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2019年PEP小学英语六年级第二单元教学设计 一、学情分析本课的教学内容是有关各种情绪的单词教学,这与学生日常生活密切联系着,容易为学生所理解和接受。学生在本课以前已经学过“happy”,在此基础上,再学习另外五个有关情绪的单词。通过对本单元A部分的学习,学生对于“How do you feel? / How does she feel? ”已经有了较好的掌握,这对于本课的教学奠定了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容与学生的生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解。关键是如何在课堂中将分散的语言点进行整合、拓展,使之形成一个有机的整体,即把孤立的单词教学放置于一定的情景教学之中,达到让学生在实际生活中能准确、灵活地运用的目的。在教学时,老师要通过创设情景,利用多媒体教学手段,拿出实物,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,从而让学生更好地掌握知识。二 、教学目标与要求知识与技能:1能够听说读写五个情绪单词:tired,angry,excited,happy,sad,bored。2能够听说读句型:How does Amy feel? / Shes tired. 并进行关键词的替换操练。3在小组学习的过程中,培养学生合作学习的意识,以及关心他人的良好品质。过程与方法:1. 通过表演歌曲“If you are happy”,调动学生的学习兴趣。2. 通过丰富的表情、图片等,帮助学生理解词汇。3.通过小组讨论照片,调动学生将所学知识应用到实际情景。4. 通过happy face和sad face评价学生和小组表现,凸显本课时主题是有关情绪的表达。情感与态度:引导学生善于调整自己心态,养成积极、向上、乐观的情感态度。三 、教学重难点重点是使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“How does she/he feel? / She / he is tired. 进行回答。本部分着重于由第一人称变为第三人称时动词的变化,围绕情绪和感受进行表述和问答。难点是学生熟练掌握五个四会单词。四 、教学准备: 1录音机,磁带,课件或者表示各种情绪的简笔画图片,2学生课前准备的照片或者自画像。 五、 教学过程:Step1:Warm - up(1)Greeting【设计意图】:进行对话练习,培养学生的口语表达能力。(2)教师呈现英语歌曲“If You are Happy”。用歌曲来引出本课单词“happy”的教学,边唱边做动作,学生跟唱做动作。If You are HappyIf youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it,Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If youre happy and you know it,Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If youre happy and you know it, wink your eye.If youre happy and you know it, wink your eye.If youre happy and you know it,Never be afriad to show it.【设计意图】:快乐的歌曲,将学生的学习兴趣调动到了一个兴奋期。(3)教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:“Im happy when Im singing. Are you happy today? ”学生回答“Yes.”教师说:“You are happy. I am happy, too. Look at my face. This is a happy face.”然后在黑板上画“happy face”。【设计意图】:通过真实的表情,让学生逐步明确本节课的学习主题。Step2:Presentation(1)教师在黑板上画“sad face”。教师指着sad face问学生:Is it a happy face? 以此教学单词sad。教师示范朗读,学生跟读,教师做出脸部表情帮助学生理解词义。教师可让学生同桌之间一人做表情,另一人画脸,请学生描述图如:He / She is happy / sad. (整堂课用happy face和sad face评价学生的表现) 教师用简笔画图片教授其他单词:excited,tired,angry,bored。同时教师利用肢体语言和表情帮助学生理解词义。【设计意图】:现场通过简笔画的形式,描述各种表情状态,能够激发学生的好奇心,关心老师笔下会描绘怎样的画面,提高学习效率。通过happy face和sad face进行评价,更突出了本节课的学习主题。(2)利用课件或者教学挂图呈现本课Lets learn部分,学生看图,听读音,跟读单词,教师或请学生叙述图片内容,例如:“Amy is very tired. ”“Zhang Peng feels excited. ”等。 学生根据图片中人物的表情猜单词,教师适时鼓励,在学生猜词过程中,教师运用“Is she / he . ? ”“Does she / he feel .?”“How does she / he feel? ”等句型提问,以此来复习巩固所学形容词。【设计意图】:通过真切的图片,听录音,跟读单词,从视觉、听觉上刺激学生主动学习,加深记忆。Step 3:Practice1Talk about your photo / picture.(1)教师把学生自画像展示给同学们看,请其他同学来描述图中同学的表情,并猜一猜原因(给学生提示一些词语): go on a tripfail in the testwon / fail the gamedog is sickhave a picnicdo housework all daynothing to do at homegot a giftplay puter gamesnot do well in the match【预设】:学生对某些活动短语的意思可能不明白,在短语的旁边可以辅以图片说明。【设计意图】:通过将事件和相应画像匹配起来的任务,既能够巩固本节课所学习的知识,又能够复习已经学习过的词汇,同时,这个匹配也需要基于一定的情感生活经验才能完成,在完成任务的过程中,注意引导学生养成正确的情感态度,实现本节课的情感态度目标。(2)小组活动:学生拿出能体现他们喜怒哀乐瞬间的日常生活照片和自画像,围绕照片上的表情展开询问和讨论:Whos she / he? How does she / he feel? Are you happy? How are you? Why?【设计意图】:使新授的句型能更好的和实际生活相结合。2Pair work(1)教师在板书Pair work中出现英语名字,学生认读。(2)教师给学生半分钟的时间看本部分图画,提示学生尽量记住图中人物及其表情,然后两人根据板书一问一答。比一比谁猜得又快又对。【设计意图】:巩固本节课所学词汇。Step 4Consolidation(1)学生翻开课本,跟磁带读今天教学内容。(2)教师指导学生边拼读边写单词。(3)学习“Task time”能够叙述出Zip的情绪变化过程。六 、板书设计 happy, sad, bored,angry, tired, excited. How does Amy feel? Shes tired.七 、家庭作业 1. 掌握四会单词; 2. 画出happy, sad, bored, angry, tired和excited表情图片,并标注英语单词。课后反思:个人认为本节课的亮点有以下几个方面:1. 选取If you are happy歌曲作为热身内容,歌曲旋律欢快,很快调动起了学生的积极性;2. 通过happy face和sad face来评价学生,凸显本课时的学习主题;3. 通过将表情与事件相连的任务,既巩固了本课所学有关表情的词语,又复习了实用性较强的动作事件短语;4. 让学生拿出自己的表情图片,与同桌进行讨论,可以让学生更深切地感受到英语与他们自身的密切联系,更加热爱英语学习。不足在于:小组活动和讨论的气氛不够热闹,需要老师在授课时更细心地调动起学生的兴致。附送:PEP小学英语六年级上册一单元阅读理解2019年PEP小学英语六年级阅读理解(阅读材料加对应检测题)Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the Peoples Park ?Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus , or you can go on foot.Zhang: How do we go on foot ?Man: Its easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building.John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng!Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!John: Thats right. We have to wait.Zhang: Now its green. Lets go!(1) John and Zhang Peng cant go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )(2) John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( )(3) The Peoples Park is near the traffic lights.( )(4) John wants to go at a red light. ( )(5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( ) 六年级上册二单元Dear Amy,I invite you to visit my new school.Please e at 5p.m. on Sunday.Please take the No.301 bus and get off at the shoe store.Then walkwest for five minutes and find the grey building on the left.IllWait for you in front of it. Yours, Sarah判断题1. Sarah will visit Amys new school.( )2. Amy must take the NO.301 bus.( )看问题,完整回答问题1. when will Amy e?2. Which direction will Amy get off at the shoe store and walk for 3 minutes?六年级上册三单元There are six friends in the Green Woods. They are happy. The bird is the singer. She sings songs in the tree. The dog is an artist. He draws pictures on the ground. Look at the monkey. He is so funny. He makes the animals happy. What does he do? Hes an actor. The street is so clean. Who is the cleaner? The bear is sweeping the fallen leaves. The parrot(鹦鹉)is a reporter. She reports news every day. What does the black cat do? Look! He is patrolling(巡逻)With his handgun(手枪)by his motor cycle. Hes a policeman. ( )1. The bird is a singer ( )2.The monkey is an actress. ( )3.The parrot is a policeman. ( )4. The dog draws pictures on the ground. Hes an artist. ( )5. The bear is cleaning the fallen leaves.Hes a cleaner. 六年上册四单元My name is Tim. Tomorrow is the weekend. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to play puter games with my cousin. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.判断对错,对的写“T”错的写“F”:() 1.Tomorrow is Saturday.() 2.Tims mother is going to buy something for next week.() 3.Tims father is going to visit his grandparents.() 4.Tim is going to play puter games with his sister.() 5.Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema. 六年级上册第五单元My Family My name is Tina. I am a student in Bahu Primary School. My school is near. I usually go to work on foot. I have a happy family. My mother is an artist. My father is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. My brother is a policeman. He works in Qingdao now. And I have a lovely baby sister. She is five years old. I love my family.读短文回答问题。1、 What does Tinas mother do?_2、 How does Tina go to school?_3、 Where does Tinas brother work?_六年级上册第六单元How do I plant a flower? Today is March 3. I put some seeds into a pot. Then I water it and put the pot in the sun. Today is March 12. I can see a lovely sprout. I water it again. Today is March 23. My plant has some leaves. I water it everyday. Today is April 4. My plant is one month old! Wow! It has two flowers now.读短文排序。( )I water it everyday.( )I water it and put the pot in the sun.( )It has two flowers now.( )I water it again.六年级上册recycle 2 My Weekend I am busy on my weekend. I usually go shopping with my mom on Saturday. The supermarket is far. We often go by bus. Sometimes we go by car. On Sunday, I have to do my homework all day. And sometimes I have to play with my baby sister. She is very lovely, but she is naughty, too. What about you?读短文判断正(T)误(F).( )1、I am busy on my weekend. ( )2、I usually go to the cinema with my mom on Saturday.( )3、We often go to the supermarket on foot.( )4、My baby sister is lovely.六年级下册一单元Peter:Do you have a brother, John?John: Yes, I do. His name is Mike.Peter: Is he older than you?John: No, he is younger than me. He is three years younger than me. He is eleven.Peter: He is shorter than me., isnt he?John: No, he is a little taller than me.Peter: Dose he have bigger eyes than you?John: Yes, his eyes are bigger than mine.Peter: Who loves sports more, you or your brother?John: He does. He is good at swimming, running and football.( ) 1. John is _years old.( ) 2. John is _than Mike.( ) 3. Mike has big_.( ) 4._likes sports very much.六年级下册Unit2In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people feel sick in the cold weather. If you dont wear enough clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be very tired. Your head may hurt badly. Your temperature(体温) will be higher than 37. Then the cold may turn into a fever. But dont worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days. And drink more hot water. Then you will get well soon.1. People feel sick in winter because its. A. warm B. cold2. If you have a cold you will be. A. tired. B. happy.3. If your temperature is higher than 37, you will.A. have a cold. B. have a fever.4. If you are sick, you must. A. see a doctor. B. go to school.5.is good for you when youre sick.A. Drinking hot water. B. Drinking cold water.PEP 六年级下册 UNIT3BaiLing was busy last weekend.She visited ChenJie Saturday morning.They did their homework together.In the afternoon,they went to the bookstore and brought some Chinese books.Sunday morning,BaiLing cleaned her room and washed her clothes.In the afternoon,she went to the park on foot.There were many girls dancing and she joined them.They were happy very much.In the evening,BaiLing went home and watched TV.4、 BaiLing and ChenJie _together Saturday morning.5、 Sunday morning,BaiLing _and washed her clothes.6、 Sunday afternoon,BaiLing_in the park.ANSWERS(1) did their homework(2) cleaned her clothes(3) danced六年级下册 Recycle 1Lily has a busy holiday . She went to Qingdao with his parents . They left Jinan on May 1st and got Qingdao on the same day .They climbed a mountain on the 2nd. They went to the park on the 3rd. They ate good food last day night .They got back to Jinan on the 4th.( )1.Lily went to Jinan on her holiday.( )2.Lily played with her friends on her holiday.( )3.Lily got to Qingdao on May1st.( )4.Lily ate good food on the 4th.六年级下册四单元We stayed at a beautiful small village .We arrived on Monday and ate some fresh fish from the lake. On Tuesday we had some tasty fruit. Grapes are my favourite. On Wednesday we tasted some new vegetables. On Thursday I drank some carrot juice. It was fresh and healthy. On Friday I went hiking with my friends. I was very happy this holiday. 根据短文内容判断,正(T)误(F)(6) We ate fresh fish on Tuesday. ( )(7) My favourite fruit are grapes. ( )(8) The vegetables was fresh and healthy. ( )(9) On Thursday I drank some coffee and carrot juice. ( )(10) I had a good holiday. ( ) 六年级下册复习二In Amys class, every student has a pen pal. Miss White helps them to send letters once a week. Amy knows her pen pal goes to school by bus, and her pen pals mother is a teacher. Her pen pals father is a doctor. Her pen pal has a happy family.() 1. In Amys class, every student doesnt have a pen pal.()2. Mr. Black helps them to send letters.()3. Amys pen pal goes to school by car.()4. Her pen pals mother is a teacher and father is a doctor.()5. Her pen pal has a happy family.


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