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2019-2020年六年级毕业练习试卷(IV)一 用适当的介词填空:1. Please look the blackboard. Dont listen the teacher.2. I can see a kite the wall.3. Is Han Meimei duty today?4. The woman the coat is Mrs Brown.5. This is a picture our school.6. Wuxi is Jiangsu.7. I am Row Six. She is Class One. They are Grade Two.8. Whats this English?9. Can you sing this song Japanese?10. The boy the green bike is Tom.11. You cant see the broom. Its the door.12. You must look your watch.13. We are home. Jim is school.14. The apples are the tree. Now Tom is the tree.15. Look! The old man is the tree.16. The girl her mother and father is American.17. Please give the books Jim.18. Its seven twenty.19. We go to school seven.20. Show these pictures your teacher.21. Its time go school. Its not time home.22. I watch TV eight the morning.23. Put it , please. Dont take it .24. Is this a doctor a teacher? Are Lily Lucy his daughters?二 用适当的代词填空:1. Are those trousers? No, arent . are blue.(they)2. Tom, wheres bike? Is this black bike ? No, it isnt .(my,mine,your,yours)3. Whats the womans name? name is Gao Hui. is an English teacher.(she,her,his,shes)4. are twins, names are Lucy and Lily. look like parents.(they)5. am an English teacher. name is Ma Ying.( I )6. is good friend. all like .(he,him,we,you,our)7. Can help ? Yes, can.(her,she,I,you)8. Give an apple, please. Which one is ? The small one is .(he)9. Where is photo? Is that yours? No, thats not . is black.( I )10. Li Ming and I are boys. are good friends. parents are all teachers.11. Ann and you are girls. are English. Chinese teacher is Mrs. Wang.12. This is classroom. is small. But is big.(ours,their,theirs)13. These are grapes. Please put on the table.(it,they,them)14. is young. Let help .(she,her,hers,we,us)15. have some pen-friends. like to write to .(I,me,they,them,their)三 用have, has, there is和there are填空:1. I a new school bag. some books in it.2. Tom a father. His father an old car.3. Tom and his father some oranges.4. a cat in the tree. The cat two big eyes.5. Do you a watch?6. five people in my family.7. My sister a new bedroom. some desks in it.8. a desk and some flowers in my room.9. some flowers and a desk in my room.10. We all one head.11.12. 附送:2019-2020年六年级毕业练习试卷1. 假如你在车站玩,老师会劝你说: 2. 你要告诉别人李老师和她的学生正在上英语课,会说: 3. 假如老师想知道班级的出勤情况,会说: 4. 别人想看你的新玩具,会说: 5. 想知道别人会不会从10数到100,怎么说: 6. 想知道是否可以跳舞,可以说: 7. 要告诉别人是去操场的玩的时候了,可以说: 8. 想知道树上的那些东西是什么,可以说: 9. 问妈妈自己可以吃些什么,可以问: 10. 不知道书桌上的钢笔是谁的,可以问: 11. 想知道在汤姆的包里是否有照相机,可以问: 12. 向别人介绍自己家后面有条河,可以说: 13. 想知道海伦的新连衣裙多少钱,可以问: 14. 妈妈想知道海伦对绿的毛衣有什么看法,会说: 15. 请别人到你家做客,可以说: 16. 要睡觉了,可灯还开着,妈妈会对你说: 17. 想别人照看好你的妹妹,可以说: 18. 想告诉别人电影院在邮局附近,可以说: 19. 有人向你问路,但你不知道,你要他去问警察,可以说: 20. 想知道如何去公园,会说: 21. 要告诉别人自己将去踢球,会说: 22. 假如你迟到了,你会说: 23. 别人想把书包放在你的课桌上,会说: 24. 要告诉别人自己是六年级三班的学生,可以说: 25. 想夸奖别人的英语说得好,可以说: 26. 想让别人知道你早上上四节课,下午上两节课,可以说: 27. 想告诉别人你喜欢画画,可以说: 28. 天冷了,妈妈拿着毛衣对你说: 29. 老师让学生们把图画里的飞机途成红色,回说: 30. 李雷生日了,你会对他说:

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