2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 9(1)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 9(1)教案 冀教版Lesson 9 Always Eat Breakfast一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and practice the drill:How often do you_?_ times a _.3.Student can understand read and say the following words: healthy, strong, weak, sick, eat, ate and week.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the drill.The difficult point: Practice the dialogue.(Always eatting breakfast is good for your health.)三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards, one tape-recorder and some real object四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps:Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1.Review adverbs of frequency and days of the week.Step 3.Key concepts:healthy, strong, weak, sick and week1.Introduce:a.Use puppets to role-play “healthy, strong and weak”.Use actions and facial expressions:P1: (sad, coughing) I feel sick. Sick, say it please.S:Sick.P2:(happy,energetic)I dont feel sick.I feel healthy.Say it, please.S:Healthy.P1:I am weak.(Try to lift a book, but cant)This book is too heavy. I am weak.Weak.S: Weak.P2:Not me!I am strong(to P1)May I help you?(Lift it)The book is heavy.But I am strong. b.Demonsrate “week” and the question and answer “How often do you _ _?_times a _.”Draw boxes for each day of the week in a row on the BB.Write dthe days in the boxes in order, starting with Sunday.Explain that this is a “week”.Say a sentence such as “I sometimes wash the dishes”.Then ask and answer the question:How often do I wash the dishes?Twice a week.Repeat with volunteers.2.Student book :a.Note the structure “once a week”.Instead of saying “one time a week”. We always say “Once a week”.b.Note that the Student book reviews breakfast food.c.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3.Practice: Divide the class into pairs.Ask the class to make up appropriat sentinces about how often and what they eat for breakfast.六.Students activity:1.Sing the English song “The Monday song”.2.Make a chart to review adverbs of frequency.3.Try to review the days of the week with a question-and answer drill.4.Discuss the story in the student book.5.Imitation of the dialogue.6.Pairwork to practice the dialogue.七.Blackboard:Lesson 9 Always Eat Breakfasthealthy-strong sick-weakHow often do you _?_ times a _.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 9(2)教案 冀教版Lesson 9 Always eat breakfast一、教学目标:(一)知识:1. 巩固内容:always, sometimes, usually, never等表示频度的词汇。2. 掌握四会词汇和句型:healthy, strong, weak, weekHow often do you _?_ times a _.(二)能力:学生能用所学词汇句型说出有关健康的句子。(三)情感:帮助学生明白早餐的重要性,培养学生关注健康、关心他人的品质。二、教学重点、难点:重点:四会词汇和句型难点:How often do you _? _ times a _.句型的理解和运用。三、教具、学具:图片、录音机、四、教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewGreeting.Play a game: Never, NeverKey Conceptshealthy, strong, weak, weekHow often do you _?_ times a _.Introduce Use puppets to role-play “healthy”, “strong”,” weak”and “sick”.P1: (Sad, coughing.) I feel sick. Sick. Say it, please, class.C: Sick.P2: (Happy, energetic.) I dont feel sick. I feel healthy! Healthy. Say it, please.C: Healthy.P1: I am weak. Look! ( Try to carry a chair, but cant.) This chair is too heavy. I am weak. Weak. Say it, please.C: Weak.P2: Not me. I am strong. (To Puppet 1.) May I help you with that chair? ( Carry it.) There! The chair is heavy, but I am strong. Strong. Say it, please.C: Strong.Show the pictures and introduce these words. Write “healthy”, “strong”,” weak”and “sick”on the blackboard. Ask the students try to translate them.DrillAsk the students to say who is strong/ healthy/ weak/ sick.Student book No.1Introduce T: Everyone wants to be strong and healthy. Do you? Lets learn what to do. First, always eat breakfast. Because its good for you! Do you always eat breakfast? Lets look. Here is a chart. This is a week. There are seven days in a week. What are they? (Say Monday, Tuesday)T: When did you eat breakfast last week?SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayStudent 1Student 2Introduce How often did you eat breakfast last week? Once/ Twice/ Three times/ a week.Student book and audiotapePlay the audiotape and answer the questions: How often did Danny/ Kim/ Li Ming eat breakfast last week?PracticeT: We can say other things. For example: How often do you play ping-pong?Ask the students to say some sentences.Ask the students to make up appropriate sentences about how often and make up a chart.Ask the students to introduce their charts.Activity book. Class closing. 五、 板书设计 Lesson 9: Always eat breakfast! 图片Strong and healthy 图片 Weak and sickHow often do you _?_ times a _. (Once a week; Twice a week.)六、练习:(一)填空:1. I always eat breakfast. I am _ and _ .2. Liu Hong never eats breakfast. She is _ and _ .(二)写句子:Write three sentences with How often _ ?

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