2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 My school(2)教案 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 My school(2)教案 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 My school(2)教案 冀教版(一起)I go to school today. Nice to meet you! I see _. I play on the playground. 二、Type of class:New lesson.三、Teaching Aims:make students read these sentences frequently,use them correctly.四、Teaching Important points:Nice to meet you! I see_.五、Training teaching aid:tape,card,gifts.六、Teaching procedure: ProcedureaimTeacheractivitiesStudentsactivitiesAdopt methods1. Greet and reviewWele students to their first English lesson by saying“Nice to meet you, class” Praise them to say “Nice to meet you”Throughout this teachers guide, they can say “Nice to meet you”Say together.2. Review 1) Praise them to say “Nice to meet you” to their classmates. 2) Ask the meaning of this sentence, if they still remembered.1) say “Nice to meet you” to their classmates.2) recall and answer teachers question.Talk together.3. PresentationShow the PPT to present the sentence” I go to school today.” Then ask the S to act and say. First review the word “office, hall, playground” second show the PPT of the sentence “I play on the playground” though it present “I see_. What can you see?”1) practice by performing and say.2) recall the words they have learnt in book2.3) Answer and practice.Look、recall and practice。4. text learningPlay the tape and ask to listen.Listen and imitate.First listen then read follow it.Listen and read.5. Practice1) Do activity book2) Sing a song。Do activity book Do and sing.6. home workMake a map like P3Make a map like P3make七、Teaching consideration.附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lets go to the classroom(1)教案 冀教版(一起) 新课在师生的问候中开始,教师通过直观的图片、游戏在学生的积极参与下讲授新的知识,课堂教学以学生为中心。二、教学目标(一)知识词汇: work (四会)句子: Where do you sit? I sit _.(二)能力1能够熟练运用动词 work 及相关的短语 2能够用英语表达在 classroom 这个教学环境中的活动3学会表达在某个人可能出现的场所。如: teacher in the office, or in the classroom (三)情感教室是学生主要的学习的场所,对这个环境培养起感情,快乐地学习。三、教学重点1动词 work的理解和运用。2句型 Where do you sit ? I sit _. We work in our classroom. We read books. I sing a song.四、教学媒体 电脑,挂图,录音机(磁带),图片。五、教学过程1导入(1)师生相互问候,Good morning/Good afternoon ,class.教师引导学生回忆上节课教授的内容。首先面向全体同学, saying “ Hi! Nice to meet you again!”然后向单个学生来问候,以一条龙的方式。(2) 教师在黑板上写下两组单词 classroom, office ,playground ,选两个学生,让他们上来贴上相应的图片,看谁既快又准,分别给与奖励。接下来播放一段录音(lesson2 的第一部分),询问学生听到了三幅图片中的哪一幅?揭掉其余两幅,引出新课。2呈现新课(1)观看优秀课件,展开新课。教师借助图片和实物讲解。(2)学生跟读磁带。教师提问 Where do you sit ?由全班到个人。(3)让volunteers来简单介绍自己在教室中的情况,如座位,活动等,3趣味操练(1)配音游戏。选出两个学生,让他们参看优秀课件中的内容,但是听不到声音,学生自己配音,看看谁更精彩。(2)教师给学生提供几幅图片,根据图片及课本的内容,编短小的对话。一幅图画可以选择几组学生进行,分别鼓励。(3)帮手偶 Danny 找到他的教室和位子,并介绍给其他的同学。4课堂评价(1)学生在教师指导下做活动手册。(2)课堂尽量以学生为中心,给他们更多的机会来施展自己的才能。5学以致用 学生把学到的新知识讲给家人听,家人的认可会让他们更自信。

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