2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit4Lesson31(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit4Lesson31(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit4Lesson31(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第2页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit4Lesson31(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起)单元教材分析一年级的学生,他们的注意力时间较短,而且由于年龄小,知识积累相对少一些。因此上课时需要教师采取灵活多变、趣味十足的手段来吸引学生,充分调动他们的积极性,使他们有限的知识积累能得到充分再生.。Lesson 31 是运用表示颜色的形容词对生活中的事物进行描述。另外,在教材的理解上,本课的教学不应拘泥于课上,还应注意知识的拓展和延伸。教学建议颜色的词是已经学过的,在这里主要是如何利用它们来描述身边的事物。1让学生指出自己的衣服都有什么颜色,可以让他们这样说:My coat is yellow. My shoes are brown. My skirt is blue, green and yellow.2教师准备几样水果,问:What are you see? 然后学生回答,接着问:What colour is it?3让学生画出不同的几何图形,并着色,然后用英语描述。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit7 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版Teaching aims:Vocabulary: rabbit bird numbers one through ten dog cat fishStructures (New): Receptive: What is it? Productive: Its a dog.Structures (Review): Receptive: How many?Teaching preparation: Prepare the posters and flashcards for this lesson.Teaching steps:Step1:review the numbers one through ten.(1)Call out numbers from one trough ten randomly. (2)Have children listen and hold up the correct number of fingers.Step2:Preview (1)Review the words dog, cat and fish with the flashcards.(2)Hold up the flashcard for rabbit. Present the word rabbit. Model the word at least twice, and then have the children repeat after you in a choral drill. Point to the picture and elicit the word from individual children.(3)Repeat the step above to present the new vocabulary: bird.(4)Review the five words by repeating the step above.Step3:Presentation of new language (1)Have children open their books and look at the picture. Using Chinese,discuss the picture. Ask children where the characters are, what they are doing, how they feel, what Ann has bought, and so on.(2)Ask, “What colors can you see ?” Hold up your copy of the book and point to different animals, eliciting the colors.(3)Now point to the dogs and ask, “How many dogs are there?” Elicit, “Three.”Repeat the step above for bird, cat, rabbit, and fish.Step4:Talk about the story (1)Have the children look at the pictures as you play the tape.(2)Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words.Step 5:Touch and say(1)Have children open their books and direct their attention to the pictures and words along the foot of the page.(2)Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.(3)Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.(4)Without the tape, read the words together.板书设计:Lesson 1What is it?Its a dog.How many?课后小结:由于是新授课,学生对单词的掌握情况不太熟练,下节课要多练习。


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