2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson21Fur and Paws教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson21Fur and Paws教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson21Fur and Paws教案 冀教版教学目标:1.学生学习fur,paws,tail等词汇,用以描述动物的特征。2.学生学习使用A _ has _ . 句式描述生活中的动物的一些特征,提高综合语言能力。3.学生学唱歌曲“Did You Ever See a Dog in a Purple Hat?”,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。教学重点:学生运用所学的知识描述某些动物的特征。教学难点:学生能够基本学会歌曲的演唱。教具准备:词汇卡片,一些动物的图片(也可以是相应的课件),录音机,磁带等。学具准备:词汇卡片,动物的图片等。教学课时:1课时教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1 Greeting师生相互问候。(设计意图:由英语问候开始课程。)2 Review出示词汇卡片或者图片,复习以前学习过的动物词汇,以及beak,wing,feathers等词汇。(设计意图:复习学过的和动物相关的词汇,为讲授新课做好准备,引出要学习的内容。)二、New Concepts1 教学fur,paws,tail利用图片或者玩具猫,逐个教学词汇fur,paws,tail,确定学生明白词汇的意义后,领读、拼读词汇。(设计意图:利用图片或者玩具比较形象地向学生介绍新的词汇,让学生初步学习这些词汇。)2 练习词汇教师出示bird,cat等图片,学生出示相应的词汇beak,wing,feathers或者fur,paws,tail,并且大声念出这些词汇。(设计意图:让学生在练习中熟悉新学的词汇和以前学过的词汇。)3 游戏学生分组进行词汇搭配的练习,学生分别出示动物词和特征词,并相互搭配。(设计意图:用游戏提高学生的学习兴趣,同时学生熟悉动物的特征词汇。)4 学用句子。教师使用图片或课件亲自示范句子A cat has fur , paws and tail. 学生跟教师读句子。教师板书。学生练习自己说句子,比如A dog has fur , paws and tail. A bird has a beak , wings and feather. 教师进一步启发学生运用所学的知识说出更多的句子,比如A cow has two eyes , two ears and a nose. 等,学生可以自由表达自己喜欢的动物的特征。(设计意图:教师先示范如何用英语描述动物的特征,学生在练习中提高自己的综合语言能力。)5 Song : “Did You Ever See a Dog in a Purple Hat?”讨论这首歌的图画。问题如下:Whats this?What animal is this?What is the _ wearing?What colour is it?What day is it?播放歌曲让学生听。检查学生对歌词的理解。再听歌曲跟唱,教师视情况教唱。学生唱歌。(设计意图:让学生在大致了解歌曲内容的情况下,学会歌曲。)三、 Class Closing1.完成活动手册(设计意图:复习所学的知识。)2.再唱歌曲。(设计意图:让学生在愉快的气氛中结束课程。)3.师生告别,结束教学活动。板书设计:Lesson21: Fur and PawsA _ has _ . cat fur , paws and tail bird a beak , wings and feather教学反思:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit3 lesson22Forward and Backward教案 冀教版1.学生能练习说和写forward,backward 2.掌握句型Can you_?以及它的肯定回答Yes,I can.和否定回答No,I cant. 3歌谣Teddy bear,Teddy bear,Turn around. 教学重难点:1.forward,backward,turn around 2.Can you_? Yes,I can.No,I cant. 教学过程:一、 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im very well., thank you. Are you ready for English class? S: Yes. T: Ok.Lets begin. 二、 Review 1. Sing a song (Lesson21,Number 2) 2. Ask individual wolunteers to make sounds for the animals. Ask the rest of the class to call out the names of the animal that match the sounds.And write them down.3. Review the adverb,such as: walk,jump play and so on. Ask a volunteer to act, others say what he or she does. 三、 New concept .T: (Perform an action backward or forward.) I am _ing forwardbackward. What am I doing? C:_ing forwardbackward or You are _ing forwardbackward. T: Very food!(Change the action.)What I am doing? C: You are _ing forwardbackward. T: (Turn around) I am turning around.What am I doing? C: You are turning around. 1.T:( I walk forward.) I can walk forward.(I ask student1) Can you walk forward? S1:(walk forward )Yes,I can. T:(I walk backward.) I can walk backward.(I ask student2) Can you walk backward? S2:(walk backward) Yes,I can.T:Can you ask others? S2:Yes,I can.(Turn to S3) Can you turn around? S3:Yes,I can. 2.I ask the class to make dialogue in a pair .(Show them some phrase:play checkers,play ping-pong,play with the doll,skip with the skipping rope) 3.Play the audiotape Number1 and Number2 in Lesson22 as the students follow in their books. Discuss the dialogue2. ChantTeddy bear,Teddy bear,Turn around. 1.Show the students the action for each picture in the song as I and the class say turn around, touch the ground, reach up high, touch the sky, bend down low, touch your toes. 2.Ask for volunteers to guess, in Chinese, the meaning of Touch the ground, reach up high, and touch the sky. Give the students lots of clues with gestures and with pictures I draw on the ground. 3.Play the audiotape as I and the students chant along and do the actions.四、练习题 1比比谁最快,把下列动物放在正确的横线上。 dog cat rabbit duck bird kangaroo monkey cow lion tiger I can run._ I can swim._ I can fly._ 2.你问我答,读句子,连线。 1.Can you play cards? A. A cat has fur. 2.Can a fish fly? B. I can write. 3.What has fur? C. Yes, I can. 4.Does a tiger have stripes(斑纹)? D. Yes, it has. 5.What can you do? E.No, it cant. 3连词成句。 1. cards Can play a dog _? 2. fur has paws tail a and A cat _. 3. fly What can else _?五、Homework Activity book:Number1,2 六、板书: Lesson22:Forward and Backward walk run forwardbackward jump turn around Can you _? Yes,I can /No,I cant

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