2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 9(3)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 9(3)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:认知目标:1. 孩子争取复习(包括听、说、读、写、用)单词: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy.2. 孩子复习并练习说和写,并能认知月份单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.能力目标:孩子能进一步掌握和把所学的单词与日常用语融会贯通并能运用到实际生活中。二、教学过程GreetingTeacher: (to a student) Hello, boy!Student: Hello, teacher.Teacher: Nice to meet you again! How are you?Student: Im fine, thanks!Then choose other students do this “ask-and-answer” drill.Say, are you ready for English class? If the class can not understand, you can write “be ready for” on the blackboard. Explain the phrase in Chinese. Then you can use “be ready for” do some exercise, for example, be ready for school, be ready for supper, and be ready for workMonths of the year We have learned twelve months last term. Can you say the months of the year? Write “months of the year” on the board. Explain this in Chinese means: 一年中的月份。Review that “December/January/February” means winter(冬天);“March/April/May” means spring(春天);“June/July/August” means summer(夏天); “September/October/November” means fall(秋天).Ask the class open their books, following the tape to read part 1and part 2 together a few times.Whats the date? Take out a calendar I prepared before class. Ask “whats this?” The class may answer in Chinese “日历”. Then ask “Whats the date?” and write this sentence on the board. Translate the sentence means “今天是几月几号?” Elicit the answer “It is October 19.”, “It is February 22” etc.Then have the students make a short dialog in pairs by using the words 、phrases and sentences we learned just now. Choose some groups act the dialog out.Homework Write “January、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October、November and December” these twelve words on their exercise books.板书设计 Lesson 9: Months of the Yearbe ready for (准备好做)be ready for school/supper/workmonths of the yearDecember/January/February-winter(冬天)March/April/May-spring(春天)June/July/August- summer(夏天)September/October/November-fall(秋天)Whats the date? (今天几月几号?)It is (October 19).附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson1教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: 三会掌握music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner Specific target sentences: 听懂及正确回答What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言描述时间及活动。Source of material: 钟、词卡、录音带、Assumptions: 学生已掌握一些数字。Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song P24(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)2. Ask and answerT: Listen, in my school bag, “Dickety tackety tack”, Whats that? Guess.Ss: T: Oh, yes. Its a clock.(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)Step 2 Presentation1. Teach “clock”, “oclock” and review numbers from 1 to 122. Show the picture of A. Lets learn (Just talk)(设计意图:从中自然引入新单词,以旧引新,整体呈现单词,让学生有初步的感知。活动类型A) T: Look, this is a timetable of Zhangpengs day. Lets see. What time is it? S1: Its 7 oclock. T: Good. Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. (结合Lets do呈现词汇句型)3. Show the picture of the words (No words)(设计意图:逐个单词击破,TPR能让学生动起来,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。活动类型R) T: Guessing gameSharp eyes What time is it? S: Its 9 oclock. Its time for English class. T: Good. Time for English. Read and write. (结合Lets do重现词汇句型)4. Show the words and pictures on Bb(设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,让学生掌握正确的读音。活动类型R)T: Now, matching game.S: Match the words and the picturesT: Ok. Read together. (结合Lets do巩固词汇句型)Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and read2. Ss read Lets learn together3. Ss do Lets do together (设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握Lets do和单词。活动类型C)Step 4 Drill1. 同步2活动手册(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Copy the words two lines2. Read the text and make a time table (Task time 1)

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