2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit12 lesson67-1教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit12 lesson67-1教案 人教新起点教学目标:1. 情感目标:(1)通过本单元的学习,了解几个国家的英文名称、版图、重要城市、重要标志物等。 (2)能够通过调查名人的相关信息,学习收集资料的方法。2. 知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写911单元的词汇和交际用语。(2)能够根据字母组合oo, al, or, oa, ow的读音规律正确读出相关语句。(3)能够在仿写练习中做到标点使用正确,书写格式规范。3. 能力目标:(1)能够在与9-11单元话题相关的情景中,熟练运用所学过的词汇、交际英语与他人进行交流。(2)能够较熟练地用英语说出某场所在城市或社区中的位置,并能为他人指路。(3)能够自己收集信息,向他人介绍一些名人的简单情况。(4)能够模仿范例写几个简单的句子。教学重点:(1)与9-11单元话题相关的基本词汇和交际用语。 (2)通过本单元的学习,学生应该从音、形、义三个方面熟练掌握所学内容。教学难点:(1)城市和著名景观的英文名称。 (2)国家城市和著名景观的辨别。教具准备:教学挂图、录音磁带、单词卡片、学习用具、课堂学习评价表。学具准备:教科书、世界地图。Lesson 67教学目标:1. 情感目标:通过本单元的学习,复习几个国家的英文名称、版图、重要城市、 重要标志物等。 2. 知识目标:(1)复习与国家、城市相关的基本词汇和交际英语。 (2)继续复习61.62课的学习内容。3. 能力目标:(1)能够听懂介绍某人的语段,并能给个人信息卡片正确标号。(2)能够选择合适的方式调查某一名人的个人信息,并完成相应的卡片。(3)能够通过本课的活动熟练掌握第11单元的基本词汇和交际用语。教学重点:(1)综合运用第11单元所学的内容,就个人情况进行表述和交流。 (2)本课的B项。教学难点:综合运用第11单元所学的内容,就个人情况的信息进行表述和交流。教具准备:教学挂图、录音磁带、单词卡片、学习用具、课堂学习评价表。学具准备:教科书、世界地图等。 教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动ABCDEReview some words about Unit 11. Look at the four children. They live in different countries. Who are they?Talk about the children.This is Mary. She es from Canada. She lives in Toronto. You can see the CN Tower in Toronto.Ask students to say another children.How about Lucy. Junko. Kevin?Listen to the tape. Do the listening exercises.Find out information about a famous person and talk about him with your partner.Role playLook at the books. Read this dialogue.Then answer the questions.Whats your name?Where do you e from?What is it famous for?Write some sentences by themselves.Discuss with their neighbors.Learn to say and spell these words.Number the pictures.Talk about another children.Pair work:Discuss the countries.Role playMy name is Michael Jordan.Im from Its famous for Write some sentences.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit12 Lesson67-68教案 人教新起点教学目标:1.能够选择合适的方式调查某一名人的个人信息,并完成相应的卡片。2.能够就查到的名人信息进行角色扮演,并能熟练的与人交流沟通。3.能够熟练的介绍调查名人的情况。4.能够仿照范例写几句话,做到标点符号使用正确,书写格式规范。5.能够通过本课的活动熟练掌握第11单元的基本词汇和交际用语。6.能够通过本课的活动逐步培养英语表达能力。教学重点: 1.单元所学的内容,就个人情况进行表书和交流.2.本课的B项活动.教学难点: 综合运用第11单元所学内容,就个人情况的信息进行表述和交流.教学过程:Step 1. Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. Revision: 1.Read and spell the new words in unit 11.FranceJapanCanadaAustraliaUnited StatesChinaUnited KingdomParisTokyoTorontoSydneyLos AngelesBeijingLondonEiffel TowerCherry blossomCN TowerOpera houseDisneylandBig Ben2.Listen to the tape and recite the chant in lesson 61.Step 3. Practice: A Listen and number 1. Look and read it by themselves.2.Listen and number.3.Listen, repeat and act.4.Try to speak the pictures each other according to the examples.eg. This is Mary. She es from Canada. She lives in Toronto. You can see the CN Tower in Toronto. B Find and talk 1.According to the dialog, practice with your partner.(Teacher find a pupil make a dialog.) eg. T: Whats your name? P: My name is T: Where do you e from ?P: I e from Sichuang.T: Where do you live? P: I live in Beijing。T: What is it famous for?P: Its famous for Tianan men Square.5Teacher takes out a picture of a famous singer star, introduce him, then let the pupils introduce their pictures in groups.eg. He is Zhou jielun. He es from TaiWan. Its famous for Ri-Yue Lake. C Lets write 1.Read the sentences loudly by yourself.2.According to this sentences, speak your sentences each other.3.Write down your sentences on your book. Pay attention the handwriting.Step4Summary What have you learned in this lesson?Step 5 Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and read it.2.Find some information of famous people, try to make a book.The design of the writing:Unit12 RevisionLesson67 Kumiko es from Japan. She lives in Tokyo. Its famous for cherry blossom.Lesson 68教学目标与要求1.能够听懂介绍别人介绍做某事的语段,并能将人物与图正确连线.2.能够熟练运用学过的交际用语询问并表达要去什么地方,做什么事情,走什么路线.3.能够仿照范例写几句话,做到标点符号使用正确,书写格式规范.4.能够通过本课的活动培养英语表达能力.教学重点: 1. 综合运用第910单元的所学内容,在本课设计的情景下与他人进行交流。2. 本课的项活动。教学难点: 综合运用第9/10单元的内容,在本课设计的情景下与把人进行交流.教学过程:Step 1. Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Whats your name? Where do you e from? Where do you live?Step 2. Revision: 1.Read and spell these new words. Bookstore/ drugstore /museum /gallery/ post office /restaurant /stadium /2.Ask and answer one by one.Eg. T: Im going to the zoo. I want to see the monkeys. What are you going?P1: Im going to the bookstore. I want to buy a story book. Where are you going?P2: Step 3. Practice: A Listen and match 1. T: Please look at part A, what can you see, Who? Where?2.T: Now listen and match.3.Listen again, try to repeat.4.Look at the pictures, speak sth. about them.eg. Nancy is going to the zoo this weekend. She wants to see tigers there.B Look and talk 1. Review some words.next to ,between, across from ,go straight, turn right/left, go forward2.Play a game: Find a pupil, cover her eyes, let her find a classmate by guiding in English.3.T: Look at your book, part B, try to answer my questions. What can you see in the picture? Where are they? What do you want to do at 4.T: Now Im at the school, how can I get to the post office? Who can tell me? J5.Look at the pictures, discuss in group, how to get a place?6.Listen to the tape and repeat, then read out loudly in pairs.C Lets write 1.Read the sentences loudly by yourself.2.According to this sentences, find a place, speak how to get there in group.3.Write down your dialog on your book. Pay attention the handwriting.4.Then read your dialog with your partners.Step4 Summary 1.e names of the buildings.2.at do you want to do there?Step 5omework: Listen to the tape and read the book, try to recite.Unit12 RevisionLesson68 What are you going to do this weekend? What do you want to do there? How can I get to the museum?The design of writing:

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