2019年三年级英语上册 unit 5 What colour is it教案1 人教新版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 unit 5 What colour is it教案1 人教新版课题:Unit5 What color is it? 一、教学目标:知识目标:1. 能听、说、认读pink, orange, grey等能表示颜色的词。 2. 能了解并学习color的动词性使用方法。 3. 学唱歌谣color song.能力目标:1. 能运用所学颜色词准确描述物品的颜色。 2. 能听懂简短指令进行描画和涂色。情感目标:1. 使学生在自然交际过程中学会运用语言知识。 2. 能够以组为单位通过实际操作来表演对话。二、教学重点:听、说、认读pink, orange, grey等能表示颜色的词。三、教学难点:1. 学习color的动词性使用方法。 2. 运用所学的知识表演对话。四、教学课型:New lesson五、教具:Picture, cards, PPT六、教法:听说教学法和交际教学法。 学法:小组合作谈论法。七、教学过程(Procedure):Step1. Revision1. Sing an English song “Who is wearing green today”2. Free talkStep2. Presentation1. Lets draw a kite. Do you know kite? Look at the blackboard. Can you draw with me? Ok, let draw together. Now, tell me the Chinese meaning. (以这样的一种方式来引出风筝本课所学对话讨论实物)2. Let color it. Do you know what color red and yellow is? (让学生自己调色来引出橘红色. 教师出示卡片来学习粉色和灰色.)来学习orange, pink and grey. Let the students read the word, paying more attention to the pronunciation. Color the kite pink, orange and grey.3. Look at the picture and guess: what are Peter and Kate doing and what are they talking about? (意在鼓励学生发挥想象去猜测课文的大意.)4. Watch TV (放教学光盘). Just listen for the first time and check if his/her imagination is right. 5. Listen to the tape the second time to learn the dialogue sentence by sentence and let them speak out the Chinese meaning of the sentence and the teacher explains the key words and the pronunciation.6. Open your books and read after the teacher. (Let the students use their finger pointing the sentence, listen and read.)7. Encourage the excellent ones to put up hands to read the dialogue, leading others and clap for them. (If someone can recite, the teacher will praise he/she with stickers.)8. The teacher fined a student to make dialogue to demonstrate for the class.9. Give the students two minutes to prepare the dialogue and add their own name to the dialogue instead of the text.10. Let them act the dialogue and praise the best group with candies.Step3. Practice1. Lets learn the song. “Color song”(看教学光盘听学)2. Color the animals with the teachers decision and talk about it with the sentences that we have learned.(教师提前准备好一个小卷子上面有不同的动物, 根据不同的动物教师给出不同的颜色指令.加强对颜色词的掌握.)Step4. Consolidate.1. Do exercise in the exercise book (II. I can color.)2. Check the answers. (Let the student tell the answers and give the reasons.)Step5. Conclusion.Step6. Homework.Must do: 1. Listen read and recite the dialogue. 2. Finish the exercise book. 3. Sing the color song for your parents.Choose to do: According to your imagination to draw a picture and use some English words to describe your picture to others. 附送:2019年三年级英语上册 unit 5 What colour is it教案2 人教新版教学目标与要求1能够在情景中理解、会说What color is it? 及其答语Its pink / red. Oh, how niceWow! cool, GuessShow me. Lets color /draw.,并能够在真实的语言交际场合中运用。2能够听说、认读red, blue, green, yellow, purple, brown, white, black, pink, orange, grey, color 等词。能够运用所学颜色词准确描述物品的颜色。3能够听懂简短指令,并运用本单元内容进行涂色、描画、猜色等一系列活动。教学重点:学习表示颜色的单词blue, green, yellow, red, purple 教学难点:green一词的 gr 发音较难,教师要多带读。教具准备:1.教师准备 blue, green, yellow, red, purple 的单词卡片和颜色卡片。2.教师准备Lets do 部分的有关动作的图片。3.教师和学生都准备红、黄、蓝、绿、紫色的蜡笔。4.教师为每名学生准备一张白纸。5. 教师准备颜色的教学课件。6.教材相配套的本课时录音带。7.教师准备学生学过的文具并放在书包中。教学过程:1.热身、复习(1)师生之间相互问候:T: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello , boys and girls.S: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello , teacher.T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you.(2)游戏T: Do a game, OK? S: OK.猜一猜 的游戏。将学生学过的文具放入书包中,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。从而复习学过的文具词。(3)游戏 Simon says教师或学生发指令,其他学生按指令做动作。指令内容如下:Show me your pencil / ruler /eraser /crayon /pen. 2.呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师出示课件,让学生通过活动性的动画情景,了解颜色单词,学习颜色单词:教师用鼠标点击最前的树向学生介绍 This is a green tree. 之后,强调 green ,课件中的 green tree 也随着教师说green 闪动。教师代读green 。其后,点击湖水说:This is blue. 湖水闪动,教学blue 一词。在背景图的后面是彩虹,教师介绍彩虹,彩虹上的各种颜色逐一闪烁,每闪一种颜色学习一个单词。教学 yellow, red, purple 。(2)用blue, green, yellow, red, purple 的单词卡片和颜色卡片再次讲授单词。学生适当跟读。注意:green一词的发音较难,教师要多带读,引导学生感悟发音,从而了解英语的语音语调的知识。(3)让学生听录音,跟读Lets learn 部分的词汇,边听边读,边认读边指图,做到眼、手、口、耳、心的结合。(4)巩固新知识:用PowerPoint 文件复习巩固所学表示颜色的单词。(5)听录音,做Lets do 部分的游戏。(6)教师用Lets do 部分的有关动作的图片让学生跟读句子。如: 教师举 Show me your blue crayon. 的图片带读此句,学生跟读。其它各个句子的方法同上。3.趣味操练 (Practice) (1)教师说一个颜色,让学生找一找教室中含有此颜色的物品。包括物品和学生的服装。(2)游戏:猜颜色 让一个学生手中藏一种颜色的图片,上前主持游戏,请其他同学猜颜色。学生们众说纷纭,将颜色词练习。猜对的学生给与奖励并由他负责主持下一轮游戏。(3)教师为学生准备一张白纸,让学生按教师的指令涂色、画画。如:教师说 Draw a nose. Color it red.(4)让学生把蜡笔准备好,分小组练习指令语。Show me your blue/ crayon.4.课堂评价 (Assessment) 做活动手册本单元第二部分的练习。先让学生按要求圈出图中物品。

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