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2019-2020年五年级英语上册单元同步练习(2)一、Make sentences. May I play with the baby? _ _ play with doll? _ _ play with the ball?二、看图完成句子。 1.A: What do you see?B: _.2.A: What do you see?B: _.3.I _ see in the picture.4.A: What do you see?B: _.5.A: What do you see?B: _.6.A: What is she doing?B: _.三、看图回答问题。Question: What are you doing?1. _2. _3. _4. _四、将下列图片归类,写出英文名字。 Foods: Fruits: Drinks: 五、将所给的词和词组变成一个句子。1. tea Their too is hot. 2. go cant We out. 3. do we when leave_4. arrive airport the at we do when_5. take I may car the_答案:一、May I; May I二、1. bananas 2. chicken 3. can, dumplings 4. soup 5. bus, reading三、1. I am drawing a picture.2. I am looking.3. I am pointing.4. I am sleeping.四、略五、1. Their tea is too hot.2. We cant go out.3. When do we leave?4. When do we arrive at the airport?5. May I take the car? / I may take the car.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册单元同步练习(II)一、你还记得它们的英文名字吗?1. _2. _ 3. _4. _ 二、读句子,选图片。1. -What would you like to drink? -Water.A. B. C. 2. -What food do you like best? -I like beef best.A. B. C.3. -Do you like hamburgers? -Sorry, I dont. I want a hot dog.A. B. C. 4. -Which do you like better, cakes or chocolates? -Cakes.A. B. C. 5. -What do you like better, cakes or chocolate? -Rice.A. B. C. 三、Make sentences(将所给的两个句子变成一个句子)。1. Their tea is too hot. They cant drink. 2. It is too cold. We cant go out. 3. The boy is too young. He cant go school. 4. He is too short. He cant catch the ball on the tree. 四、根据真实生活回答下列问题。1. Whats your favourite fruit? _2. What drink do you like best?_ 答案:一、1. grapes 2. hamburger 3. apples 4. noodles二、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A三、1. Their tea is too hot to drink.2. It is too cold to go out.3. The boy is too young to go to school.4. He is too short to catch the ball on the tree.四、略。

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