2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 She’s reading a book教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 She’s reading a book教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Shes reading a book教学设计 外研版课型 :新授课 备课人:潍坊市寒亭区开元街道孙家杨孟小学 李传祯 教学目标 1重点句型: 1)This is 2)Shes reading a book . 3)Hes taking pictures .2重点词汇:shes ; hes ; read reading ;take-taking; swim-swimming; run-running .3、习惯养成:培养学生积极主动的学习态度,能大胆开口,积极参与各项学习活动,善于与同学交流。 4、能力培养:培养学生用英语进行交流,养成用英语思维的良好习惯,提高学生的创造力和实践能力。 5、.品德培养:培养学生团结合作的精神,养成良好的文明习惯。教学重点难点 重点:1、This is my friend Maomao . 2.Shes reading a book . Hes taking pictures. 难点:培养学生用英语进行交流,向对方描述他人正在做什么。 养成用英语思维的良好习惯,提高学生的创造力和实践能力。Shes=She is ; Hes = He is ; take -taking ;run running; swim -swimming 的读音与书写。师生活动过程 :嗯还行吧,对不起,我玩游戏呢 一、热身复习与导入新课 1 .Warmup : a. Greeting b .师生问候后,老师将like-likes 写在黑板上,并带领学生开口读,then一齐 Say a chant : I like coffee , I like tea 复习上册所学与本课有关的内容,然后师继续说I like running and she likes swimming .并将running 与 swimming依次套入句型I like playing football. She likes He likes We like ;全班齐读句子。(虽然这里的动名词形式与本课重点句型里的动词现在分词形式完全不是一回事,有着不同的语法意义,但是拼写形式和读音却是完全一样的;所以我用同学们在三年级下册学过的like 与 playing、 running 引导到本课新知识上来,相信同学们易于接受。)二、新课学习1、Activity 1 活动1的学习 (课本P.8)让学生打开课本看插图,并认读句子;播放录音,让学生听音跟读;再听音、跟读;然后让学生分组、分角色指图朗读句子。2.、Activity 2 的学习(1)重点、难点的学习 A. 老师将 He , she ,“ s “写在黑板上,并板书箭头 is ; Tell the students this is the short form of “is”. s = is . 然后让学生将 ”s “分别写在He、She 的后面,即Hes , Shes . let the class look at their books ,read the sentences and find these words in the story. 老师板述Hes=He is Shes=She is .B . This is Maomao. 句型的学习。a.老师举起自己的英语书,指着说:“Look!This is a book . “ 然后将This is 写在黑板上;b. 老师拿出照片,向学生说:“Look!This is my friend Lily . ”c. 老师走到一个同学面前,向其他同学介绍说:“Look , this is Zhang Li . ”C动词-ing形式的学习,包括特殊的动词take taking ,ride-riding ; run-running ; swim-swimming . 方法:课件展示 take -taking -taking pictures (一个人正在照相的图片)。其余动词和动词词组依次展示。(2)、现在进行时句子的学习。老师做读书状,向学生说句子:Im reading a book . 叫一个男生和一个女生到前面分别做动作,老师向大家说:“Hes watching TV. Shes Playing football. (3) 老师将taking pictures 加在 Hes 、Shes 的后面,并领读句子。(4)课件展示课文图片与句子。同学们观看幻灯片并跟读单词、词组与句子。(5)带领全班翻到课本第8-9页,认读课文。(6).播放课文录音,学生听音for 3 times . 学生学生边指边读。三、课堂活动,巩固新知识。1、小组对话练习.分角色朗读.。2、,Listen and say . Activity 3 的学习与操练 。播放录音,主要培养学生的认读和听音能力,听两遍。Listen and repeat.再次播放录音,学生边指边读 。3、Activity 4 的 学习与操练- Practise . 操练方法; 用This is 介绍图中人是谁,然后仿照Activity 的例句,向朋友描述他/她 正在做什么。相信此题是本课重点难点的高峰。4、情景操练: 情境创设“打电话”的游戏, 如: A: Hello. This is Li Ping speaking . What is Liu Min doing ? B: Shes reading a book . 四 、布置作业 :看图写句子,描写图中的她或者他正在做什么。3-4人一组互相做动作,然后向其他同学介绍他/她正在做什么。教学反思 : 1.整堂课,学生表现积极活跃,在我的鼓励下,纷纷参与到了课堂中。同学间互相帮 助学习,学习态度端正,学习目标顺利完成。2.复习上册所学韵诗,引导学生联系句型:I like running . He likes swimming 句型,自然过渡到本课活动一的学习,为学习新课做好铺垫。3.通过情境创设“打电话”的游戏,还原课文内容。进一步巩固主语是第三人称的句型“Hes taking pictures. “ 4.通过Activity 4 的延伸扩展练习,让学生进行拓展主语是she/ he的现在进行时句型“She / He is ”。通过这样的练习,强化新学内容。这样的活动,使学生更进一步学会运用现在进行时,描述正在发生的行为和动作。5.通过上课,我发现 动词的现在分词形式仍是个难点,特别是taking、writing ; running swimming 的书写形式,还有taking与talking在读音上易混有待改进与纠正、强调!附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 Amy painted a picture教案 外研版课时:Period Two课型:新授课授课时间: 一、教学目标(一)语言知识目标:1、能听懂、认读、正确抄写单词paint, watch, phone, cook, help.2、 能听懂、 认读、正确抄写句子Yesterday, Mr Smart cooked noodles. Tom helped his dad. Ms Smart phoned Grandma. Sam watched TV. Amy painted a picture.3、能借助图片听懂、读懂课文,理解语篇内容。(二)语言技能目标:1、能听、说、读、写U1的单词和句子:Yesterday, Mr Smart cooked noodles. Tom helped his dad. Ms Smart phoned Grandma. Sam watched TV. Amy painted a picture.2、能表述自己和他人曾经所做的事情,懂得描述过去的行为。(三)学习策略:通过图片,动作帮助学生记忆和理解我们已经学过的动词短语。(四)文化意识:介绍中华民族勤劳的优秀品质,同时了解中西方的一些教育理念:从小培养孩子的独立意识。 (五)情感态度:1、乐于与同学分享自己和家人过去的活动。2、引导学生养成自己的事情自己做,家里的事情帮助做的习惯(六)任务:我们知道了Daming, Amys family 和Ms Chens family 的过去做的事,你们愿意说说家人昨天或上周做的事吗?二、教学重点:1、能听懂、认读、正确抄写单词paint, watch, phone, cook, help.2、能听懂、 认读、正确抄写句子:Yesterday, Mr Smart cooked noodles. Tom helped his dad. Ms Smart phoned Grandma. Sam watched TV. Amy painted a picture.三、教学难点:1、能正确使用本课的重点句子来向他人描述自己的过去行为。2、能读动词加-ed的发音。3、能理解动词短语的用法和意思。四、教具准备:Word cards, pictures, PPT, CD-ROM,books五、教学过程:Step1. Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Drill SB U2 P 9 “4”: Mime and say. Yesterday, I .Step2. Revision Show the pictures: What did Daming do yesterday?He cleaned his room.He finished his homework.He washed his trousers.He helped his mum.Step3. Presentation 1. Lead in:We know Daming did lots of things. And Amys family also did lots of things. Today well learn Module Two, Unit 2 “Amy painted a picture.”( repeat the topic)Show the task: What did your family do yesterday/ last weekend?2. Listen and match.Ms Smart 头像phoned Grandma. watched TV. cooked noodles. painted a picture. helped his dad.3. Drill the sentences above.4. Listen and repeat the text.Step 4 Practice and fulfill the task 1. Point and say in pairs. “Yesterday, she phoned Grandma.”2. Listen and say. Then chant.A. Ask and answer: What did she /he do? (pictures)3. Share: what did Ms Chens family do last night?Last night, Ms Chens family was very busy. I did the housework, I washed my clothes. My husband(丈夫) cooked and painted a picture. My dad watched TV. My son finished his homework, then he listened to music.Read and choose:( ) 1. Was Ms Chen busy last night? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt.( ) 2. What did Ms Chen do last night? A. She washed the cars. B. She washed the clothes.( ) 3. What did her husband do? A. He cooked and painted B. He cooked and watched TV.( ) 4. What did her dad do? A. He listened to music. B. He watched TV.( ) 5. Did her son listened to music? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt.5. Pairs work: Weve learnt Amys family and Ms Chens family did yesterday.Yesterday, my mother _.My father_ _. I _.6. Share their works.Step5. SummaryT: Your parents did lots of things yesterday. They were very busy. They did these things for the family. Are they good parents? Can you help them? Help our parents do some housework. (养成自己的事情自己做,家里的事情帮助做的习惯)Step6. Homework 1. A. Listen and imitateM2 Unit2. B. Recite the text.2. A) Go on writing “ What did your family do?”B) Retell it to your parents. (Choose one of them)六、板书设计: M2 U2 Amy painted a picture. Match:Mr Smart cooked noodles Tom helped his dad Ms Smart phoned Grandma Sam watched TV Amy painted a picture


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