2019-2020年三年级英语下册 全册教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 全册教案 人教新目标版本册英语教材是小学英语英语第二册新版,由中国、新加坡合编,人民教育出版社出版。本套教材以激发学生学习兴趣,培养语言运用能力,提供多种资源为特点,在以下几个方面进行了新的尝试:1.注重行动学习 2.强调合作学习 3.鼓励项目制作 4.重视表现评价。重视小学阶段的学习评价,力图打破以往片面强调测试评价和终结评价的传统优势。5.实施整体设计。本学期教学计划如下:一、 教学重点: 培养和训练学生的听、说、认读能力及人际互动能力。 通过反复接触新单词,使学生逐渐达到流利。 激励学生最大限度的使用英语交谈,学会在不同的情 景使用恰当的语言。 对不同学生提出不同的学习目标和要求,保持学生学习兴趣。二、教学难点: 正确听和说所学单词和句型。 基本能用英语表达自己的思想和要求。 保持学习英语的兴趣和信心。三、教学任务:本学期分为6个单元,共计36课,强调交际和会话,重点在交谈(听和说),兼顾读与说。 会话:能听懂、会说30组会话,并能进行简单的交流。 单词:能够听、说、认、读63个单词和26个字母,并能简单地运用。 游戏:能听、做21个游戏。 能听、做、表演10个“TPR”活动。 能学会8个小制作。 歌曲:能够演唱9首歌曲。 歌谣:能听、说、唱6首歌谣。四、教学措施: 句型、单词:利用卡片、幻灯、图片、饰物、头饰,做到图文并茂,真实展示,并以游戏、歌曲、竞赛等形式巩固。 会话:创设情景,编排表演,让大部分学生能够参与其中。 听力:通过英语组织教学,提高学生听力,利用录音机,多媒体现代化教学设施,提高学生听力。本册教材的教学目的是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心;养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力;适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生进一步学习奠定良好的基础。教学进度表周次日期计 划 进 度课时数单元(课)节教学内容 13.13.4Lesson122Classroom school storybook 223.73.11Lesson353Marker crayon desk chair Chinese book English book 3 33.143.18Lesson683One two three six seven 343.213.25Lesson9113Eight nine ten Four five Eleven twelve 353.284.1Lesson12143Father mother Brother sister 364.44.8Lesson15173Daughter son Grandfather grandmotherUncle aunt374.114.15Lesson181Revision 184.184.22Fun time13Unit1,2,3 394.254.29Lesson19213Mango bread Aa Bb Candy doughnut Cc Dd 3105.75.13Lesson22243Grapes honey Jam ice cream 3115.165.20Lesson25273Kangaroo lion 3125.235.27Lesson28303Quail rooster Elephant tiger 3135.306.3Lesson31333Skirt uniform vest Watch box 3146.66.10Lesson34363Yacht zip zebraCoat sweater 3156.136.17Fun time23Unit 463166.206.24总复习3UNIT1UNIT33176.277.1总复习3UNIT4UNIT63第一周 xx年3月1日Unit1 Lets go to school!Lesson 1 Lets go to school! Type : newPeriod: 1Number : 6Aim of teaching: Three skills: 1. Just speak: Nice/Glad to see you again.2.Just read: classroom school 3.lets sing: Nice to see you again.Focal point : classroom school Difficult point: 字母组合oo的发音。Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools : powerpoint pictures tape puppetsProcess of teaching:一、 Warm-up:1. Play an English song “Nice to see you again”.2. Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls./Glad to see you.二、 Presentation:1. Show the picture in Lesson1, ask some question: Where are Gao Wei and Kate? Is the time morning or afternoon? What do you think Kate and Gao Wei can say?2. Play the tape and listen to the tape, then let the students answer the question above. 3. Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1 again. 4. Tell the Ss “Lets go to school.”是祈使句,ask some question: Whats the meaning of “Lets”? Translate “Lets go to school.” into Chinese. Guess Whats the meaning of the word “again”?5. Teach the words: school classroom 6. Learn to sing: Nice to see you again. 三、Practice 1. Show the words cards: school classroom pen pencil ruler eraser glue sharpener bag .2. Read the words below: glue leg balloon rice rabbit red orange doll apple milk noodles purple 四、Homework Write the words : school classroom 板书设计: Lesson 1 Nice to see you again.school classroom 学校 教室教学回顾:第一周 xx年3月3日Lesson2 I have a new water bottle. Type: newPeriod: 2Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills: 1. Just speak: I have a new water bottle/story book. Can I see it? Here you are. 2.Just read: storybook water bottle 3.lets sing: Whats your name? Focal point: storybook water bottle Difficult point: 字母组合oo发短音Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpoint puppetsProcess of teaching:一、 Warm-up 1. Sing an English song “Nice to see you again.”. 2. Review the old words: pen pencil ruler book eraser sharpener bag pencil-box 3. Practice the dialogue in Lesson1. 二、 Presentation 1. The teacher shows a bag and says: I have a new bag. Then takes out some things and says: I have a new ruler. I have a new pen. 2. The teacher shows a water bottle and teach to read the word: water bottle. Then shows a storybook and teach to read the word: storybook. 3. Listen to the tape and read the drill in Part1.三、 Practice 1. Practice the drills: I have a new 2. Learn to chant: I have a 四、Homework Write the words: storybook water bottle 板书设计: Lesson2 I have a new water bottle. storybook water bottle 故事书 水瓶教学回顾:第二周 xx年3月8日 Lesson 3 Whats in it? Type: newPeriod: 3Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Look at my new pencil-box. How nice! Whats in it? 2.Just read: marker crayon 3.Lets play: Focal point: marker crayonDifficult point: 可数名词单数前面要用a/an.Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpoint Process of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing an English song: “ Nice to see you again.”.2. Review the words: storybook water bottle bag book pen pencil glue eraser ruler pencil-box3. Practice the dialogue in Lesson2. 二、Presentation 1 Practice the drills: I have a Use the words below: bag book pen pencil storybook water bottle, then teach the new words: marker crayon. 2 The teacher takes out a big bag and says: Look! I have a big bag. Practice the drill: I have a pencil-box I have a storybook. Then points to the bag and asks: Whats in the bag? 3 Review the old words: storybook pencil-box 4 Show the picture in Lesson3, then play the tape and read the drills.三、Practice 1. Practice the drills: Guess whats in and Look at 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 四、Homework Write the new words: storybook crayon 板书设计: Lesson3 Good morning! storybook crayon 故事书 蜡笔教学回顾: 第二周 xx年 3月9日 Lesson4 Whats in my bag? Type: newPeriod: 4Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Whats in my bag? 2.Just read: English book Chinese book 3.Lets play: Focal point: English book Chinese book Difficult point: 不定冠词an/a 用法Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1. Sing an English song: “ Here we go round”. 2. Greeting each other: Good morning, Miss Song. Good morning, boys and girls. 3. Practice the drills: Look at, How nice! Whats in 二、Presentation 1. Teach the new words: A Chinese book/An English book. And ask: Guess whats this? 2. The teacher takes out a bag and ask: Whats in my bag? Can you guess? The Ss answer: A Chinese book ,An English book.The teacher says: Yes. Look, a Chinese book/ An English book. 3. Play the tape and read it. 4. Practice the dialogue: Whats in my bag? Can you guess? 三、Practice 1. Play a game: Guess whats in my bag? A pencil-box. 2. Review the old words: pencil-box Chinese book crayon storybook 四、Homework Write the new words on the note: Chinese book English book 板书设计: Lesson4 Whats in my bag? Chinese book English book 汉语书 英语书教学回顾: 第二周 xx年3月10日Lesson 5 Whats on the desk? Type: newPeriod: 5Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Whats on the desk? Whats on the chair? 2.Just read: desk chair 3.Lets do: Focal point: desk chair Difficult point: 注意介词on 的用法。 Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up: 1. sing an English song: Colour song.2. Practice the dialogue in Lesson4. 3. Review the old words in Lesson1-4: marker Chinese book English book pencil 二、Presentation 1. Practice the drills: Whats in the pencil-box/bag/paper bag? 2. Teach the new words: desk chair Ask the question: Whats this? Whats that? Its a desk/chair? 3. The teacher puts a book in the desk, then ask: Whats in the desk? Whats on the desk? Whats on the chair? 4. Play the tape and read the drills. 三、Practice1. Practice the drills: Whats in the desk/chair? 2. Play a game: Show me and Touch 四、Homework Write the words on the note: desk chair 板书设计: Lesson 5 Whats on the desk? desk chair 书桌 椅子教学回顾: 第三周 xx 年3月14日Lesson 6 Revision Type: revisionPeriod: 6Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Fun story: Nice to see you again! I have a new water bottle. Lets go to school. Can I see it? Focal point: the words in Unit1 Difficult point: 1. Fun story Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing an English song: Nice to see you again. 2. Revise the words in Unit1: school classroom marker crayon water bottle storybook Chinese book English book desk chair 二、Presentation 1. The teacher takes a big bag first, then says: I have a big bag. Guess whats in it? 2. Let the students look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the story. 3. Listen to the tape and read the drills. 三、Practice 1. Act out the dialogue in Part1. 2. Play the tape and do the hearing practice. 四、Homework Listen to the tape in Unit1 at the home. 板书设计: Lesson6 Revisionschool classroom marker crayon water bottle storybook Chinese book English book desk chair教学回顾: 第三周 xx年3月16日Unit2 How old are you? Lesson7 Im Li Yan. Type: newPeriod: 1Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Hello, Im Li Yan.Im in Class1, Grade3. 2.Just read: one two three 3.Lets play: Focal point: one two threeDifficult point: 字母组合th 的发音 Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Play an English song: Nice to see you again. 2. Revise the words in Unit1: school classroom storybook water bottle marker crayon Chinese book English book desk chair 3. Practice the dialogue freely. 二、Presentation 1. Revise the drill: Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. 2. Introduce myself: Im Li Yan. Im in Class1, Grade3.3. Teach the words: one two three 4. Listen to the tape and read the drill in Part1 and Part2. 5. Let the students introduce themselves: Hello, Im Im in Class1, Grade3.三、Practice Practice the number : one two three Sing the number song: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, begin again. 四、Homework Write the words on the note: one two three 板书设计: Lesson7 How old are you? one two three 教学回顾:第三周 xx年3月18日 Lesson8 How old are you? Type: newPeriod: 2Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: How old are you? Im six. 2.Just read: six seven 3.Lets sing: How old are you? Focal point: six seven Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing an English song and clap the hands: How old are you? 2. Show the pictures and revise the old words: one two three etc. 二、Presentation 1. Revise and act out the dialogue in Lesson7 in Partner. Practice the dialogue: How old are you? Im six. 2. First revise the words: one two three. Then teach the new words: six seven 3. Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1 and Part2. 4. Learn to sing an English song: How old are you? 三、Practice1. Listen and learn the English song: How old are you? 2. Read the words: one two three six seven 3. Practice the drills:Whats three and three? Its six. Whats four and three? Its seven.四、Homework Write the words on the note: six seven 板书设计: Lesson 8 How old are you? six seven 教学回顾: 第四周 xx年3月21日 Lesson9 Type: newPeriod: 3Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Whats your name? How old are you? 2.Just read: eight nine ten 3.Lets play: Focal point: eight nine ten Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1. Sing an English song: How old are you? 2. Act out the dialogue in Lesson 7 and 8 in Partner. 3. Count the number from 1 to 10.二、Presentation 1. Show the picture in Lesson9, ask some questions: Whats your name? How old are you? 2. Let the students act out the dialogue in Lesson9.3. Play the tape and read the drills in Part1 and Part2.4. Teach the new words: eight nine ten 三、Practice 1. Listen to the tape 2. Learn to say the chant: Hello, how old are you? 四、Homework Write the words in the note: eight nine ten 板书设计: Lesson9 eight nine ten 教学回顾: 第四周 2005年3月23日 Lesson10 Type: newPeriod: 4Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: What time is it? Its five oclock. 2. Just read: four five 3. Lets sing: The number song Focal point: four five Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing an English song: The number song.2. Act out the dialogue in Lesson9 in Partner.3. Revise the number words: one two three six seven eight nine ten.二、Presentation 1. Show the picture, listen to the tape, teach the drills: What time is it? Its five oclock.2. Practice the dialogue in Part1. 3. Revise the words: one two three six seven eight nine ten, learn the new words: four five. 4. Play the tape and read the drills. 三、Practice1. Show a clock, ask: What time is it? 2. Learn to sing: The number song.四、Homework Write the words on the note: four five板书设计: Lesson10 four five教学回顾:第四周 xx年3月25日 Lesson11 Type: newPeriod: 5Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: What time is it? Its twelve oclock. 2. Just read: eleven twelve 3. Lets play: Focal point: eleven twelve Difficult point: 注意eleven 的重音Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing an English song: The number song.2. Act out the dialogue in Lesson10 in Partner. 3. Revise the number words: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.二、Presentation 1. Show a clock and ask: What time is it? Its twelve oclock. 2. Listen to a tape and read the drills. 3. Study the new words: eleven twelve 三、Practice Act out the dialogue in Part 1.四、Homework Write the words on the notes: eleven twelve 板书设计: Lesson11 eleven twelve What time is it? Its twelve oclock.几点了? 十二点钟。 教学回顾: 第五周 xx年3月28日 Lesson12 Revision Type: revisionPeriod: 6Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Fun story: Focal point: the words in Unit2 Difficult point: 1. Fun story Teaching method: municative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1. Sing an English song: Colour markers 2. Act out the dialogue in Lesson11 in Partners. 3. Look at the cards: say the numbers in English. 4. Ask and answer one by one: How old are you? Im eight. What about you? Im nine. What about you? 二、Presentation 1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue in Part1. 2. Practice the dialogue in Part1. 3. Act out the dialogue in Part1. 4. Learn to sing an English song: Colour markers.三、Practice 1. Revise the old words: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.2. 用英语数字做加法练习。四、Homework Listen to the tape in Lesson7-12 at home. 板书设计: Lesson 12 Revision one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve教学回顾: 第五周 xx年3月30日 Unit 3 This is my father. Lesson 13 Type: newPeriod: 1Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: This is my father. This is my mother. 2. Just read: father mother 3. Lets sing: Father and mother Focal point: father mother Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Greeting: Good morning! Hello! Glad to meet you!2. Play an English song: Father and mother. 3. Sing an English song: The number song.4. Act out the dialogue in Partners freely. 二、Presentation 1. Revise the drills: T: Good morning. Whats your name? S: My name is Micky. T: Nice to meet you, Micky. 2. Show the picture and introduce: Look at this photo. This is my father. This is my mother. 3. Listen to the tape and read in Part1. 4. Learn to the new words: father mother 三、Practice Act out the dialogue in Part1 in groups. 四、Homework Write the words on the note: father mother 板书设计: Lesson 13 Look at my nose. father mother 教学回顾: 第五周 xx年4月1日 Lesson14 Type: newPeriod: 2Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: This is How old 2. Just read: brother sister 3. Lets do: Focal point: brother sister Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: municative approachTeaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Play an English song: Father and mother. 2. Sing an English song: Colour song. 3. Act out the dialogue in Partners freely. 4. Listen and do: Act like a father/mother二、Presentation 1. Introduce family: This is my father. This is my mother .This is my brother. This is my sister. 2. Act out the dialogue in Partners. 3. Learn the new words: brother sister 4. Listen to the tape and read in Part1 and Part2. 三、Practice Play a game: Show me your photo. Show me your fathers photo. Show me your mothers photo. Show me your sisters photo. Show me your brothers photo. Show me your family photo. 四、Homework Write the words o


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