2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module5 Unit2(2)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module5 Unit2(2)教案 外研版教学目标:语言知识目标: 1.能听懂会说单词:hat,cap,nine,ten,eleven,twelve. 2.能够在句子中正确使用单词:hat,cap以及数字112。 能力目标:拓展学生对数字的应用,感受数字在生活中存在的广泛与重要;通过一系列任务活动,培养学生主动思维、大胆实践、自主探究的学习能力 情感目标:结合实际生活,创设真实情境,引导学生关注生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性;培养学生团结合作的意识和精神。 策略目标:鼓励学生积极运用多种学习方法和策略,自主获取信息,主动交际,分享交流;让学生充分运用所学知识与技能,以建构新的语言知识。 教学重点与难点分析 本课时的教学内容为数字912的教学。由于学生掌握了数字18,因此在进行教学设计时,充分考虑到学生这一实际认知水平,对教学做了简单调整,通过游戏,快速回顾了数字18,并自然过渡到数字912的教学。 教学重点: 数字9,10,11,12的认读;句型:How many boys/girls? 教学难点: 如何结合实际生活,创设大量真实、生动的语言环境,拓展学生对数字的应用,让学生感受到数字在生活中广泛存在,并发挥着重要作用。能否让学生学以致用是本课教学成败的关键。 教学用具:CDROM,有颜色的卡片,盒子,糖 教学过程 .Warm up(Group performe) A.Good morning. B.Good morning. A.How are you? B.I am fine,thank you.And you? A.I am fine,too.What is your name? B.I amWhat is your name? AI amGoodbye. B.Byebye. (可根据学生已学的不同内容进行提问,即可复习已学过的内容,又可以激起学生学习英语的兴趣。如上单元所学知识为颜色,本课就可以针对颜色进行提问) 导入: I在几张大的纸上写出到5几个数字,把它们摆放到黑板的四周。告诉学生师将说出数字,他们必须指向正确的数字。 举例: 老师: Five。 学生:(指向5) 复习 .Revision 出示一些与生活相关的电话号码,请学生用英语读出。 110(报警电话) 120(急救电话) 114(电话号码查询) 12345(市长热线) 10086(移动服务) 3214073(学校电话) I把学生按两人分组并要求他们准备好十张写有到I0十个数字的小纸片,每张纸上写一个数字。 2学生A说出一个数字,学生日拿起有这个数字的纸。等到学生日拿起了所有的纸片,游戏结束,然后学生们交换角色 Word learning (1)在黑板上画气球,从1画到12,不停的对学生进行提问,问:“How many?”并将几个数字(912)对应的单词写到黑板上进行数字教学。 (2)在黑板上出示12以内的加法,让学生先以小组为单位用英语读题并进行计算,然后指名练习。 eg: 6 + 5 = Six and five is eleven. Sentence learning (1)请学生打开课本,通过播放录音呈现SBUnit2活动,要求学生在播放录音的同时,认真看图,试着理解故事情节。 (2)让学生理解boy/boys和girl/girls的区别。 指着一个男孩同时说:boy 指着两个男孩同时说:boys 指着一排男孩同时说:boys 请其中一个学生照着老师的样子来告诉大家girl/girls的区别。 (3)再放录音,请学生跟读,其后请学生以小组为单位朗读课文。 (4)随机抽取一组学生,问:How many girls/boys?学生抢答。老师示范,随后请一名学生做小老师提问。 (5)完成运用任务4。老师线带领全班学生数一数各副图中的物品(动物)数目,然后请学生两人一组指图并进行回答: eg:How many dogs? 11 dogs. 通过课文录音对歌曲和歌谣进行教学 让学生理解“fingers”和“hands”,然后播放歌曲,老师做动作,学生认真看、听,接着让学生一边做动作,一边听、唱歌曲,多放几遍,最后请学生表演。 .Homework 向家人、朋友和同学询问与数字相关的问题。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module5 unit2教案 外研版Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words and the expressionsAbility aim: Train them to ask and answer then speak out the numbers from one to twelve .Ideological aim: Improve the students appreciation.Main points: New words, new pattern, the text and a chant , a song.Difficult points: How many boys /girls? Twelve. The song and chant.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector. Teaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Are you ready for our English class?S:Yes .T: Morning, everyone.S: Morning, sunny.T: How are you today?S: Im fine ,thank you, and you?T: Very well, thanks. Sit down, please.S: Thank you.T: Youre wele.Step Two: Representation T: Lets listen to a song. Please clap your hands.(学生办着节奏拍手对要新学的歌曲先听,会打下良好的基础,第二遍边打节奏边打手势加深对歌词的理解。)T: wonderful! Now I want to find some pupils e to the front .Who wants ? (找 12 个孩子站到前面) T: look, how many ? Lets count ,ok? (学生跟着老师一起数 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.)T: Very good .Lets count again. Ss: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.(再让学生自己数一遍,并给与肯定增强自信心)Step Three: New courseA. New wordsT: Lets have a race .if you can say the numbers stand up please .(适时的开展比赛,可以提高学生学习的积极性,又培养了学生的竞争意识,课堂气氛活儿不乱,学生也会全员参与到活动中来)S: (They all say the numbers loudly and quickly, they feel very happy)b. Listen, say and do actions T: All of you are the best .Now look at the pupils ,(老师把学生分成男女两组,指其中一组They are boys .再指另外一组They are girls.)Ss: Boys Girls boys girls (多重复几次,加深印象,并能正确的区分)T: look at the boys !one boy ,two boys ,three boysseven boys.How many boys?S1: seven boys.T: lets count the girls. One girl , two girls ,five girls. How many girls ? (还可用眼神和动作来引导学生自己提问试着去说how many girls? 培养它们自己去思考问题的能力)S2 : Five girls. S3 : Five girls.(将语言学习与生活实际相结合,创造了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,使孩子们很自然地将注意力集中到英语课堂上。)T: Lets play again .who can e here?Ss: I can I canSs: I can. T: Lets count together . How many boys and girls? One ,two, threetwelve.(强调12的发音,多读几次,打好语音基础)T: You are so smart! How many boys and how many girls?S1: Four boys and eight girls.(According to the pronunciation training, all of them can ask and answer very quickly. They feel very happy and confident because they can speak very fluently and loudly.)T: Ok, lets have a rest. Listen and say a chant.( show the projector ,listen to the recorder two times. ask the pupils listen , point and follow.) T: Lets clap our hands and speak .T:(read the chant team by team or boys and girls ) 用不同的方式操练新授单词,使单一枯燥的单词操练于各种变化之中,让学生饶有兴趣的参与学习,让学生充分感到学习、记忆单词的快乐,体验有方法学习才会轻松。T: look at the projector ,look at the words :cat cap cat hat (让学生自己找相同点,交给学生学习的方法,背单词的窍门)T: a a a (说字母a 的音标) Ss: a a a (说字母a 的音标) (say the chant together again.)B. Count and answerT: I have a picture . What can you see?S1: Dogs. S2: cats. S3: caps T: you are so clever .dogs , cats, caps, red caps ,blue caps.T: Read after me .Ss: (Follow the teacher.)T: ( give them five minutes to discuss how to ask and how to answer.)Ss: ( all of them are talking about the picture carefully) T: Who can e to the front to act?S:I can I can.(find four or five groups to act out)T: Answer my questions together ok?T: Talk about the other things in pairs.(use the things in the classroom try to act it out 老师可帮助与提醒,学生以培养他们的口语交际能力C. listen and Learn the textT: Well done! You can make decisions by yourselves now. You are so wonderful! And no w listen to the tape , please point and follow. Open your books. Lets listen (Play the tape and ask)Ss: (read and point carefully)T: Now listen again and repeat sentence by sentence.Ss: (Follow the tape.)T: Practice the text in groups and then act it out again.).Ss: (Practice the text in groups and act it in front. Then all class read together)Step Four: Listen and say , then sing(Read after the teacher then listen to the tape .)T: I sing the song for you , do action with me .Ss: ( follow the teachers and do actions with fingers)(动听的旋律合着节拍,孩子们脸上定会洋溢着开心与幸福的微笑)Step Five: Sum up.T: Today we learnt to count the numbers from 1 to 12 and how to say boys girls , a song and a chant .Today you are the best ,I love all of you. Step Six: Homework. T: So todays homework. Count the numbers from one to twelve then read the text, please.

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