2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit1Unit1 My familyLesson 6 Having Fun Together教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit1Unit1 My familyLesson 6 Having Fun Together教案 冀教版一、教学目标a、知识与技能:孩子们掌握并能充分运用词语:watch a movie(the animals) , have supper , fly kites ,buy clothes ,play badminton.b、过程与方法:通过小组合作等形式,能够准确的理解并练习We go to the to . Do you go to the to ? 进行口语交流。c、情感态度价值观:通过体验、合作、创设去情景等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。二、教学重、难点说出并且灵活运用重点句型We / I go to the to . My family likes to go to the to .三、 教具学具准备教学卡片、图片 收音机 磁带四、 教学过程Class Opening First. GreetingsHello, boys and girls.How are you today?How is the weather today?可以让所有学生来回答或个别学生。Second. 小组讨论“ What do you like to do? ”然后两人一组进行对话。ThirdListen to the tape-recorder “ What do you like to do ?”New Concepts (一)We like to have fun together. 通过Chant 导入新课,“ What does your family like to do? ”Do you know?今天让我们一起看看Li Ming 的家人喜欢做什么Have fun together那么去什么地方一起娱乐呢?(教师或学生领读)Go to the movie theatre to watch a movieGo to a restaurant to have supperGo to the park to fly kites让我们帮着想一想还有什么地方?(教师领读)Go to the zoo to watch the animalsGo to the store to buy clothes Go to the gym to play badmiton Show the teaching pictures and ask the students to make sentences: We / I go to the to . STUDENT BOOK: L6 N1Play the tape and the class follows.Hold up the pictures and read after the radio. DRILL句型:We/I go to _ to _下面让我们自己说说去什么地方做什么,小组讨论之后,每组找两个人说。(二)What does your family like to do?My family likes to go to the to . What does your family like to do? Do you go to the to ? 让学生练习回答。Practice in pairs学生自由结组练习问答播放录音,充分利用全班读、男同学读、女同学读等多种方式,慢慢过渡到背诵。(三)Lett chantPlay the tape and the class listens.Play the tape again and the class follows.The class chants with their action.Class Closing把学生分成小组,各小组自己选择图片,练习情景表演。如:表演1:(几个同学在去公园的路上遇见)A: Hello. Where do you go?B: Hi. We go to the park to fly kites. My family likes to have fun together.A: Have a good time! B:Thanks! 五、 板书设计Lesson 6:Having Fun Together We / I go to the to .Do you go to the to ?六、随堂练看图对话: A: We / I go to the to .B: Do you go to the to ?附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit2 Lesson14Australia教案1 冀教版 教学目标:1、知识与技能:学生读、写、说出并听懂Australia,表达自己对这个国家的认识和了解 2、过程与方法:注重强调课堂的英语话,为学生提供浓厚的英语语言学习氛围,培养学生掌握一定的学习策略指导其更好的学习语言,会运用语言。 3、情感态度与价值观:在英语学习中,力求培养学生的创新思维,培养学生良好学习习惯,同时帮助学生建立自信心,体验成功,感受学习英语的快乐。 教学重点:学生读、写、说出并听懂Australia,并用英语和别人进行交流。 教学难点:对所学的内容,摆脱书本限制,使语言得到灵活的运用。 教学准备:一张世界地图、一张澳大利亚的地图、Australia国旗、袋鼠、海滩等图片的电子幻灯片。教学过程: 一、 Class Opening and Rreview 1. 利用教学卡片通过问答操练复习已经学过的有关国家的词汇。 What country is this? Do you know the capital city of the country? What colour is the country? What do they speak in this country? 2. 做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生以竟学会了的国家的名称。 二、 New Concepts Step 1:小组学习Australia 新知识 T: Ok, lets begin our new lesson. Look at this map , do you know what country this is ? (幻灯片出示Australias map) S:Australia . T: Yes. Its Australia. This lesson we learn lesson14 Australia. This lesson is easy, so we study in pairs. After 10 minutes reports. 小组学习,老师指导。 Step 2:Report 每个小组汇报一项内容,汇报的好就可以为自己小组赢分,其他的小组认真听如果能翻译出汇报的内容就也可以为自己的小组加分。 1、 汇报Australia的地理位置。where is Australia? 2、 汇报Australia的首都。Do you know the capital city of Australia? 3、 汇报Australia人所说的语言。What do they speak in Australia? 4、 汇报Australia的国旗。Do you see a little flag inside Australias flag? What colour is it ? 5、 汇报Australia的代表性事物。Kangaroo beach (小组学习中学生可以向老师请教,更可以想身边的同学学习,这样就增加了学生交流语言的机会) Step 3:为学生介绍一下Australia的相关知识 T:What else do you know about Australia?Look here 电子幻灯片出示Australia的图片: Australias emblemSydney Opera house and Sydney bridge Platypus (在这主要是帮助学生开阔视野,增加学习的乐趣) Step 4:game T:You study really good. Next time, lets play game to review we have learnd countries. 在5个乒乓球上写有5个国家的名字,每个小组派一名代表抓一个球,抓到哪个国家就为大家介绍这个国家。(锻炼学生的英语口语能力) 练习之后,为学生制造一个更加热烈的气氛:现在你们可以有一次抓奖的机会,老师这有写着1至10分的乒乓球,看你的运气怎么样? (能得到这样的奖励比直接为学生加分的效果更好,能更大程度的调动学生学习的积极性。) Step 5: 根据学生的积分累计评选这次课的“今日之星”,奖励他们每人一个happy face Class closing: Homework:Choose a country to write a story. 三、 Expanding and application 你喜欢澳大利亚吗?这个国家的什么最令你难忘?你能用英语简单介绍澳大利亚的其他相关信息吗? 四、 Activity Book 五、Class Closing 家庭作业:将所学国家的情况制成表格。板书设计: Lesson14:AustraliaAustralia.: flag_bluespeak-English


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