2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B Module6 uint1教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B Module6 uint1教案 外研版Teaching objectives1. Words and phrases: photo .stay week2. Sentences: where/when/ did you go ? what/ did you do?Teaching procedures: A: songs: mangoes and riceB: free talk: Where did you go?C: Step 1: leading (Introduce the English Where is Beijing? /London /New York /Tokyo /Moscow) Say the names of famous places in China and England Step 2: Take out many photosIntroduce: This is a photo( 举一张 ).These are photos (举全部,多张照片)Then have the students try to describe the photos. The teacher can say: I stay there for one /two weeks.Explain: stayed is the past tense of stayWeek: from Sunday and Saturday is one week.Step 3: Playing the tape So that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books Tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it. Ask the students to close their books Play the dialogue part by part and have to listen. If they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper and say questions . Now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in the dialogue Have the students answer the questions Do Activity book Exercise 1Step 4: Show the pictures and have the student try to say and write.Use the drills. At last give them answers Who has got some photos? Where is Lingling? When did Lingling go there? Who did she go with? Where does her uncle live?Steps 5: Activity book Exercise 3Homework: Talking about where you went? And write down附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B Module7 uint1教案 外研版教学目标:1、单词及短语:message,another,idea,office,busy 2、重点句子:Lets send an email to dad.Click on email.Write your message. 3、情景运用:学习如何发送电子邮件。 4、教学用具:录音机,单词卡片,多媒体教学程序:一、 一首英文歌曲:my homes the place 二、 自由讨论:描述方位三、 新课教学;1、 问候与复习;请学生分小组讨论各自同亲朋好友保持联系的方式,教师引导他们说出电话,书信等方式,学生可能会说出电子邮件这种方式,由此引出本课教学主题。2、 课文导入:利用多媒体课件展示一幅电脑图片,询问学生我们可以用它来做什么,然后告诉学生我们可以用它来和别人交流,今天我们就来学习如何发送电子邮件给你的亲朋好友。3、 课文教学:(1)、板书单词“email”,同时向学生讲解什么是电子邮件:“它是从一个电脑到另一个电脑的信息。”用课件展示动画从一个计算机到另一个计算机的过程。并出示图片。请学生读单词,可以齐读,分小组读,或者男女生分组读。(2)、播放录音,呈现活动1,请学生听录音熟悉课文内容。再放录音,请学生找到问题的答案:Whats an email? Where is the email from?(3)、 教师将重点句子板书在黑板上: Lets send an email to dad. Click on email. Click on write. Write your message. Click onsend.(4)、 请学生回答上面的问题,教师 进行总结。继续提问;怎样发送电子邮件? 展示发送电子邮件全过程的图片,打乱顺序,请学生再听录音,按正确地顺序把图片排列好。然后再听一遍录音,让学生熟悉发送电子邮件的过程。(5)、领读重点句子,让学生重复,找单个学生复述句子,然后自由练习如何发送电子邮件。教师将图片打乱顺序贴到黑板上,找学生将图片与句子连线。(6)、再放一遍录音,请学生跟读课文。再让学生复述如何发送电子邮件。对复述好的学生给予奖励。(7)、完成活动手册练习1,练习2,先让学生听录音,再找学生说出自己的答案。并找学生对错误的论断进行改正。4、 任务完成(1)、听一听,画一画请每位学生准备一张白纸,教师发出指令请学生画画:draw your friend,write some words on your poster,put the poster on the wall!让学生课后将自己的海报粘贴到墙上,并描述一下自己的作品,评选出好的作品给予奖励。(2)、完成活动手册练习3 ,全班同学分两组进行,读一封电子邮件,独立回答问题。并将远电子邮件讲述给另一组学生听。(3)、游戏:我说你做 两人一组,艺人说指令,另一个人做动作,比比看谁的反应快。5、 课后作业(1)、熟悉发送电子邮件的 过程。(2)、建立一个自己的邮箱,试着给自己的朋友发送一封电子邮件。6、 板书设计MODULE 7 Unit 1 Lets send an email.Lets send an email to dad. Click on email.Click on write.Write your message.Click on send.7、结束课堂教学

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