2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Lesson Y I Want Ten Cakes教案 新路径(一起).doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Lesson Y I Want Ten Cakes教案 新路径(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Lesson Y I Want Ten Cakes教案 新路径(一起)Teaching aims:Structure: -I want a balloon. -I want an apple. -I want some/many apples. -I want some chicken.New words: tell a joke, mom, pencil-sharpener, candle, map.Teaching difficulties:Spell and pronounce the words correctly.Use the structure”I want”and”I want to”to express wish and need.Teaching aids:Tape, recorder and cards.Teaching methods: Speaking and listening. TPR.Teaching steps:Warm up:Greetings.Revision: Revise the month words again, then free talk in pairs like this. When is your birthday? -Its in_.Next, sing the birthday song.Lead up:T: On my birthday party, I have a music box. I like it. Look. Do you like it?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Do you want it on your birthday party?S1: Yes, I do.T: Here you are.S1:Thanks.Presentation: Learn: I want T:Now please turn to page28 and look at the pictures.What do you want on your birthday party?S1:I want an orange.What do you want,S2?S2:I want a bag. What do you want,S3?S3:I want some flowers./grapes/tomatoesS4:I want some chicken,/meat/juice etc.Teach new words, show a picture and describe it.T:Now class, look at the picture. What can you see in the picture?Ss: candle, pencil-sharpener, map, mom, tell a joke. b.Practise the words with TPR. Pay attention to the pronounciation of the words.Lets talk: Listen and report. Act out.Practise:Listen, circle and say.Ask about your partner.-What do you want? -I want a/an/some-What do you want to do? -I want to tell a joke./.Workbook. Do in class.Consolidation: words and structure.”I want.”Homework. Listen and read.Blackboard design: Lesson Y I want ten cakes.-What do you want? -I want a/an/some-What do you want to do? -I want to课后反思:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Lesson Z Whats Wrong with You?教案 新路径(一起)Teaching aims: Structure; -Whats wrong with you? -I have a headache. -You shouldnt watch TV. - You should have a rest. New words: have a stomachache, have a headache, have a cold, take some medicine, drink more water.Teaching difficulties:Spell and pronounce the verb phrases correctly.-Whats wrong with you? -I have a-You should/shouldntTeaching aids: Tape, recorder and cards.Teaching methods: Listen and do, TPRTeaching steps:Warm up: -Greetings. Revision: -I wantPresention:Teach new words, show pictures to describe them:Head+ache=headache,.Practise the words with gesture like this:-Whats wrong with you? -I have a headache/-You shouldnt watch TV./go to school/have eaten so much/eat too much-You should have a rest./see a doctor/take some medicine/drink some water3.Lets talk: Listen and repeat. Then anster:-Who are they?-What are they doing?-Can you guess what they are talking about?-Whats wrong with boy?-Do you know why he has a stomachache?Act outthe talk.Practise:Listen, number and then fill in the blanks.Ask and anster in pairs.Then write down your adice.Workbook. Do in class.Sum up. Words and structures.Homework. Listen and read.Blackboard design: Lesson Z Whats wrong with you? -Whats wrong with you? -I have a -You should/shouldnt -Whats wrong with her/him? 课后反思:

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