2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 10(3)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 10(3)教案 北师大版教学目标1.知识目标:(1)复习单音节形容词的比较级、最高级形式(2)继续学习、理解本课小故事(3)初步理解多音节形容词的比较级、最高级形式2.能力目标:进行听力训练,巩固本单元的功能句型和核心词汇。3.情感目标:能够对价格有所认识,初步产生理财的想法。教学重点:1.学习读说、理解本课小故事2.理解多音节形容词的比较级、最高级形式教学难点:1.学习读说、理解本课小故事2.理解多音节形容词的比较级、最高级形式教具学具准备 录音、教材故事、教材课件教学过程:一、出示三本书:Look,I have three books.出示一本: This book is big. 再出示较大的一本:This book is bigger than that one.出示最大的一本: This book is the biggest.T: 还记得:big, bigger, biggest吗?它们是什么意思?S: 是形容词的比较级、最高级形式过渡:今天我们再认识一些形容词,看一看它们与以前学的有什么不同。二、出示学习:expensive,interesting,exciting,boring,difficult,beautiful1.仔细听发音,体会发音与字母组合的联系。2.看单词反复认读记忆3.说一说你怎么记住这些单词?(expensive中间夹着pen;interesting一词的t 和s之间夹着ere;exciting根据发音分三部分记:ex ci ting;difficult分di ffi cult记;beautiful分beau ti ful三部分记。)4. 练读新词:1)同桌内反复认读,互相检测2)小组间记单词比赛:每组的一号说出老师提出的单词,说对一个给小组加一分,比一比哪组得分多。 5.说一说:这些词与以前学的相比有什么不同?(不是单音节单词,都是多音节单词)那么它们的比较级、最高级的形式还和前面的一样吗?看幻灯片、体会:比较级时在is后要加morethan 最高级时在is后加the most6.根据例句模仿造句,注意句式结构。三、归纳、比较认读单音节和多音节形容词的比较级、最高级的形式还记得下面词的比较级、最高级形式吗tallshortsmalloldyoungcheaplong fatthinbighotnew heavyhappyearlyinteresting more interesting the most interestingdifficult boring expensive exciting beautiful说一说每组词的不同的变化形式:(1)词尾直接加er、est形式 (2)词尾字母双写再加er、est式 (3)比较级前加more,最高级前加the most四、Listen to this:1.示范:(1)指第一组图片,引导学生观察。 (2)师生问答: T:What classes are they? Which one is the interesting / boring?S:They are dance class, music and English. 学生根据实际情况来回答第二个问题。2.教师领读句型。3.用同样的方法完成其余的图片。4.放录音,逐句停顿,让学生指出相对应的图片。5.再放录音,逐句停顿,让学生在对应图片内填序号。6.全班朗读,检查答案。五、随堂检测:写出下列单词的比较集合最高级young:cheap:thin:big:happy:early:boring:expensive:板书设计Unit 10tall taller tallestfat fatter fattestheavy heavier heaviestinteresting more interesting the most interesting附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 10(4)教案 广东版开心一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1.Vocabulary:apartment. Kitchen. Living room dining room bedroom garden balcony bathroom2.Conversation: Will there be a roller coaster?二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)Will there be a roller coaster?三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points)Will there be a roller coaster?四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)magazine picture of the four seasons, Picture Cards 25-32, paper, chalk/ markers, a map of China, classical music (e.g. Vivaldis The Four Seasons)五、学情分析:interest in learning is not very high, some students even hatred, the same time, many students or for study and learning, not to mention interest in the problem; 六、教学方法:游戏法。七、教学课时:三课时八、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)The first period一、教学目标1.掌握本课Vocabulary单词:apartment,kitchen,living room,dining room,bedroom,garden,balcony,bathroom2.掌握句型Will there be a living room in your new apartment? Yes, there will./No, there wont.二、教学重点和难点1.Vocabulary的单词。2.Target的句子。3.注意区别Will there be?的肯定回答Yes, there will.和否定回答No, there wont.三、教学过程(一)(教师课前用电脑绘画或手画一间包括各种不同房间的公寓平面图)出示图,教师引入新课:“I will move to the apartment.”然后教授apartment.(二)教师:“Look, there will be many different rooms in my apartment. Look, there will be a kitchen.”教师指向厨房处教授“kitchen”(三)以同样的方法教授:living room,dining room,bedroom,balcony,bathroom.然后读熟单词。(四)Play a game:教师事先准备好一套卡片,在卡片上写上这几个单词,然后把这些卡片放进一个盒子中。请一位学生到前面来,从盒子中抽出一张卡片,并根据卡片上的单词,表演人们在这房间里做的日常活动。其他学生根据其表演,试图猜出这是什么房间。(五)收起公寓平面图,让学生凭记忆回答教师的问题。教师问:“Will there be a living room in my new apartment?”学生会回答:“Yes.”教师引导学生回答:“Yes, there will.”板书句子并教授。(六)替换单词操练句子,可让学生问学生答。肯定回答熟练后,教师出示garden图片,教授garden,然后问:“Will there be a garden in my apartment?”学生回答:“No.”教师引导学生回答:“No, there wont.”板书并教授句子。(七)让学生打开书本跟录音读Vocabulary和Target.(八)完成Practice1:让学生听录音独立完成,也可以试让学生把句子写下来,然后集体订正。(九)作业:1.抄写单词和句子。 2.读熟Vocabulary和Target.Writing on the board:Will there be a roller coaster?apartment,kitchen,living room,dining room,bedroom,garden,balcony,bathroom教学后记:The second periodTeaching points:1 Review vocabulary and target.2Learn conversation and song activityTeaching key points:Practice the conversation.Teaching difficult points:Train the students conversation.Teaching steps:Step one: Organization1 Greeting.2 Warm up: Look at the pictures and say the words.Look at the pictures and say the words one by one.Step two: Review1. Ask two pairs to act the target.2. Praise the best students.3. Game: Listen and guess the places.We can wash the dishes in it.(kitchen)We can play and dance in it.(garden)We can wash our hair in it.(bathroom)We can sleep and have a dream in it.(bedroom)We can watch TV or talk in it.(living room)We can have breakfastlunchsupper in it.(dining room)Step three: New teachingConversation1. Listen: Listen the tape about the conversation, then ask Ss tell about it in Chinese.2. Use the CAI, let Ss watch TV, listen and repeat the conversation.3. Find out the new words and learn.4. Read the conversation by Ss, practice it in groups.5. Act out the conversation before the class.Song activity1. Listen to the tape about the song.2. Guide to sing.3. Fill in the blank of the song.(Listen-Guide to read-Sing the song)Step four: Sum upStep five: Do listening exercises in workbook.Step five: Homework1. Finish exercise 2 in the workbook.2. Recite the conversation.Writing on the board:10 Will there be a roller coaster ?Will there be a living room in your new apartment? Yes, there will./No, there wont.教学后记:The third periodTeaching points:1. Review the “Im going to move” song.2. Learn the pronunciation of “ch”3. Listen and chant.Teaching key points:Practice the pronunciation of “ch” by the chant.Teaching difficult points:Train the students drawing by activityTeaching steps:Step one: Organization1. Greeting.2. Warm up: Sing the song of “Im going to move”Read the song-Sing after the tape-Sing together-Sing and do the actionsStep two: Review4. Ask two pairs to act the conversation.5. Praise the best students.6. Game: Listen and guess the places.We can wash the dishes in it.(kitchen)We can play and dance in it.(garden)We can wash our hair in it.(bathroom)We can sleep and have a dream in it.(bedroom)We can watch TV or talk in it.(living room)We can have breakfastlunchsupper in it.(dining room)4. Show out the pictures and review the words.Step three: New teachingActivity6. Game: Have a dream-Ask the students to close their eyes, and dream your beautiful house.7. Talk about your dream house to your partner.8. Ask them draw it out, and then fill in the blank in the book.(Teacher can help some of them)9. Find the best and praise them.10. Ask some of them to tell us with the sentence “There will be .Sounds and words4. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronuncation of the letter “ch”.5. Guide to read.6. Learn the chant.(Listen-Guide to read-Read and do the action)Step four: Sum upStep five: Homework3. Read and copy the words for four times.4. Recite the chant.教学后记:Will there be a roller coaster?Chair cheese cherries Chopsticks children cheap

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