2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson16教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson16教案 闽教版教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握本课新词:September, October, November掌握本课新句型:How is the weather in fallwinter? It is hotcoolnot too coldvery cold.2.能力目标:能谈论在不同的季节和月份里的天气情况。熟练掌握一年中的12个月份及缩写形式,培养学生自主拼读及记忆单词的能力。3.情感目标:了解家乡的气候,学会自我保健,懂得拥有健康的体魄,才能更好的投入学习的道理。4.学习策略:通过小组合作学习的方式,让学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养学生发现探究解决问题及自主学习的能力。教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件等。教学过程:Step1: Warming up1、 Greetings2、 Sing a song Little Red Bird in the treeStep2: Revision1、 Seasons: spring、 summer、 fall、 winter2、 Weather:warm 、hot、cool、cold3、 Say a chant 4、 Months: January、February、March 、April、May、June、July、August、December.Step3: Presentation1、 揭示课题2、 Short forms of 12 months.、T:出示Sunday,变Sun.Whats this?S:Sun.是Sunday的缩写形式。由星期缩写导入月份缩写,January-Jan. February-Feb. May-May、指名说出其它月份的缩写形式。、出示评价表。(一面是月份,另一面是季节)3、 词汇教学,September、October、November、出示September先指导学生发元音音素,运用小声到大声来操练。T:What holiday is in September? S:TeachersDay is in September.、同样运用拼读音节法教October与November的发音,用升降调,一触即发形式来操练单词,复习holiday (National Day. Thanksgiving Day)4、 巧记单词、快速抢答 、巧记单词:September October November a.ber b.October-10 November-11 December-12 、Guess:Which month? a. 出示ber b. 出示ember c. 出示cember5、 教学句型、 利用所学的句子How is the weather in springsummer?引出新句型 How is the weather in fall/winter?T:But,in FuJian We wear T-shirt and shorts in September. So Its hot in September.Its cool in October and November.(板书)、 引出回答Its hot cool not too cold very cold.、 操练新句型6、 课文教学1. 听录音,完成对话填空。(附后)2. 听录音,模仿跟读3. 分角色朗读Step4:Consolidation 1.Do a survey:the month of your birthday. Report: My birthday is in.2.Listen and circle the right answer3.Talk about the picture.Step5 : Summing-upStep6: Homework1、听录音跟读课文5遍,家长签字。2、背诵单词 September、October、November3、完成活动手册Lesson16的笔试部分。4、写自己最喜欢的月份。板书设计: Lesson 16 Months of the Year(2)September How is the weather in fall? October Its hot in September. November Its cool in October and November.Part1:Fill in the blank.hot cool cold September December(1)A: How is the weather in fall?B: Its in .Its in October and November.(2)A: How is the weather in winter?B: Its not too cold in _ . Its very _ in January and February.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8 Months of the Year(2)Lesson15教案 闽教版一、教学目标:1.知识目标:1)复习以下单词:Christmas、New Years Day、Spring Festival。2)掌握生词:holiday、December、January、February。3)掌握新句型:Whats your favorite holiday? When is it? Its inYoure right.2.能力目标:懂得运用本课所学的单词和句型谈论有关节日的话题。3.情感目标:使学生体验英语学习的快乐,培养学生的祖国文化意识。4学习策略:通过主动参与、合作学习、竞赛等方式完成学习任务。二、教学用具:课件、录音机、教学卡片、两本挂历、一张评价卡、四个小灯笼。三、教学过程:Step 1. Warming up.1Greetings.2. Sing a song “Happy New Year”.Step 2. Revision.1. Review the month words.复习已学的三至八月份单词,检查学生对单词的掌握情况。并为接下来的话题讨论做准备。2. Talk about “Whats your favorite month?”教师从复习的单词卡片中抽出“六月”,向学生介绍:“This is June. Oh! I like June. My birthday is in June. Childrens Day is in June,too. So my favorite month is June.课件呈现句子my favorite month is。,引导学生齐读该句两遍。My favorite month is June. And what about you? Whats your favorite month? 板书句子Whats your favorite month? 引导学生看板书读三遍,并提问个别生。Now please tell me. Whats your favorite month?S1: My favorite month isS2: S3: 3Chant.Ok! Do you remember the chant “My favorite month”. Lets chant it !March March, my favorite month is March. Womens Day is in March.April April, my favorite month is April. April Fools Day is in April.May May, my favorite month is May. May Day is in May.June June, my favorite month is June. Childrens Day is in June.July July, my favorite month is July. The Partys Birthday is in July.August August, my favorite month is August. Army Day is in August.这首是根据本课第三部分的节奏改编的,在上节课教学六个月份单词与重点句型my favorite month is。时用以突破教学难点。因而,部分节日词汇包括本课第二部分才出现的Army Day在上节课已提前教学,这样的设计为本课教学难点的突破减少难度,形成教学的延续,并方便课题的引入。Step3. Presentation.1.揭示课题, 介绍评价方式.课件呈现的句子:Womens Day is in March.April Fools Day is in April.May Day is in May. Army Day is in August. The Partys Birthday is in July.Childrens Day is in June. 课件特效,突出每个句子中的月份单词,在该词上方出示单词MONTHS,师介绍Look ! There are some months in this chant. 再突出每个句子中的节日词汇,并在该词汇上方出示单词HOLIDAYS。介绍:And there are some holidays in each month.学习单词holiday.(出示卡片跟读;按音节介绍读音;并介绍该词的涵义HOLI为神圣的,圣洁的,也可指基督教的圣经,DAY为日子,HOLIDAY意为节日,这说明每一个节日都是一个神圣的日子,都有其特殊的涵义;提问个别生)TODAY WE ARE GOING ON LEARNING UNIT 8 MONTHS OF THE YEAR。LESSON 15。 AND WE WILL TALK ABOUT WHATS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY。板书句子OH HOLIDAYS,WE LIKE TO HANG SOME LANTERNS。 THIS LANTERN IS FOR G1。THIS ONE IS FOR。 LETS HAVE A RACE。 LETS SEE WHOSE LANTERN HANG HIGHIST。 2.词汇与句型教学。1)猜教师喜欢的节日,学习句型Whats your favorite holiday? Spring Festival. Youre right. First, do you want to know whats my favorite holiday? Listen and guess! In this holiday, we have a big family dinner. We make dumplings. We watch the new year programs on CCTV.S1: New Years Day.S2: Christmas Day.S3: Spring Festival.Is he/ she right? 课件呈现春节图,Yes, youre right. 示意学生一起说Yes, youre right。回到评价表处,In Spring Festival, we say Happy New Year! 跟学生问候Happy New Year!But when is Spring Festival? When is it? 板书When is it? 跟读。2) 让学生从日历中找出春节,学习句型When is it? Its in January or February.When is it? Do you know? Lets find it in this calendar. 请一生在日历中查找xx年的春节月份。Oh! Its in February. 课件呈现春节所在月份。学习单词February.(a.分音节学习读音 b.开火车反馈 c.小/中/大声游戏操练发音d.拼读单词 e. chant巩固: February,February,my favorite month is February,Spring Festival is in February; f.师生看课件问答练习: when is it? Its in February。) Is it always in February? I dont think so. Lets find when is the next Spring Festival? 让学生在xx年挂历中寻找新年的月份。 Is it in February, too? Oh! Its not in February. Its in January. 学习单词January. 方法同上。 介绍:so its in January or February. 将课件中的两句话“its in February. Its in January.”变成一句话:“its in January or February.”板书该句子, 师生根据板书的问答句when is it? its in January or February.进行问答练习。3)谈话导入,学习词汇New Years Day & January。从xx年春节所在的一月份挂历中圈出1号,问:theres holiday in January,too. Do you know what is it? S1: New Years Day.课件呈现新年图,学习并板书词汇New Years Day. When is it? Its in January. 板书January. Chant: January. January. My favorite month is January. New Years Day is in January. 看板书问答练习。4)唱歌导入,学习词汇Christmas Day & December。齐唱We wish you a merry christmas. 引出Christmas Day的教学并板书。问题:When is it? 引出Its in December. 学习单词December。5)根据板书,师说月份生说节日,师说节日生说月份,巩固三个月份单词及节日, Chant it!3.学习课文。1)听录音,回答问题。2) 听录音,模仿跟读。3) 分角色朗读。4)pair work后,两组生汇报。Step 4. Consolidation. 1.Look and say.让学生先念出该题的示范句子和六幅图的内容,然后选择自己喜欢的月份与同桌进行讨论。师做示范。1. Read and Match.学生自主完成题目后汇报结果。Step 5. Development.( If time permitted.)Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确的答案。)There are twelve months in a year. And each month has some holidays. Spring festival is very important for Chinese. We always make dumplings and have a big family dinner in Spring Festival. Christmas Day is very important in the West(西方). They put a Chritmas tree in the sitting room and they have a big family dinner,too. 1. How many months are there in a year? A. ten B. twelve2.Which month is very important for Chinese?A. Spring Festival B. Christmas Day3.What do people do on Christmas Day? A. They make dumplings.B.They put a Christmas tree in the sitting room.Step 6. Summing-up.Step 7. Homework.1.听录音,跟读课文3遍。2.背诵单词:holiday、December、January、February。3.了解家人喜欢的节日,下节课汇报。板书设计:Unit 8 Months of the YearLesson 15A: Whats your favorite holiday? A:When is it? B: Spring Festival. B:Its in January or February. New Years DayJanuaryChristmas December


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