2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(5)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(5)教案 外研版一、教学目标(1)情感目标:通过各种活动加强师生间,学生间的情感交流,培养学生的英语情趣。(2)知识目标:学会使用“I feel happy /sad/tired/hungry。”来表达自己的情绪感受及询问他人的情绪状况。(3)能力目标:培养学生听,说和灵活用语言的能力。二、教学重点(1)学习新单词:happy sad tired bored hungry(2)学习新语言结构:How do you feel?I feel三、教学难点:学习新语言结构:How do you feel ?I feel 四、教学过程1Warming up l(1)教师与学生打招呼,做好课前准备。Class begins!T:Hello ,boys and girls! S:Hello ,Miss Guo !T:How are you ?S: fine .Thank you!S:how are you!S:Im very well.sitdown,please.Do you like singing?S:yes.T:ok,Lets sing the song.T:well, today were going to have new lesson Unit2 I feel happy.first,we do the action.I Have some words,you take it and action and expression to deriseb it,another students guess the word.(2)引出新单词,学习新单词happy, sad, tired, bored, hungry (边读边做相应动作及表情,开火车表演、个人上讲台表演等)(3)Now please look at the screen and guess how do they feel ? 出示多媒体插图1(今天我帮爷爷在农场干了一整天的活,现在感觉很累的情景图)让学生说:“ I feel ” 出示多媒体插图2(今天我下国际象棋赢了,现在感觉很高兴的情景图)让学生说:“feel ” 出示多媒体插图3(外面下雨不能出去玩,感觉很无聊)让学生说:“ I feel ” 出示多媒体插图4(昨天我丢了书包,现在还没找着!我觉得很伤心!)让学生说:“ I feel ” 出示多媒体插图5(我可以闻到很香的粉条汤,我觉得很饿!) 让学生说:“I feel ”(4)I want to know how do you feel now.学习Part2(now point and talk )A:Today I helped my grandfather on the farm .B:Do you feel tired ?A:Yes ,I do . 拿出卡片问学生:Do you feel? Yes,I do .No,I dont.或者学生问学生(同桌问、或走访问等)(5)OK! Sit up strict! Lets learn some pronunciations. Ok?出示表格tsdstrdrchJ,dgcatsbedstraindriverchairjacketcoatsfriendstrousersdresslunchbridge 教师带读两遍 学生齐读一遍2PracticeNow .games time .act and say(播放兔子舞舞曲,学生随着音乐传球,音乐一停,谁拿到球谁表演,表演好的给予奖励)小组比赛(多媒体出示明星的各种表情,学生抢答,给快的小组加分,并给予奖励)3Summary and homework再把单词过一遍,happy sad tired bored hungry(齐读),然后告诉大家回去把这些单词读给你的家人、朋友听。Now tell me if you are happy ,please clap your hands follow the music as louder as you can .(电子琴伴奏)4Say goodbye Class is over ! goodbye boys and girls!附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(1)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims:Basic Aims:1.Continue to leam the simple present tense.2.Using prepositions to indicate position and time.3.Try to answer questions according the text.Developing Aims:Using the simple present tense to express simple truth.Education Aims:Try to answer questions according the text.Teaching Aids:pictures,a cassette playerTeaching procedure:Pre-task 1.Rhyme 2. Sing a song(通过儿歌活跃课堂气氛。)Preparation Revisiona. Please say sth. About Bens dayb.Guessing game: Is it?c. Review: behind, beside and in front of using students and objects .While-task 1.Words:rise, shadow,highProcedure a. Introduce: shadow using the pictureb. Introduce:rise,high using the action.c. Say the new words and have the students repeat after me.2.Play the cassette for the first paragraph in Look and Read.Students listen and follow in their books.3.Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.4.Ask the students to answer questions.Whese is the sun?.Where is its shadow?.Is it long?5.Play the cassette for the second paragraph6.Play the cassette again.Students listen and repeat.7.Ask and answer about this paragraph.8.Introduce:go down.9.Play the cassette for the third paragraph twice.10.Have the students ask and answer.11.Read and answer.Look at the pictures and answer questionsPost-task Talk about the shadow of the school building at the different time of a activity day,then try to ask and answer.Consolidation: Exercises of workbook and Grammar book.课 后 随 笔

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