2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson4(3)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson4(3)教案 冀教版一、教学目标(一)知识1. 掌握单词 eraser paper, 认识单词 pencil case scissors2. 复习学过的介词,正确表示物品的位置关系。3. 掌握句型 Where is it? 以及方位词 in on under above below beside behind in font of(二)能力1. 能够对“某人或某物在哪儿”进行询问和回答。2. 能够运用所学的介词描述相关的语句。(三)情感教室内的物品是我们学习所必需的工具,也是所有同学共有的。所以我们一定要爱护它们,爱护公共物品。二、教学重难点1. 复习已经学过的教室内物品的英文名称,达到“四会”要求,掌握更多的教室内物品名称的单词。blackboard 黑板 chalk 粉笔 eraser 橡皮 paper 纸 pencil 铅笔2. 掌握询问物体在哪儿的句子。Where is it? It is_.3. 学会使用方位词。in on under above below beside behind in front of 四、教学过程 (Teaching Procedures)教学过程教学媒体教师活动学生活动设计意图课程导入(Warm up and lead in)百宝箱(一个有粉笔,铅笔,胶水,修正液。)Step 1 Greeting Teacher: How are you?Students: Fine, thank you. How are you?Teacher: Fine, thanks.Step 2 Leading in 教师拿出一个百宝箱,箱子里装有很多宝贝,让学生伸手进百宝箱里,摸摸有什么学习用品。然后由老师提问, What is this? 学生回答,也可抽学生提问回答。Answer the questions and guess.To review the previous lesson and lead in the new text.呈现新课(Present the new lesson)一个装有钢笔,橡皮擦,纸张,铅笔盒,剪刀的百宝箱,多媒体(电脑,投影仪), 卡片。 1. Whats this?Step 1 用手指另外一个百宝箱,让学生猜猜Whats that ? 然后抽学生拿出物品,大家一起说是什么,不会的, 老师说出新单词,将写有生词的图片粘到黑板上,然后和学生一块读。学习新单词,erasers, paper.Step 2 利用精品课件Lesson 4 where is it 1。练习。Step 3 学生两人一组就自己铅笔盒里的东西进行提问。Step 4教师或抽学生再次从百宝箱里拿东西进行提问。Learn new lesson and grasp new words. Step 1 To make students review old words and knows new words.Step 2,3,4 Practice new words and try to grasp them.2. Where is it?Step 1 教师将铅笔放在课桌上,问Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the desk. Step 2 带领学生复习以前学过的方位词。并将单词写在黑板上。或者利用视频资源Where is Gogo. 熟悉介词。Step 3 Play a game.教师说指令学生做:如:Put sth in(on, under, beside )Step 4 学生分组练习。Where is the _?The _is _the _.学生可以借助教室内的实物或自带玩具演示对话内容。Step 5 教师可以和学生共同活动,例:教师站在某学生旁边,身后,前面,问学生Where is me? 或者抽学生表演。Step 6 播放歌曲:Where is thumb kin? 使学生在轻松快乐中掌握知识。Step 1,2To practice the sentence: Where is ? And review some prep.Step 3,4,5 To practice and grasp the sentence and some prep.课后作业Homework 活动手册:Lesson 6 To check the students learning ability附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson5(1)教案 冀教版Teaching Aims: Knowledge Aims:1、Students can listen、read、say and use these words correctly:oneone hundred2、Students can listen、read、say and understand the following sentences: How many _do I have ? Ability Aims:Students can follow the realistic linguistic context , use the figure of 1 to 100 flexibly . Feeling Aims:Help students to be correct to express this concept -How many, train students ready to help others quality,carry on love education in good time . Teaching difficulties & Difficult pointsThe master of those new words and new sentences.PreparationStudents prepare various kinds of learning aparatus, modity, clothing ,etc. Tape , card , multimedia.Teaching procedureWarming-upStep1:Greeting with students. The students talk with teacher.:T: Hello ! Everyone!S: Hello ! Miss Liu!T: How are you ?S: Fine , Thank you ! How are you ?T: I m very well. Thanks!Step2: Game 1:Inquire the telephone number T: What s your telephone numbers ?S: My telephone number is _.One group of two students,one student ask , the other one answer.设计思路: 开始上课,知识从学生身边熟悉的事物入手,容易使每个人很快的融入其中,充分激发学生的学习兴趣.New conceptsStep3: Play Clap.Teacher and students do this game, review figures together.one-two-one , one-two-two , one-two-three .one-two-twenty , twen-ty-one , twen-ty-two .one-hun-dred.设计意图:学生在拍手过程中,兴趣浓厚,把玩与学紧密的结合在了一起,枯燥无味的数字变成了一个个美妙的音符。Step4: Show 1 to 100 figures through the multimedia, notice the law paring. Make students grasp figures vividly.设计意图:多媒体可以直观的展示数字,在出示过程中,注意总结规律,根据科学研究规律的东西集中记忆比分散记忆要牢固得多。这是一个从形象直观到抽象的一次升华。Step5: Game 2.小小猜测师。Teacher hide things of hand, students guess the quantity of the things. For instance:T: How many books do I have?S1:_books.S2: _books.T:Yes ! Very good !Students practise in the group, then the whole class shows : S1: How many pencils do I have ?S2:_pencils.S3: _pencils.设计意图:通过小小猜测师这个环节,使学生掌握How many_.句型。教师是整堂课的导演,要使每个演员步入角色,使他们忘记学习任务,在潜意识中自觉使用英语进行交流。同时注意单复数变化,在这一环节中增加单复数的专项小练习。DrillCreate the Hope Projects soliciting contributions situation of party, all students solicit contributions actively, the students take out ones own learning aparatus , modity , toy , clothing ,etc. The persons who solicit contributions take out ones own donated product and inquire everybody How many _ _ _ _ _ do I have ?on the platform, Students guess and count one after another in front of the platform, and students express the digital range with Up or Down on the platform, until correct S1:How many _do I have ?S2:_ _s.S1: Up.S3: _ _s.S1: Down.S4:_ _s.S1:Yes, very good.设计意图:这是整节课的高潮部分,全班同学为了希望工程纷纷拿出自己的用品,适时对学生进行爱心教育,同时对数字和How many 句型进行了反复操练和巩固提高,其中UpDown环节是受电视节目的启发,把它运用到课堂中,学生感到新鲜刺激,参与积极性一下就调动起来了,在猜数字的过程中,知识得到了巩固,能力得到了提高,精神得到了升华。Test:Do some exercises in Activity Book.Class Closing: Lets sing a song.One, two, tie my shoe.


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