2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit3 Lesson6(2)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit3 Lesson6(2)教案 闽教版教学目的与要求复习巩固有关食品的单词:grape, apple, peach, melon, fish, cake, egg, orange, banana, carrot复习巩固句型:I like. .I dont like. .They are not sweet.能听、说、读生词:hamburgers, hot dogs, dumplings, rice, noodles能听懂,会说:What do you like? Do you like.? Yes, I/we do. Four hamburgers, please.学习字母e在闭音节中的读音。熟练背诵韵句:I Like Fish(我喜欢鱼)教学法步骤和方法建议一、复习1全班齐唱歌曲Apple Tree。2复习水果、食品方面的单词。教师用英语发指令让学生从他们的小单词卡中挑出念到的词。教师发指令:“Show me the grape/apple/peach/melon/fish/cake/egg/orange/banana/carrot.”学生选出相应的单词卡。教师也可以说:“Point to the. .”让学生指出正确的图。3教师事先准备好一些水果或食物,逐一问学生:“Do you like oranges?”要求每个学生做出肯定或否定的完整回答,如:“Yes, I like oranges./No, I dont like oranges.”二、学说英语1教师扮演食品店老板的角色,让更多的学生上台扮演买食品的孩子。教师问:“What do you like?”学生根据架上的不同食品说:“I like. .I dont like. .”2. 教师问一位学生:“Do you like hamburgers?”让学生自主回答。3教师选择VCD光盘的Lesson 6,让学生一边看录像一边听录音,可以逐句停顿,让学生尝试说出汉语意思。4教师把hamburgers, hot dogs, bumplings, noodles写在黑板上。5逐个教授生词hamburgers, hot dogs, dumplings, noodles,要分音节带读,并告诉学生词尾的s用表示复数形式。6教师逐句解释课文,重点放在What do you like? Do you like? Do you like hamburgers? Yes, we do. Four hamburgers, please.等句子上,并告诉学生you可以分别把“你”或“你们”,回答应分别是Yes, I do.或Yes, we do.句子Four hamburgers, please.的意思是“请拿四个汉堡包。”这是买东西时常用的表达。引导学生多说几句。如:“Two apples,please. Five hot dogs, please.”7.教师重播录音,学生看书跟读,连续数遍。三、看图说话两位同学组成一个小组,每人一次完成一幅图,可进行循环练习,如:A:I like ice cream.B:I dont like apples.四、学习韵句I Like Fish把全班分成两大组:男生一组,女生一组。由男生组念第一、三、五句,女生组念第二、四、六句。然后交换念。教师可引导学生用拍手掌的方式来打节拍。五、做课本练习4“听音、认读并抄写单词”本单元学习元音字母e在闭音节中的读法。Pen,hen,red,egg皆为闭音节,其中的e读成e,此外还有let, bed, ten, yes等,请学生立即在生词本上抄写单词pen, hen, red, egg。要求边读边写,逐渐熟悉读音规则。六、听音打钩或画叉录音内容:1Hi, Im Sally. I like hot dogs, hamburgers and grapes. I dont like noodles. I dont like peaches.2Hello, Im Wang Tao. I like noodles and hamburgers. I dont like hot dogs.3. Hi, Im Chen Ling. I like noodles and carrots. I dont like melons.七、自我评估1我会说这些名称:grapes, melon, carrot, peach, hot dogs, hamburger2. 我会说:I like. . I dont like. .3. 我会唱歌曲:Apple Tree4. 我会说、会写这些单词:pen, hen, red, eggI have got stars.(我得了 颗星。)注:评估方法见第一单元。请学生选择属于自己得分的图。八、兴趣活动(供选用)拼读单词列队比赛教师将全班分成两组,发给每个学生一张字母卡片。不常用的字母(如Q,Z)卡片可以一人多拿几张。游戏开始,教师说出一个单词,如:pen,或出示一枝钢笔的图片后,两个组中持P,E,N字母的学生应立即站到讲台前按单词拼顺序站好队。先按正确顺序排好的小组为获胜组。Word Listfox狐狸 look看 grape葡萄酒 jump跳 sweet 甜的Melon西瓜 carrot胡萝卜 peach桃子 hot dog热狗Hamburger汉堡包附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit3 period3教案 湘少版Basic aims of this lesson:1.to know the sound “q”, and understand words in Part E.2. Review the words and sentences.3.listen and sing the song in Part F.4.learn to write q.Teaching difficulties:Find out the reading- rule of the sound q.Read the sentences in part E.Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, word cards.Step 1 Warming up:1.greetings.T: How are you?Ss: I am very well.How old is he/she?He/she is.2. Ss act the dialogue in part C.Step 2 Presentation and drill1Teacher shows the picture of a duck and read it.2let the Ss find out the reading-rule of p in the word quack.3Write out other words in part E with “q”. 4Let Ss try to read.Step 3 Practice1.Listen to the tape of Part E.2.read the words and sentences 3. Sum up the reading rule of pin words 4.Write “p” in the book.Step 4. Consolidation1.Part F: Lets have fun2.Free talk.3. Listen to the tape( A,B, C, D) then read after it.3.Exercises book Handwriting on the blackboard:Unit 3 How old are you?Qq quick quack queen queue

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