中考英语一轮复习 S(二)开头词汇(一)讲义.doc

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中考一轮复习 S(二)开头词汇(一)(讲义)以字母 S 开头的单词形容词small /sml/adj. 小的,少的;年幼的short /t/adj. 矮的;短的be short of 短缺Im a little short of money this month. 这个月手头有点紧。be short for 是的缩写/简称Jo is short for Joanna. 乔是乔安娜的简称。straight /stret/adj. 直的;坦诚的,直率的a boat sailing in a straight line 直线航行的船long straight hair 又长又直的头发a straight answer to a straight question 问得直率,答得坦诚Its time for some straight talking. 现在该开诚布公地谈谈了。adv. 笔直地;直接,径直,立即;坦率地He was too tired to walk straight. 他累得走都走不直了。e straight home after school. 放学后直接回家来。I told him straight that I didnt like him. 我坦率地告诉他说我不喜欢他。strong /str/adj. 强壮的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的a strong wind 大风smart /smt/adj. 聪明伶俐的;衣着讲究的,光鲜的;时髦人物的;快速敏捷的Shes smarter than her brother.They were wearing their smartest clothes. He set off at a smart pace.silly /sl/adj. 傻的,愚蠢的stupid /stjupd/adj. 愚蠢的;笨的slow /sl/adj. 慢的;慢吞吞的(不乐意);迟钝的Progress was slower than expected. 进展比预计的缓慢。adv. 慢速地;缓慢地近义词:slowly Drive slow!v. (使)放慢,减缓,松劲slow down 放慢速度;松劲Slow down a bit (=work less hard), or youll make yourself ill.slowly /slli/adv. 慢速地;缓慢地Could you speak more slowly?strict /strkt/adj. 严格的;严厉的be strict with sb. in sth. 在某事方面对某人要求严格serious /srs/adj. 严重的;严肃的;认真的be serious about (doing) sth.Is she serious about wanting to sell the house? seriouslyadv. 严重地;严肃地;认真地take sb./sth. seriously 认真对待某人或某物strange /stren(d)/adj. 奇怪的,奇特的;陌生的strange to sb. 某人对感到陌生At first the place was strange to me. 起先我对这个地方不熟悉。stranger /stren(d)/n. 陌生人;外地人shy /a/adj. 害羞的 (shyer, shyest) shylyadv. 害羞地shynessn. 害羞;腼腆sad /sd/adj. 悲伤的;令人悲哀的,让人难过的We are very sad to hear that you are leaving. We had some sad news yesterday.sad to say 很遗憾;很可惜 (=unfortunately)Sad to say, we never found them. sadnessn. 悲哀,悲伤sadly /sdl/adv. 伤心地,悲伤地;不幸地,遗憾地She shook her head sadly.Sadly, after eight years marriage they had grown apart.不幸的是,结婚八年后,他们的感情日渐淡漠了。sorry /sr/adj. 惭愧的,抱歉的;难过的,感到惋惜的;后悔的,懊悔的be sorry that 歉意;同情、惋惜Im sorry that I missed your birthday. Im sorry that your husband lost his job.be sorry to hear/learn/see 很难过Were sorry to hear that your fathers in hospital again. be/feel sorry for sb. 同情;怜悯I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.我很同情在这种天气状况下还得开车的人。feel sorry for yourself 感觉不幸;自我怜悯Dont be sorry for yourself. 别灰心失望。scared /sked/adj. 惊慌的;吓坏的scaryadj. 令人惊慌的;吓人的 近义词:frightened 受惊的;害怕的frightening 引起恐惧的;使惊恐的shocked /kt/adj. 惊愕的;受震惊的My parents were pletely shocked!sick /sk/adj. 有病的;患病的;想呕吐的;对厌倦的sick & illShes sick. 她生病了。a sick woman 一个生病的女人Shes ill. 她生病了。an ill woman 一个坏女人 (ill 作定语时表示“坏的;不良的”)be sick of sb./(doing) sth. 厌倦某人或做某事Im sick of listening to them argue all the time.the sick 病人homesickadj. 思乡的seasickadj. 晕船的sunburned /snb(r)nd/adj. 晒伤的sore /s/adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的have a sore throat 嗓子疼sour /sa/adj. 酸的;酸臭的sour apples 酸苹果turn/go sour 馊了sweet /swit/n. 甜食,甜点;糖果;亲爱的Would you like some more sweet? 你想再吃点甜食吗?adj. 甜的;可爱的;和蔼的;新鲜的have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食soft /sft/adj. 软的;柔和的quiet and soft music 轻柔的音乐smooth /smu/adj. 光滑的;平坦的as smooth as silk 十分柔软,光滑solid /sld/adj. 结实的;固体的solid food 固体食物n. 固体Water changes from a liquid to a solid when it freezes.safe /sef/adj. 安全的safe and sound 平安无恙They arrived home safe and sound. safelyadv. 安全地n. 保险柜safety /seft/n. 安全;无危险in safety 毫无危险We are in safety now. safety first 安全第一(theres) safety in numbers 人多保险;人多势众;人多胆壮simple /smp()l/adj. 简单的,容易的;简朴的,朴素的 simply /smpl/adv. 仅仅;只;不过近义词:just single /sg()l/adj. 单一的,单个的;单身的;单人的He sent her a single red rose. 他送给她一支红玫瑰。Are you still single? 你还是单身吗?a single/double room 单人/双人房similar /sml/adj. 类似的;相像的be similar to sb./sth. 和很相似senior /sin/adj. (级别、地位)较高的;年长的senior high (school) 高中n. 较年长的人She was ten years his senior. 她比他大十岁。My brother is my senior by two years. 我哥哥比我大两岁。special /spe()l/adj. 特殊的,特别的;特价的Take special care of it. 对这东西要特别细心。n. 特别的东西,特殊的事物;特价The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。Theres a special on coffee this week. 本周咖啡特价。spare /spe/adj. 闲置的;备用的;空闲的,多余的a spare bedroom 一间闲置的卧室a spare key/bulb/battery/tyre 备用的钥匙/灯泡/电池/轮胎in ones spare time = in ones free time 在某人空闲时间v. 抽出;留出We can only spare one room for you.Surely you can spare me a few minutes? 你应该能为我空出几分钟时间吧?sure /adj. 确信;肯定be sure to do sth. 一定;必定(会发生/会做/要做)The exhibition(展览) is sure to be popular. Be sure to call me up when you arrive.be sure (about/of sth) / (that+句子) 对有把握;确信My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that. Im sure that he will agree.adv. 当然;(加强语气)的确,确实“Will you open the wine?” “Sure, where is it?” Texas sure was a great place to grow up.make sure (of sth)/(that+句子) 确保They scored another goal and made sure of victory. 他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。Just make sure (that) you try your best. for sure 无疑;肯定I think he lives there but I couldnt say for sure.动词start /stt/v. 开始,着手;出发 to start with 第一,首先;起初,开始时start to do = start doing sth.start out 启程,出发;开始从事,着手做They started out from Beijing this morning.他们今天上午从北京出发了。He started out to write a novel.他着手写一部长篇小说。He started out on a new career.stand /stnd/n. 站立;位于;忍受stand up 站起来stand for 代表;意味着The books written by T. C. Smith.What does the “T. C.” stand for?stand out 突出,显眼;杰出 (outstandingadj. 突出的;杰出的) I think black lettering will stand out best on a yellow sign.我认为黄色标志上的黑色字体最醒目。sit/st/v. (sat, sat) 坐sit down 坐下sit-upn. 仰卧起坐sleep /slip/v. (slept, slept) 睡觉;入睡She is sleeping.n. 睡觉;睡眠go to sleep 上床睡觉fall / be asleep 熟睡;睡着sleepy /slip/adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的sing /s/v. (sang, sung) 唱;唱歌singern. 歌手say /se/v. (said, said) 说;讲 say to oneself 自言自语,心里想,暗自思量it is said 据说thats to say 那就是说,换句话说saying /se/n. 谚语;格言;警句 Cspeak /spik/v. (spoke, spoken) 交谈;讲话;会讲(某种语言);发言speak 说(语言)speak Japanese/GermanHe speaks several languages.speak to/with sb. about sth. 交谈Can I speak with you for a moment?say 说 (内容)Tom says, “I agree with you.”She said hello/goodbye to me yesterday.tell 告诉;吩咐tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事tell a story/joke/lie 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎tell the truth 说实话talk 交谈talk to/with sb. about sth. 跟某人谈论某事speaker /spik/n. 演讲者;说话者;讲某种语言的人shout /at/v. 斥责;喊叫shout out (sth./to sb.) 大声说出shout at 冲大声叫嚷 & shout to 冲大声喊叫Stop shouting at your children! Everyone maybe make mistakes. We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.n. 呼喊,喊叫声loud shouts/angry shouts 大声的喊叫/愤怒的喊叫see /si/v. (saw, seen) 看见;探访;领会用 see/look/read/watch 填空 ! That dog is running after his owner.Pleasethis picture, and thenit carefully. What did you ? Dont those boring magazines. Lets watch/see a movie together!see sb. do/doing sth. 看见某人做了/正在做某事see sb off 为送行;送别“It opens like this.” “Oh, I see!”“这样就打开了。” “哦,我明白了!”wait and see 耐心等待;等着瞧Is he going to get better?I dont know, well just have to wait and see.stare /ste/v. 盯着看;凝视stare at 凝视;盯住 What are you staring at?sound /sand/n. 声音She heard the sound of footsteps outside. 她听见外面有脚步声。v. 听起来;发出响声sound + adj. 听起来His voice sounded strange on the phone. sound like + n. 听起来像You sounded just like your father when you said that.The bell sounded for the end of the class.adj. 明智的;健康的;酣畅的be of sound mind 心智健全have a sound sleep 睡得很香smell /smel/v. (-ed; -ed 或 smelt; smelt) 闻起来;闻到;嗅,闻n. 嗅觉U;气味感官系动词:smell, sound, look, taste, feelseem /sim/v. 似乎;好像seem like + n./that 似乎,好像It seemed like a good idea at the time. seem + n. “看上去像;看来是”He seems an honest man. 他看上去像一个老实人。seem + adj. “似乎很”You seem happy today. 你今天好像很高兴。seem + to do sth. / to be I seem to have a cold.Lily seems to be angry. = Lily seems angry.It seems/seemed + that 从句It seems that no one believes you.sweep /swip/v. (swept, swept) 扫除;扫sweep sth. away 扫除,清除;消灭;摧毁Any doubts had long since been swept away. 一切怀疑早已完全消除。houses swept away by the floods 被洪水摧毁的房屋sweep sth. out 打扫干净(房间等) Greg swept out the kitchen.sweep up 打扫;清扫Lily was sweeping up.Lily was sweeping up broken glasses.与字母 S 相关的谚语Saying and doing are two things.Score twice before you cut once. / Look before you leap. Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.Sharp tools make good work.Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood. Slow and steady wins the race.精讲精练一、单项选择()1. TFBOYS songssweet and many of us like listening to them.A. soundB. feelC. seeD. smell()2. Choosing the right circle of the friends willus a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.A. saveB. shareC. keepD. bring ()3. The organization WildAid isto protect wild animals.It has done a lot so far.A. cheered upB. picked upC. stayed upD. set up()4. Cathy spent a lot of money on her sons study. 选出与划线部分意义相近的选项。A. cost; aboutB. took; forC. spent; inD. paid; for ()5. Do you know why he didnta word when heto?Because he was too nervous.A. speak, speaksB. say, was spokenC. say, spokeD. speak, is spoken二、根据提示填空1. Im thankful to the teacher for her(suggest) on my interview.2. Finally the firemen saved the little girl under the damaged building(success).3. Drive(径直) on, and youll find the museum on your left.4. 青少年应该敢于质疑。Teenagers are _be brave enough to ask questions.5. 新体育馆的设计图样将在图书馆展出。Designs for the new gym will bein the library.【参考答案】以字母 S 开头的单词Look, look at, watch, see, read与字母 S 相关的谚语1. 说与做是两回事。2. 三思而后行。3. 见了机会,就要抓他的胡子,因为他后面没有头发。4. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。5. 磨刀不误砍柴工。6. 稳扎稳打;无往不胜。精讲精练一、单项选择15:AADDB二、根据提示完成句子1. suggestion(s) 2. successfully 3. straight/direct 4. supposed to5. on show/display


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