2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit11(1)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit11(1)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims:1.Let the students to know the new words and new sentences.2.Let the students to say the new words and new sentences. 3.The students can have a talk with the sentences: what time did you see him?二、difficult points and key points:Talk about the new things with “what time did you see him? ”freely.三、teaching aids:1.A tape recorder.2.Some word cards.3.Some pictures.四、teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.1.Greetings.2.Reading the poem together. Step 2 presentation and drill.1.The teacher shows the picture to the students.2.The teacher shows the picture to the students, and lead the students to learn the new knowledge. 3.Then lead the students how to ask the question. And write the sentence on the blackboard. 4.Show the picture to the students. And teacher teaches the new words.5.Listen to the tape. And answer the question:What did the thief steal?Where did he steal?What time did he steal? Step 3 Practices1.Listen to the tape recorder and answer the questions.Who saw the man?What time and where Lingling see the thief?What time and where did Peter see him?Whats the man like?2.Listen to the tape and read after it.3.Act it out with opening the books.Step 4 consolidations1.Creation. 2.Evaluations.Step 5 homework附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit11(2)教案 广东版开心教学目标:一、 知识目标:1、“四会”单词及词组:turn on ,turn off, put away, take out, trash,light,put on,hang up,clean up,in a minute,later,very good.2、“四会”句子: Can you take out the trash,please?Sure.Ill take it out.Can you hang up my clothes?Sure.Ill hang them up in a minute.Can you clean up my room,please?Sorry.Im busy now.二、 能力目标:1、 能使用基本句型表达请求:Can you turn on the light,please?Sure.Ill turn it on.2、 能在实际生活中灵活运用句子来表达自己的请求,能听 懂别人的请求,并能按照指令做出反应。教学重点:一、 掌握四会单词及词组。二、 理解并灵活运用句型:Can you do sth?Sure.Ill do sth.教学难点:一、 单词发音的准确性。二、 句型的活用及turn it on,take it out,hang them up 的正确 用法。教学准备:老师准备所用的图片、录音机。学生人手一套图片。教学内容:put on your coat, hang up your clothes, clean up the room, in a minute, later.Can you hang up my clothes? Sure. Ill hang them up in a minute.Can you clean up my room, please? Sorry. Im busy now.(Vocabulary, Target, Conversation,WB-P37 1,2)教学过程:一、 热身活动:1、 问候:师生用英语自由对话,营造英语氛围。2、 复习:出示图片,复习上节课所学的词组和句型。二、 教学呈现:1、 创设情景,拿一外衣做“穿上”的动作对学生说:Put on your coat ,please .2、 创设情景,运用图片学习hang up。Can you hang up my clothes ?Sure. Ill hang them up in a munite.3、 同样学习:Can you clean up my room, please?Sorry.Im busy now .4、 Listen to the tape and read after it .5、 Read conversation by themselves first.Find out the word later and learn it .6、 Listen to the tape . Listen and repeat .三、 Exercises:完成WB-p.37的练习(1)和(2)。四、 Activity:先准备好一些实物,如衣物和玩具。用书桌和椅子布置成一个客厅的场景。把学生分成五人一组。每组都进行实物表演对话故事。先给学生一些时间准备,然后挑选一个较好的小组列前面表演。五、 小结:总结这节课学生学习的得矢。六、 Homework :Copy and recite conversation. 板书:Unit 11 Can you put away your toys ?a picture a picture Can you hang up my clothes ?put on your coat hang up your clothes Sure . Ill hang them up in a m a picture clean up the room Can you clean up my room ?in a munite later Sorry .Im busy now .


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