊呼: “ Oh, no! My pictures!” 请说说: “ Whats the matter?” 发生了什么事?(将学生的猜测板书出来。)设计意图:引起学生对于对话学习的兴趣,再次复习相关的单词和句子。2. 听课文录音,验证猜测。3. 朗读对话,进一步理解对话意思。(学生可以质疑)4. 模拟对话:学生各选一个城市,与同桌通过电话谈论各自城市的天气。设计意图:学生通过学习课文中的对话,学会如何通过电话谈论各自城市的天气,并通过模仿,实践学到的知识。 Step 4: add-activities选句完成对话:( A. I have to close the window. B. Whats the matter? C. Whats the weather like in Guangzhou? D. Its cold. E. What are you doing? )Chen Jie: Hello. Tom: Hi, Chen Jie. _?Chen Jie: Not much.Tom: _?Chen Jie: Its hot today. How about Australia?Tom: _. Oh, no! My books!Chen Jie: _?Tom: Its rainy now. _.Chen Jie: OK, Bye.I have to close the window.Step 5: HomeworkListen to the tape and read the dialogue

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