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2019-2020年四年级英语上册单词拼写练习题看一看,想一想,能写出几个单词。(一个一分) 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册复习题二1、 根据所给图片,补全单词并写出中文意思。 1.c _ n _ y ( ) 2.t _ ( ) 3.n _ t _ book ( ) 4.st _ _ yb _ _k ( ) 5.s _ _oo _ b _ g ()2、 选出不同类的一项。( )1. A.maths book B.notebook C.blue( )2. A.pen B.colour C.pencil( )3. A.book B.ruler C.wow ( )4. A.man B.woman C.candy( )5. A.key B.toy C.cute3、 英汉互译。1.一本英语书 _ 2.三本故事书 _ 3.so much _4.in the schoolbag _ 5.three pencils _四、根据句意选词填空。1. I _(lost; am) my keys.2. _(What; Where) is in it?3. I have _ (a; an) English book.4. What _(colour; colours) is you maths book?5. I _ (have; has) two storybooks.五、判断句子和图片是否一致,一致的打“”,不一致的打“”。 ( )1. This is my desk. ( ) 2. Its a yo-yo. ( ) 3. Put your schoolbag on the chair. ( ) 4. My English book is here. ( ) 5. I have a Chinese book.6、 单项选择。( )1. I _ my notebook. A.lose B.lost C.losted ( ) 2. My sister _ a big room. A.have B.has C.there ( ) 3. She has a new bag and two _. A.pen B.ruler C.pens ( ) 4. That monkey _ cute! A.is B.are C.has ( ) 5. -What colour is it? - _. A.Here it is B.Its green C.Its here7、 选择相应的答语。 ( ) 1. Here it is! A. An English book. ( ) 2. Whats in your schoolbag? B. Thank you so much! ( ) 3. What colour is it? C. Really? ( ) 4. May I see it? D. Its green. ( ) 5. I have a new puter. E. Sure. Here you are. 八、看图,选择合适的单词完成对话。Here and in schoolbag is A: excuse me. I lost my _. B: What colour _ it? A: Its yellow _ blue. B: OK. Whats _ it? A: A maths book and an English book. B: _ it is! A: Thank you so much!9、 连词成句。1. colour, what, it, is(?) 2.a, new, have, I, schoolbag(.) 3.is, bag, heavy, my(.) _ _ _4. what, your, in, is, pencil box(.) 5.blue, white, it, is, and(.)_ _10、 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Sarah: My bag is heavy.Mike: Whats in it?Sarah: Look! Nine storybooks, five pencils, eight rulers,four erasers and two pencil boxes.Mike: Wow!Sarah: Whats in your bag?Mike: Look! A storybook, two pencils, a ruler, an eraser and a pencil box. Sarah: Oh, your bag is very light(轻的). ( )1. Mikes bag is heavy. ( )2. Sarah has nine storybooks. ( )3. Mike has nine rulers. ( )4. Mike has a maths book. ( )5. Sarahs bag isnt light.

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