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2019年三年级英语上册Unit4Ho教案1湘少版一、学习目标1、能听懂、会说单词how、are 、 you、 old 、 seven 、 eight 、 nine 、ten;2、能运用“how old are you ”询问别人的年龄;会用“I am”作出回答;二、学习过程(一)Step 1 warming up请大家读一读下列单词和字母:my morning name your good what helloCc Bb Ff Aa Gg Dd Ee Hh(二)Step 2 presentation and drill1、 向学生提出以前学过的交际用语,引出话题:T: What is your name?S: My name is.T: How old are you?S: I am.2、 你能试着读一读新单词吗?how 怎样 eight 八 old 岁的;老的 nine 九 are 是 ten 十 you 你 sit down 坐下 seven 七3、试着读一读下面的句子,你会读吗?How old are you ? 你多大了?I am .(自己的年龄)(三)Step 3 practice1、读一读下列对话:Hello, what is your name? 你叫什么名字?Hello, my name is Chen Dong.我的名字叫陈东。How old are you? 你多大了?Im eight.我八岁。2、在小组内自由对话:What is your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is _.我的名字叫_。How old are you? 你多大了?Im_.我_岁了。(四)Step 4 consolidation1、情景对话,报名时,老师会询问学生姓名和年龄,一位扮老师,一位扮学生,那就在小组内说说吧。T(老师):What is your name ?S(学生):My name is .T (老师):How old are you ?S (学生):Im . 附送:2019年三年级英语上册Unit4Ho教案2湘少版一、Teaching Aims: 1、Knowledge Aim: Words: old, how old, number one to ten Functions: A: How old are you?. B: Im. 2、Ability Aim: To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. To cultivate Ss abilities of listening, speaking. 3、Moral Aim: To arouse Ss interesting in English, Main points: To make Ss master the new words and functions. To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. Difficult Points: To make Ss ask and answer with “How old are you?”. Teaching Materials: animals cards二、Teaching Procedure(教学过程): 教 案学 案设计意图Step 1 Make a secret signalT: one, two, three Ss: four, four, fourStep 2 Warming up 1. Greetings(师生开展问候)2. Introduce petition rules:T&Ss have a match, who can get more annual ring, who is the winner. and the other one should sing a song to the winner.3. ChantSs get a kind of single that they should pay their attention.Ss know the rules of todays petition.Ss entered the classroom with relaxed and happyMood.集中学生的注意力,并利用比赛这条主线,长时间吸引学生的兴趣。Step 3 Revision Look at my mouth, and say out what I said.Step 3 Presentation and drill1、 Ss learn the knowledge by themselves and finished some exercises.(can discuss in groups)2、 Say out some words or sentences you have learnt.3、 Learn numbers 1 to 10.4、 Learn how to read” how old are you?”Situation: guess out some animals age.Step 4 :Consolidation 1. Make a dialogue with your classmates, then show your dialogue.2. Finished some exercises.Step 5 ExtendingIf I have more time, I will teach them” How old is he?” How old is she?”Ss review the knowledge they have learnt.Ss learn the new knowledge by themselves and discuss with classmates.Let Ss obtain a sense of acplishment.Ss throw the game attained the happy mood and get the knowledge.Ss use the knowledge in created situation. 复习已学过的知识。并由旧知引新知。不断输入本课的重点句型。这个练习主要是培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的学习方式。通过游戏和比赛掌握今天所学的知识。这个练习主要也是培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的学习方式。在活动中,让学生既展现了自己的表现天赋,又加强了学生的口语交际能力的培养。拓展所学,源于书本又高于书本。

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