2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版(一起)TitleNSE Book 2 Module 3 Unit1Aims感知认识bag、coat、nurse、dress、driver、bus等单词。能够运用his、her、their来谈论物品的所属关系。能简单的运用英语表示物品的所属关系。Focus his与her的区分与运用。 谈论物品的所属关系。Aids录音机,单词卡片TeachingProgressTeachers Activity一、Warming up and revision二、Leading inTeaching the students that we use the possessive adjective hiswhen we are referring to an object that belongs to a male.三、Listening and reading1. Play the tape.2. Replay3. Replay4. Write the words“his、her、their”on the board and give some examples.5.Show the pictures of nurse、driver、bus、dress四、Further Activities(part3)Move around the class,pick up objects and sayThis is her school bagor This is his bookand so on.五、HomeworkDo the activity book in page 11.Students ActivitySing a song.Listen to the teacherListen to the tape.Open their books,listen and point。Girls listen and point,boys check the answer. Then change.Say the sentences in pare 2 or more.5. Read the pictures loudlyPractice the sentences in pairs.Re-preparationFeedBack附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(4)教案 外研版(一起)一、主要语言功能: 谈论物品的所属关系;表达某人的职业及其拥有的相关物品。二、主要学习任务:1. This is her That is his Look! Their school bags.2. My mother is a This is herMy father is a This is his3. Is he a? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.4. Are you a? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 三、 主要词汇: her his their coat dress nurse driver bus (听、说、认读) clown (听、说、)四、课时安排:四课时五、每课时学习任务安排:第一课时:掌握重点句:This is her bag. That is his hat. 掌握重点单词:his, her, coat.第二课时:理解课文意思,重点掌握与职业有关的单词。掌握新单词:clown, their.第三课时:谈论物品与职业的所属关系。掌握重点句子: Is he a? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. Are you a? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.掌握重点单词:nurse, dress, driver, bus.第四课时:掌握句式:My mother is a This is her.My father is a This is his对本模块的内容进行综合复习。UNIT 1 This is her bag.第一课时教学内容:P11. Unit 1 活动2、活动3。教学目的:1. 掌握重点句:This is her bag. That is his hat. 2. 掌握重点单词:his, her, coat.3. 明确this 与 that 的区别。4. 进一步培养学生对英语的兴趣。教学重难点:了解his, her的具体用法,并能在真实情景中运用。活动过程:热身:(Warm-up):师生问候。Free talk: Whats this? Its a _. Is this your _? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.复习:(Review)Game: 教师用两张单词卡this, that把学生分成两大组。两组学生分别用This is (a) _. That is (a) _. 说出离自己近和远的人或物品。看哪个组说的又多又好。新课展示:(Presentation)1)学生说出:This is my_. 教师顺势引出:This is his /her_.并板书新授重点句子。2)任务活动:教师请几名学生拿着自己的文具或玩具到前面来介绍:This is my_. 其他学生仔细看,认真听。介绍完后,教师把这些东西收起来,然后请其他学生上来按照刚才他们的记忆还给它的主人。并用英语表达:“This is his /her_”.如果正确,其他学生一齐说:“Yes , this is his /her_.”.3)请学生把书翻到p11. 让学生看图,听录音,并重复录音内容。This is her bag. And this is her book.That is his hat. And that is his coat.新授重点单词coat. 并认读。Pair work:同位之间指读,教师检查几组,并表扬。操练:(Practice)小组活动:四人一组,分别拿同学的物品或指着桌椅说:This is . This is his/her (pencil, ruler, book, desk, seat). 小结和作业设计(Summary and Homework):1) Summary.教师总结:这节课我们学习了他的his, 她的her, 及表示某样东西是谁的说法:This is his_. This is her_. 同学们课后要多加练习。2) Homework:a.听录音,仿说P11 活动 2,并在实际情景中运用。b.做活动用书p10. 练习1。Point and say: This is his/her _.

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