2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(4)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(4)教案 湘少版 Part C一、教材分析本课C部分是属于看图说话,要求学生能运用所学句型准确地询问并描述物体现在及过去某时间所在的位置,培养学生的言语能力和交往能力.二、心育目标1熟练地运用所学新单词和短语进行看图说话.2掌握句型 Where was the first bottle? It was floating on the water.同学之间互相交流,加强言语能力,交往能力的培养.3在帮课文中的小男孩找瓶子时,提醒学生要注意环保,不要乱扔垃圾.三.心育策略.1先分组进行看图说话,看看哪一组说得比较好,考考学生的观察力,表达能力.2分小组竞赛,玩Memory game 记忆力大比拼的游戏。e.g.; T: Was the fifth bottle on the mat? S1: Yes, it was. No, it wasnt.Was the seventh bottle under the tree? S2: 通过游戏 ,可以让学生在轻松.愉快的环境下掌握知识.四、心育实施例谈(一) Warming up 1. Greetings.2. Sing a song “Ten green bottles (二) Presentation1. Part C. Lets practice.2. Look at the picture, please.What can you see in the picture? (I can see .) (There isare.) (Sandcastle. mat. trousers .)3.Pair works.A is asking B where he found all the eight bottles in the picture.Ask and answer the questions about where each bottle was found.e.g.: A: Where was the first bottle?B: It was floating on the water, in front of the boy.Work in pairs.(三) Consolidation1.Game-Memory game (Part C)S1: Was the fifth bottle on the mat?S2: Yes, it was.No, it wasnt.2. 注意环保, 热爱大自然附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(5)教案 新世纪版教育目标:培养学生热爱上海,关注上海发展变化的情感。通过参与活动,让学生进一步了解上海、中国等地的旅游景点及旅游特色。知识目标:(一)基础目标:学习本单元单词:modern, museum, foreigner, Yu Garden, The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, maglev, Chinese knot, silk进一步掌握There be与一般过去时态的句型结构及其功能。听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre中的语言材料,并能模仿课文内容及话题说一段过去发生过的经历。掌握音标朗读Rhyme,语音、语调、节奏基本正确。(二)发展目标:通过本单元句型的操练,能灵活运用there be句式与一般过去式。能根据Holidays这一话题,使用正确的时态,进行有条理的描述。能力目标: 能用较为完整的语言来描述自己所熟悉的旅游景点。情感、策略和文化等目标:1情感态度:通过学习,使学生更热爱上海。2学习策略:培养学生合作学习,共同完成任务的团队合作精神。3文化目标:了解上海的变化,及中国的传统工艺和著名的旅游景点、文化等。教学资源:Students Book 5B P3844, cassette 5A Unit 1, Students Work Book 5B P4350, Pictures of signs, Teaching Transparencies.教学时间:七课时。(其中5课时新授,2课时练习和复习,练习册随教学进度完成。)Lesson Plan (1): WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Recite the rhyme together.2. Ask the students to talk about Shanghai. Offer some help if they need. (Did you go to Shanghai? When did you go to Shanghai? Where did you visit in Shanghai? )3. Students make a short dialogue in groups and then act in front of the class.II. While-task procedure:Learn the new words:All of you have been to Shanghai. Now what do you think of Shanghai? Can you tell us some interesting places in Shanghai? (To elicit: modern, museum, Yu garden, The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund)Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. It is developing very fast. So many foreigners visit Shanghai every day. And they like to buy some Chinese presents for their friends. (To elicit: foreigner, Chinese knot, silk, paper cuts)There are lots of means of transport in Shanghai. Such as buses, taxis, trains, cars, underground and so on. And there is the maglev train, too. Its much faster than the underground. (To elicit: maglev)Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board. Ask the students to read them out.Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.Let the students ask questions about the new words.Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words.III. Post task activities:1. Ask the students to remember the new words in two minutes.2. Listen and fill in the blanks. m_d_ _n , s _l k, Ch_n_s_ kn_t , m _s_ _ m , Yu G _ _d _ n f_r_ _gner, the _ r _ _nt_ l P _ _ _ T V T_ _erFirst students fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers together.3. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.4. Invite individuals to say what they have learned.5. Page 45, Students Work Book. Listen and fill in the blanks.Lesson Plan (2): FarmlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Encourage the students to say something about last weekend. Prompt the less able students by asking them some questions about their weekend.2.Show some pictures to the students. Review the past tense by asking and answering the questions about the pictures: What did they do last Sunday?II. While-task procedure:1. Show the picture of Farmland. Ask the students to talk about the picture or ask some questions about the picture.2. Make dialogues with the new phrases: go for a field trip, show somebody around somewhere.3. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue. Students listen and follow.4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.5. Ask the students to read the dialogue.Encourage the students to make dialogues using their own words.Ask the students to make a survey about what they did during their holidays, then report.III. Post-task activities.1.Distribute a sheet of paper to each group. Ask the students to write down the things they did.2. Guess what their friends did. 3. Try to find the mistakes and correct them. Give some help if they need.4. Ask the students to practice acting out the mini dialogue in pairs.5. Invite some pairs of students to act in front of the class. Encourage more able students to use their own words.6. Page 47, Students Work Book.a. Students work in pairs to plete the sentences orally.b. Invite individual student to read the sentences.Students fill in the missing words individually.Lesson Plan (3) Grand TheatreI. Pre-task preparation:1. Sing an English song.2. Daily talk:(1) Whats the date today?(2) What holiday is in this month?(3) Can you tell me any other days?(4) What holiday do you like best? Why?(5) What did you do in winter holidays?(6) Did you go to Shanghai in winter holidays?II. While-task procedure:1. Ask the students to introduce the interesting places in Shanghai. Offer some help if they need. (e.g. The Bund is very beautiful. At the Bund, we can take the nice photos. We can see the boats. Can you tell me some interesting places in Shanghai?2. Ask the students to talk about the special things in Shanghai. Offer some help if they need.3. Ask the students to talk about the means of transport.4. Show some questions and ask the students to listen to the Grand Theatre “Holidays in Shanghai”, and then encourage the students to try to answer the questions.(1) Where did the American students visit?What did they buy?What did they do in Yu Garden?What is Shanghai like?5. Explain some phrases: a good place, a group of 6. Ask the students to make some sentences with these phrases.7. Play the cassette: Holidays in Shanghai. Students listen and follow the tape.8. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.Read Q and A together.III. Post-task activities:1. Ask the students to ask some questions about the text.2. Choose one picture and talk about it.3. Take out the photos that the students or their parents took when they visited the interesting places, and introduce their holidays.Lesson Plan (4) DisneylandI. Pre-task preparation:Ask and answer some questions about the text.Ask the students to talk about their holidays in Shanghai or other places.Students listen to the rhyme and repeat.II. While-task preparation:Play the cassette: Pair work on page43. Students listen and follow the tape.Give pairs of students a few minutes to practice the dialogue.Divide students into groups. Ask them to practice acting out the dialogue.Invite some groups to act out the dialogue in front of the class.Students listen and fill in the blanks (words on page 44 in Music Box) learn the phonetic symbols according to the sound they have heard.Write the phonetic symbols on the board. Ask individuals to read them.Play the cassette: Rhyme. Students listen and follow the tape.Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.Invite individual students to read the rhyme.Make the students understand the Chinese meaning of the rhyme.III. Post-task activities:Students Work Book Page 44, 46.Play the cassette. Students listen and choose the right answer.Students finish the exercises individually.Ask the students to read after the tape and check the answers.


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