2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(2)教案 人教版PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(2)教案 人教版PEPSpecific vocabulary: 三会掌握词组:brown jacket, white sweater, green skirt, blue dress, red shirt, yellow T-shirt.Specific target sentences: 听懂指示语并按照要求做出相应的动作,如Put on your T-shirt.Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言描述自己喜欢的衣物以及衣服的搭配。Source of material: 衣服(实物)、词卡、录音带、衣服搭配文件夹。Step 1 Warm-up 1、Lets sing P25(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)2、Lets chantT: I like red. How about you?S1: I like green. How about you?S2: I like (设计意图:模仿三年级上册第一单元的chant复习颜色单词以及I like这个句型。活动类型R)Step 2 Presentation1. Teach: dressa:引入:学生齐唱Whos wearing yellow today?(设计意图:进一步复习颜色词汇,并以此来引入新课.)b:呈现:当唱到“Whos wearing blue today?”时,教师指着画面上穿蓝色连衣裙的女孩。T:What colour is she wearing?S:Blue.T:Yes, shes wearing a blue dress today.c:操练:请学生跟读dress,blue dress, a blue dress,教师把相应的图卡贴出并请学生一起拼读。 教师在教室中走动,并根据班里的穿着,做问答:T:Who is wearing a dress today?S1:I am wearing a dress today.T:What colour is your dress?S1:Its yellow.T:Yes, youre wearing a yellow dress. 结合句型I like the /Lets do 操练新词(设计意图:生词呈现之后,通过多种方式帮助学生进行巩固记忆,通过对话更能有利于学生记忆和运用。拼读单词虽不是本课的教学目标,但是在生词出现时让学生拼一拼有助于学生对单词拼写的重视,养成学单词兼顾读音和拼写的习惯。)2. Use the same way to teach the new words (设计意图:逐个单词击破,TPR能让学生动起来,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。活动类型R)3. Read the new words follow the tape. (设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,让学生掌握正确的读音。活动类型R)4. Listen and do (设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握Lets do和单词。活动类型C)Step 3 Practice 1. Game 1:Its colourful!教师出示简易衣物文件夹模板,选取同款不同色的衣服,训练,如:shirt, shirt, red shirt, I like the red shirt.等(设计意图:该游戏着重衣物与颜色的描述,简便,新颖而且有很强的针对性。活动类型A)2. Game 2: Go shopping.教师把文件夹中各色各款的衣服分散贴在黑板上,引导学生进行购物活动,教师先示范店主再示范买家,引导学生运用“I like the white shirt with the green skirt.”这一句型进行购物。(设计意图:购物活动是对本课词汇和句型的综合性和灵活性的运用,在购物的过程中教师还可以适时的加入以前学过的购物中的问候语如:Can I help you?让生在操练新句型的同时能滚动复习旧知识。) Step 4 Drill1完成同步精练中相对应的练习。2完成活动手册(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)Step 5 Homework1. 听P28录音3次并读2次。2. 抄写词组各一行。3、设计一幅自己喜欢的服装并把它画下来。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(2)教案 新世纪版一、知识目标基本要求:1. 学习四个名词和四个形容词:colour, number, animal, drink, easy, difficult, interesting, funny2. 能口头,书面默写单词3. 能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义4. 句型:A)能用所学的举行根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话B)能把相关词语Grand Theatre整合起来C)做Kids Palace的问题D)学习Grand Theatre: A GameWhos My Mind Reader?的语篇E)学习Wonderland, Farmland,与它拓展出的情景整合变成新的语言材料F)表演对话听懂,读懂Q and A,作书面,口头回答5. 练习朗读Rhyme和Kids Palace中内容6. 体验字母组合er /:/的读音二、发展要求1. 能听音以后在下列单词中填入字母h_ _ , sist_ _2. 能把Grand Theatre与Farmland整合组成新的语言 材料,完成阅读练习3. Rhyme 与学过的内容整合,形成另外一首儿歌三、情感策略文化等有关部门目标:通过学习课文及阅读故事,教育学生热爱祖国的物产,了解一年四季的特点。四、Main aims:句型:Thats easy. Thats difficult.1. 能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话2. 能把相关词与Grand Theatre整合起来,做阅读练习五、Difficult Aims:能把相关词与Grand Theatre句型整合起来,自编对话进行练习六、Material Requires:tape, recorder, pictures, cards七、Teaching plans: Five PeriodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:Learn 8 new words: colour, number, animal, drink, easy, difficult, interesting, funnyMain points:1. Learn 8 new words.2. Learn 8 new sentences.Difficult Points: 1. Learn 8 new words2. Learn to make sentences.Teaching Aids: some cardsTeaching Procedure:一、Warming up:1. Rhyme 2. Greetings二、New Teaching :1. What colour do you like? I like.What number do you like? I like.What animal do you like? I like.What drink do you like? I like.Read the new words: colour, number, animal, drink?2. Do you like maths? Yes, I do.T: Because thats easy.Do you like English? No, I dont.T: Because thats difficult.Do you like this book? Yes, I do.T: Because its interesting.Read the new words: easy, difficult, interesting, funny, Read the 8 sentences.3. Game: In pairs: A: What colour do you like? B: I like.Substitutes: number, animal, drink三、Practice:1. Read the 8 new words.2. Read the 8 new sentences.四、Assignment:Copy the 8 new words.五、On board:Unit 3 A GameWhos My Mind Reader?colour number animal drink反义词:easy-difficult 同义词:interesting-funny The Second PeriodTeaching aims:1. Learn to make the sentences:Thats easy. Thats difficult.2. Guess Games:Main points:Learn 2 new sentences.Guess Games:Say sentences and make old words.Teaching Aids:some picturesTeaching Procedure:一、Warming up1. Rhyme2. Greetings二、Revision:1. Review the 8 words.2. Review the 8 sentences.三、New teaching:1. Show the picture of tiger to the students.A: I like animals. I like /t/B: Do you like tigers?A: Thats right.B: Thats easy.Guess games:In pairs: Give the word to one student. The other one guesses.2. My favourite number is /t/Is it two? No.Is it ten? Is it twelve? Is it twenty?Is it ? T: Oh, thats difficult.Guess games:One student: My favourite number is.The other one: Is it?四、Practice:1. Read the Mini Dialogue 1, 22. Do P.22 on your own五、Assignment:Read the Mini Dialogue1, 2六、On board: Unit 3 A GameWhos My Mind Reader?Thats easy.Thats difficult.The Third PeriodTeaching aims: Learning Grand TheatreMain point: sounds /p, b /Difficult points:Sentence: Whos my mind reader? I like.Teaching Aids: some picturesTeaching procedure:一、Warming up:1. Rhyme 2. Greetings二、Revision:1. Review the Wonderland2. Review the Farmland.三、New teaching:1. Show the picture of the appleA: Now kids, let me see whos my mind reader. Listen! I like fruits. I like /B: Do you like apples?A: Good! And I like /p/B: Do you like pears? A: NoC: Do you like peaches?A: Thats right.Guess games: The teacher says the word to the student.The other one guesses.Words: banana, melon, mango, cherry2.A: Thats easy. Let me give you a try. Now listen. I like colours. I like /b/B: Do you like blue?A: Oh, noB: You like black?A: Yes, and I like white too, because my football is black and white.Guess games: Ask and answer.四、Practice:1. Read the Grand Theatre2. Do P. 22 Q and A.五、Assignment:Read the Grand Theatre.六、On board:Unit 3 A GameWhos My Mind Reader?Whos my mind reader?The Forth PeriodTeaching aims:Learning rhyme.Learning Music Box: er / /, / /Main Point:RhymeDifficult point:Sounds er / /, / /Teaching Aids:cardsTeaching procedure:一、Warming up:1. Rhyme2. Greetings二、Revision1. Review the 8 old words: colour, number, animal, drink, easy, difficult, interesting, funny2. Read the 8 sentences.3. Guess games: 4. A: I like animals. I like /t/ Do you like? B: My favourite number is /t/ Is it ? C: I like fruits. I like /p/ Do you like? D: I like colours. I like/b/ Do you like?三、New teaching:(一)Rhyme:1. Show the picture of a tree near the sea.2. Read the Rhyme.3. Teach the new words: would, because, sunshine4. Read the Rhyme.(二)Music box:1. Read the sounds:er / / her, verb ,termer / / father, sister, worker2. Do exercises:h _ _, v_ _ b, t_ _ m, teach_ _ , moth_ _, broth_ _四、Practice:1. Read the Rhyme: If I were a colour2. Read the Music Box.五、On board:Unit 3 A GameWhos My Mind Reader?If I were a colour er / /, / /The Fifth PeriodTeaching aims:Learning the story: The seasons.Main points:Story: The seasons.Difficult Point:Answer the questionsTeaching Aids:pictures of the seasons.Teaching procedure:一、Warming up:1. Rhyme2. Greetings二、Revision:1. Review the sounds: er / /, / /2. Read the Rhyme: If I were a colour三、New Teaching:1. Show the pictures of winter seasonsWhat season is it? Its winter.Whats the weather in winter? Its cold. Its snowing. The people are wearing their hats and coats.2. Then teach spring, summer, autumn3. Read the story: The Seasons.四、Practice:Answer the following questions:五、Assignments:1. Answer the questions:2. Read the story: The Seasons六、On board: Unit 3 A GameWhos My Mind Reader?The Seasons


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