2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(1)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(1)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学目标1、 听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a . What are their jobs? Theyre How old are you/is he/she? Im/Hes/Shes a 2、 听懂、会说、会读单词: job, a policeman, a policewoman , a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker。 二、 教学重点正确流利朗读会话,并能表演。 三、 课前准备挂图,录音机,图片等。 四、 教学过程(一) Free talk: ( 新授 )T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you. T: How are you? S: Fine. T: How old are you? (反复的运用此句出示卡片)S: Im(因为此句型在3A教材时,学生已接触到,因此,在FREE TALK就可以让学生自己运用并进行操练)T: Whos that ? S: Hes/Shes Hes/Shes a T: Excuse me, are you a ? S: Yes, I am. /No, Im not. Im a (二)导入新课( 新授 )1、 S: Are you a teacher?T: Yes, I am .What will you want to do after twenty years?(教师出示挂图,根据学生的回答开始新授单词: a policeman, a policewoman , a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker,拼读)2、 T: Today well learn a new lesson. (板书:Unit 3 Whats your job? )Learn to say: Whats your job?(1) T: Now ,you can use these new words answer my questions?T: Whats your job? (出示卡片)S: Im a (同桌操练)( 2 ) T: Whats his/her job? (出示卡片)S: Hes /Shes a (操练) S1: Im a student.S2: Whats his/her job? S3: Hes /Shes a student.( 3 ) 在上面的句型新授时可不断地复习句型How old are you ? Im T: Hi , How are you? S1: Fine .T: How old are you?S1: I m T: Hello, how old is he/ she?(出示卡片)S2: Hes /Shes 同桌操练(4) T戴上机器人的头饰:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Im a robot. T走下讲台:Hello, Im Jack. Im one. Whats your name? S: Im T: How old are you? S: Im (5) 听录音模仿跟读对话。 学生自读对话,教师给予个别指导。学生分角色朗读对话。 二人一组自由练习,表演对话。 23组学生上台表演。 (三)Assignment: 1、抄写新单词 2、Design two names cards: one is for your father or mother, the other is for yourself (after twenty years). (设计两张名片, 一张是为你的爸爸或妈妈设计的,另一张是为二十年后的你自己设计的。)附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(2)教案 广东版开心I、 Teaching contents:1、 Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 2 所学内容的掌握情况。2、 Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。3、 Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。4、 Lets think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。II、 Teaching aims:1、能学会本课的八个新词组。( sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes.) 2、能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。3、培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。III、Teaching aids:本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带。IV、Teaching procedureStep 1 Revision1. do and say: P.16.2. Listen and number P.16.Step 2 PresentationPractice 1Getting ready Point to each picture and ask questions that require Ss to answer with the target language pattern. T: ( Point to picture A.) Whats he doing?Ss: Hes dusting the furniture.T: ( Point to picture B.) Is he doing the dishes?Ss: No, hes not. Hes watering the plants. Continue with the rest.Using the book T: Now lets listen to the tape. Play the tape for A. then pause. T: Whats he doing?Ss: Hes dusting the furniture. Have Ss look for the sentence Hes dusting the furniture on the page. T: Write A in the box. Continue with the rest.Practice 2Getting ready Have Ss look at the sentences on the page. T: A. Repeat. Is he dusting the furniture?Ss: Is he dusting the furniture? Do the same for the other three sentences.Using the book T: Now, look at picture A. Is he dusting the furniture? Have one student answer. ( S1: No, hes not. Hes sweeping the floor.) Continue with the rest. If Ss are having difficulty ing with up with the answer for C and D, give some clues yes/no question, e.g. Is she fold the clothes? Chant activityGetting ready Have Ss cover the lyrics with their hands and look at the pictures. T: Whats Mom doing?Ss: Shes folding the clothes. T: Whats Dad doing?Ss: Hes sweeping the floor. Have Ss uncover the lyrics.Using the book T: Lets read out the lyrics first. Ask Ss to read out the sentences together. T: Now its time to chant! Lets listen to the tape first. Play the tape and point to each word as it is chanted. Play the tape again and have all Ss chant together.Getting ready Have Ss look at the pictures. T: Look at Tony. Whats he doing?Ss: Hes doing the dishes.Continue with the other pictures.Using the book T: Now its time to write. What are they doing? plete the sentences on the page. ( point to the blanks.) Remind students that they must put periods at the end of their sentences. Point to the example. T: Lets check the answers together. ( S1s name). Whats Jenny doing? ( S1: Jennys folding the clothes.)Continue with the rest.Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1. WB. P. 9 (2) 12 (4).2. Read P.15-18. two times.

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