2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9(1)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9(1)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:能听懂会说会读 a cupboard , a bottle, a bowl, chopsticks.句型Wheres/Where are the/my? Its/Theyre并能在实际情景中运用。教学重难点:1. 理解名词的复数形式及与此相关的形式变化(如动词are的使用)2. 帮助学生在实际的情景中运用四会句型.教具的准备:投影仪、厨具实物、厨具的卡片、彩纸图片教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up1. Sing a song“In the classroom”.设计意图:课前热身,融洽课堂的气氛,拉近师生的距离。 2. Free talk.T: Now, we are in a new classroom. Whats in the classroom?S: Theres a blackboard . There are some lights. There are some big windows. There are 设计意图:从学生身边熟悉的事物询问,学生比较感兴趣。在轻松和谐的氛围中,教师利用谈话的方式,复现旧知、以旧带新,符合学生的认知水平。Step 2. Presentation1. T: I have some nice pictures. Shall we go and have a look?S: Ok!(教师利用投影仪出示bedroom, sitting-room, dining-room, bathroom, study的图片Ss talk about the pictures.)2. T: You see, these rooms are very nice. Do you want to have a look?S: Sure.T: Do you know whose rooms are these?S: Sorry, I dont know.T: Ha, ha! Theyre my rooms. Lets go and have a look.S: Great!设计意图:教师用漂亮的居室图片吸引学生的注意力,再告诉学生这是老师的家,这样子就一下抓住了学生的心,从而激起学生的学习欲望。3. T: Look, this is my kitchen. Whats in my kitchen?(利用投影仪出示厨房的图片) S: Theres some rice/a cup/a glass/some bread.设计意图:通过学生对厨房的描述,复现了以前所学习的食物类与厨具类单词,这是符合英语学习规律的。 T: Oh, my kitchen is so untidy. Shall we put them to the cupboard? S: Ok!(再次利用投影仪出示整理后厨房的图片) T: Wow, my kitchen is clean now. Wheres the rice?Wheres the cup/?Its in the cupboard.Teach the new word: cupboard.设计意图:教师通过创设厨房不整洁这个情境,巧妙引出新授单词cupboard,而且为即将学习的重点句型做了铺垫。 4. (教师利用投影仪出示厨房一系列的cupboards)Point to the cupboards.T: This is aSs: Cupboard.T: This is aSs: Cupboard.设计意图:教师利用投影仪、卡片等不同方式,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲,同时增强学生的记忆效果。 T: Can you guess: Whats in the No.1 cupboard?Ss: Theres some rice/some bread/ a glass/a cupT: Who is right? Lets go and see.(教师利用投影仪呈现一个瓶子)Ask the students to describe the bottles.设计意图:教师通过简短的说短语的方式,不仅避免枯燥、机械的训练,而且培养学生的发散思维能力,锻炼了学生的语言表达能力。 T: Now, Can you guess: Whats in the No.2 cupboard?Ss: Theres/There areT: (Help the students to guess)Its fat/round/short.Ss: 碗。 (利用投影仪呈现一只碗,并同时呈现发音相同的字母组合的单词,ow 用醒目的颜色标出) T: You are so good. Can you read the word? Yellow-windowknowbowl.Teach the new word: bowl.Read and spell.设计意图:让学生体会ow的发音,尝试自己拼读,初步培养学生的语音识别能力。 T: Last, theres a friend of the bowl. They are two brothers. We often use them to have breakfast/lunch/supper. What are they?设计意图:如果单单将实物或图片拿出来让学生读,学生会觉得很乏味。将筷子拟人化,符合学生心理特征。 Step3. Game T: You are so great! Ill play a game. If you are right, Ill give you a present. Look at the presents. Ss: cupboard , bottle, bowl, chopsticks Present the pictures quickly. Ss: (guessing): A bowl? T: Yes! Give the student a present bowl.设计意图:教师设计一个有趣的、充满竞争力的游戏帮助学生巩固单词,并滚动复习了前后知识,同时培养了学生学习的自主性。以本课所教的各种厨具的彩纸卡片作为奖品,发给学生。将本课的教学内容与课堂教学评价紧密结合,注重了形成性评价的多样性、针对性和有效性。 Step4. Presentation1. T: Oh, Im so thirsty.Ss give some advice: A glass of milk/Some waterT: I want to have some water. But wheres my bottle?Ss: Its in/on/near theT: Perhaps.设计意图:教师用Perhaps鼓励学生不断地发言,并且吸引了所有的学生参与到其中来。 T: Wheres the bottle? (利用投影仪出示瓶子的位置) Ss: Its near the bottle.2. T: Yeah, thank you. Drink the water.T: Now, Im not thirsty. But Im hungry.Ss: What about ?T: Id like a bowl of noodles. And I need a pair of chopsticks. Where are my chopsticks?Ss: Theyre in/on/near T: Look, boys and girls. Where are my chopsticks?(利用投影仪出示筷子的位置) Ss: Theyre in the cupboard. Ask and answer.3. Chant.Bottle, bottle,Wheres the bottle?Bowl, bowl, Wheres the bowl?Its near the bowl.Chopsticks, chopsticks,Where are the chopsticks?They are in the cupboard. 设计意图:教师呈现句型后,将之整合,并用Chant的形式帮助学生巩固所学的知识,学生易于掌握。 Step5. Consolidation Ask and answer.(利用投影仪呈现图片,学生用所学的语言进行操练)Practice.T: I have a bowl in the classroom. Can you find it?Ss: Its in/on/near/under/ T: Is it in/on/near/under/? Lets have a look.Yes, here it is/No, theres noin/on设计意图:教师用事先藏在教室里的厨具,创设一个真实的情景,学生在找一找、说一说的过程中,不知不觉中巩固了今天所学的知识了。Extension. 学生自己创设情景:去朋友家或同学家做客,找不到所需的厨具。 以小组为单位,自创情景并表演出来.选出表演最好的小组。设计意图:教师在下课前要求学生自编对话、自主表演,让学生所学的知识能够运用到实处,达到交际的目的和学以致用的效果。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册Module2 unit1教案 外研版Teaching objectives:1Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from2Sentences: Im from London. London is the capital of England. Its very big and very beautiful.3Grammar: the present tenseTeaching properties: cards, pictures, taperecorderTeaching procedures:A: Chant: This is a little girl, and she has a little curl. And when she is good, she is very, very good. And when she is bad, she is very, very bad!B: Talk Free:T: Hello! Boys and girls. Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? S1: No, Im not.S2: No, Im a pupil.T: Are you naughty?S3: No, Im not.T: Are you clever?S4: Yes, I am.(反复操练,以此复习上节所学到的描述人物性格的单词:naughty, shy, clever, nice, cool.)C: New concepts:Step 1. 导入利用卡片教授“capital”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子“London is the capital of England.”中。Then translate it into Chinese. 找生用英语说出“北京是中国的首都。”鼓励学生踊跃参加抢答赛“说首都”,学生可以用中文说。Step2. 新授在愉快的氛围中,师告诉学生:“Amy 和Lingling 是同班同学。一天,Amy 带来了一本关于自己家乡伦敦的书。Lingling 看见这本书后非常好奇,于是就请Amy 向她介绍伦敦的情况。现在我们就来跟 Amy 学一学怎样描述城市和景物。 今天学习过后,请大家也来介绍一下自己熟悉的城市、地区或景物。请学生听录音,听一听Amy 和 Lingling 之间的对话。师:“Where is London?” 生在地图上指出伦敦的位置。再放一遍录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful, small)。请学生根据插图和上下文猜一猜每个生词的意思。“beautiful”一词教师要反复示范,借助肢体语言帮助学生读清并理解这一单词。个别单词处理完之后,教师领读课文几遍。然后鼓励学生分角色大胆试读,教师及时给予表扬。Step3. 练习完成SB 第一单元活动3。 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进行问答练习。例如:1、A: Whats this? B: Its a book about London. Its very nice.2、A: Whats the capital of England? B: Its London.Step 4. 作业完成活动用书练习1到练习4。

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