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2019-2020年五年级上册Module3-Module4测试题 新 华 街 小 学一、将下列单词补充完整(10分)1.夜晚( ) 2. reply( ) 3.请柬( ) 4.为什么( )5.六月( )6.节日( ) 7.一月( ) 8.碰撞( ) 9.七月( ) 10.三月( )二、 按要求完成下列各题(20分)1.fat(反义词) 2.dont(展开形式) 3.fish(复数) 4.long(反义词) 5.Lets(展开形式) 6.man(复数) 7.child(复数) 8.say(过去式) 9.laugh(过去式) 10.run(过去式) 三、 比较下列各组单词,译成汉语(8分)1. before( ) 2.December( ) 3.ran( ) 4.lift( )bored( ) daughter( ) fan( ) line( )5.lie( ) 6.laugh( ) 7.into( ) 8.point( )tie( ) taught( ) onto( ) pond( )四、 将下列句子译成汉语(20分)1.Children wear scary clothes. 2.Its an autumn festival. 3.There are toy chicks and flowers on the hats. 4.We are going to have lunch together. 5.Its an invitation to my birthday party. 五、 根据课文内容,选择(10分)1.Its an invitation (for/to)my birthday.2.Then you (will/are)going to help me tidy up.3.There are toy chicks and flowers(on/in)the hats.4.I _(go/went)to a concert yesterday.5.Its a _(China/Chinese)instrument.六、根据内容,选择(20分)( )1.You were in China _ two years. A for B in C at( )2.Now there _ a big playground. A are B is C was( )3.Many go to the supermarket together. Afamily Bfamilies Cfamilys( )4.How your school. A of B do C about( )5.There big desks in the classroom now. A was B is C are 七、仿照例子,写出动词的正确形式(12分) 例:paint_paintingwrite_( ) sing_( ) play_( )do_( ) happen_( ) clap_( )have_( ) dance_( ) run ( )laugh_( ) read_( ) swim ( )附送:2019-2020年五年级上册Module8测试题一、选择填空:(10)( )1.What time does school ? A. begins B. starts C. start( )2.Do you skip _ the playground? A. in B. at C. on ( )3.They _do morning exercises at home. A. not B. dont C.didnt( )4.Look ! Mingming is _football. A. play B .playing C. plays( )5.My school_ at nine oclock. A. begins B.starts C .stars( )6.Would you like _to school? A e B.came C .to e( )7. I like _but I dont like _. A.coffees tea B.coffee tea C.coffee teas( )8.Mingming gets up half past seven. A. at B. in C. on( )9.In England they start school at . A.8 oclock B.9 oclock C.7 oclock ( )10.They play in the playground before . A.8 oclock B.9 oclock C.7 oclock二、读一读,将正确的答语序号填在问句前的括号内。(5)( )1、Would you like to e to school with us? A.No, we dont.( )2、What time does school start? B. No , we cant .( )3、Do you do exercises every morning? C.Yes, please.( )4、Can we have a dog ? D. I washed clothes .( )5、What did you do last Sunday ? E. At nine oclock.三、读一读,判断下列句子的对(T)与错 (F).:(10) 15 Marling Street London NW2 England Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. In England they dont start school at 8:00. They start at 9:00. They dont do morning exercises here. They all play in the playground. I skipped with the girls. The bell rang at 9:00. Then we went into the classroom. Love from, Lingling( )1. Yesterday Lingling went to Sam and Amys school.( )2. In England they start school at 8:00. ( )3. They dont do morning exercises here. ( )4. Lingling skipped with her friend. ( )5. The bell rang at 9:00.

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