2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit8 Lesson15(1)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit8 Lesson15(1)教案 闽教版 教学目的与要求:1、词汇:than, earth, young, short.2、句型:形容词的比较级。3、功能:能用所学句型对两种物体进行比较。4、情感:通过比较级的学习,让孩子更了解物体间的不同,教会学生学会观察。 教学重点:1、学会掌握词汇。2、学会掌握句型:“A is er than B.” 教学难点:能用所学句型对两种物体进行比较。教具准备:录音机,实物等 教学过程:Step 1 热身活动1、师生或生生间自由会话,如:Whats the weather like today? Whats your favorite sport? Do you want to be a ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.What do you want to be? I want to be a What does S1 want to be? He/She wants to be a 2、师生齐读韵律诗:MailmaStep 2 复习导入1、复习形容词:教师出示卡片big, small, old, long并复习这四个形容词的音、形、义。教学young和short。由big的反义词是small引出old的反义词是young,long的反义词是short,并教学。活动快速反应,如:教师说big学生说small。请学生用六个形容词自由造句,如:My grandpa is old.等根据学生造句的内容自编chant如: Old, old, old, my grandpa is old.全班齐说。2、揭示课题,告诉学生今天我们要来学习怎样用英语对两种物体进行比较, 板书Lesson 15。Step 3 新课教授1、教授earth, than和句型The sun is bigger than the moon.等。教师问:Whats in the sky ?学生答出:sun, moon, star等,于是引出earth并教学。同时教师把这4个物体的图片贴在黑板上。接着教师指着太阳和月亮说:The sun is big . The moon is small.因此我们可以说:The sun is bigger than the moon .(板书) The moon is smaller than the sun.(板书)请学生观察big和bigger, small和smaller的区别,从而引出than和比较级的教学,并用不同的形式操练句型。活动:教师说big, 学生说bigger, 教师small,学生说smaller,反过来再操练一遍教师问:The earth and the moon, which is bigger? 板书并教学:The moon is smaller than the earth.教师问:The starts and the sun, which is bigger? 这个问题可能会引起学生的争议,教师因此引出:Many stars are bigger than the sun.的教学,并告诉学生:They look small because they are far away from us.1、 课文教学 听音指图,理解大意,请学生指出不明白的地方并教师或同学进行讲解。 播放第二遍录音,找出文中比较级句型,并大声念出来。 听音跟读,用不同形式进行听音模仿朗读训练。Step 4 巩固与提高1、完成课本第七十页的Look and say. 教师出示几张图片请学生认读:sun, moon, Sally, Kate, Ben,并请学生用图片进行比较,让学生说出比较级的句子。 教师出示几把长短不一、色彩不同的铅笔和尺子,先根据铅笔和尺子的色彩复习有关颜色的单词,再引导学生说出:The red pencil is longer than the blue one.等句子。 请学生看书第七十页,进行听音模仿训练。 请几个学生当小老师,进行范读和领读。2、完成课本第七十页的play a game。将年龄卡发给孩子,接着指着A问全班How old is A ? 全班回答:A is 9 years old .教师再指着B问全班:How old is B ?全班回答:B is 10 years old .教师就说:A is young. B is old.(出示单词young操练) A is younger than B. B is older than A.呈现句型并教授。拿到年龄卡的2个孩子上台,用句型ImIm older/younger than XX.进行介绍。而后请孩子同桌之间根据自己实际年龄进行操练。3、完成课文七十二页Look, think and write. 出示monkey, mouse, elephant的图片或卡片,先复习这三个单词,再引导学生比大小,说句子。 翻开书第七十二页,学生做练习,教师巡视并指导。 请几位学生上台板书,并订正。Step 5 家庭作业1、听录音,熟读本课内容.2、完成一册通上本课的练习.3、预习Lesson 16。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit8 Lesson16教案 闽教版Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Enable the Ss to grasp the words and sentences:1. is bigger/smaller/faster/slower/taller/shorter/older/younger than 2. Can read the sounds:/ m/, / n /, / /.Ability aim:Talk about the PE and the Ss abilities.Emotion aim:Improve the Ss abilities of munication and cooperationMain points:Foster the Ss asking and answering abilities.Difficult points:Understand the meaning of “be good at” .Use it correctly. Teaching materials: tape recorder, pictures, cards .Teaching steps :Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewDaily greeting:T: Good morning ,class. Nice to see you again.”Ss: Good morning , Miss Chen . Nice to see you ,too.”1.Duty report.2.Listen and do. Turn right. Turn left. Jump up and down. Swim. Run. Play basketball. Play football. Play pingpong.Step 2 Learn to say1.Ask the Ss who can play basketball /footballbest? Then present the sentence” Chen Ling is good at jumping.”2.Listen and repeat other sentences: Wang Tao is good at basketball. These girls are good at pingpong. These boys are good at football.3.Listen and repeat, then practice in groups.Step 3.Ask and answer1. Let a student act, ask: Is he good at swimming? Help the Ss answer: Yes, he is/ No he isnt.2. Ask and answerT: Is Sally good at jumpingSs: Yes, she is.T: Is she good at football?Ss: No ,she isnt. But shes good at pingpong.Step 4.Practice1. Listen and number.2. Groups work. Who is a sports boy/girl?3. Listen and learn the English sounds.Step 5 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of Lesson 16.

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