北京市2019中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解(4).doc

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北京2019中考英语阅读理解(四)专题十八 阅读理解第4讲 北京海淀一模阅读理解CD篇教学目标1. 掌握本篇阅读理解中出现的高频词及长难句。2. 掌握阅读理解的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇阅读理解中运用到的解题技巧。3. 通过阅读理解高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及阅读理解解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种阅读理解题。C篇名师点拨知识篇“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于阅读理解高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗?高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。)单词/短语词性词义拓展掌握情况优良差madadj.疯狂的spreadv. 传播realizev.意识到get used to习惯于,适应destroyv.毁坏,破坏biologicaladj.生物的smartadj.聪明的unknowinglyadj.不知不觉的slide into溜进breakv.打破preventfrom阻止做belongv.属于belong to 属于长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。)1. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒) is still around.(优*良*差*)_句意:他们用这些鸡的目的是为了看是否西尼罗河病毒仍然在周围。本句中的to为不定式作目的状语,表示使用这些鸡的目的。2. Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people from entering their land.(优*良*差*)_句意:世界各地的国家正在意识到阻止某种人进入他们的领地也许是有可能的。本句话包含了一个由that引导的宾语从句,做realize的宾语。3. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks its natural balance. (优*良*差*)_句意:来自巴布亚新几内亚的树蛇正忙着吃光关岛的一些鸟,这件事打破了它的自然平衡。本句话是由which引导的定语从句,which代表整个主句,也就是树蛇吃光鸟这件事,翻译时要注意。方法篇“方法得当, 事半功倍。”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于阅读理解解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解阅读理解的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了阅读理解的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少?一、阅读理解解题步骤第一步快速浏览全文,了解文章大概。浏览时要注意以下句子:每段的开头和结尾,重要的情节句子,如果遇到未学或不认识的单词或不理解的句子,可以根据上下文猜测,切不可停留而放慢速度。第二步浏览问题,明确要求。把文章后每个题目内容看明白,这样又能辅助进一步理解文章的主要内容,具体做题时就能对号入座,找到文章中确切表达所要回答问题的关键句子。第三步通篇寻读,确定段落。也就是带着问题去读,找到要回答问题的关键词、句或意群,以及任何有关答题的信息,用铅笔画下来,以便为下一步答题做好充分准备。第四步逐条分析,对号入座。把需要回答的问题和寻读中找到的信息逐条分析,对号入座。一般来说,出题者问题设计都是按照文章内容自上到下顺序设计的,根据难度先解决容易的,最后解决深层次的理解题。第五步复读全文,验证答案。全部题目做完后,必须再仔细阅读一遍全文,进一步加深对文章理解,核实所选答案是否正确。二、阅读理解解题技巧初中英语选择型阅读理解题主要分为四种题型,分别是细节理解题,推理判断题,猜测词义题和主旨大意题。接下来我们将从这四种题型的定义,设题方式和解题技巧三方面进行介绍。题型题型一:细节理解题解释本类试题主要考察学生对阅读材料中的某一特定细节或文章的主要事实的理解能力。问题包括询问人(who)、物(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(cause)、结果(effect)、文中的数据(data)等。新闻、说明文、广告信息等常常考察这些细节。设题方式1. Which of the following statements is true/false?2. Which of the following is (not) mentioned?3. According to the passage, when( where, why, how, who, etc)?解题技巧1. 细心审题,直接就题找答案2. 变通理解,间接转述找答案3. 多点归纳,综合事实找答案典题精析Which hand do you use when write? About 8 to 15 percent of people are left handed. They often have to use tools that are designed for right-handed people. So it is difficult for left-handers to use most tools. If you are right handed, try this experiment: Take a knife with your left hand and try cutting a potato into pieces. Dont be surprised if you feel awkward(别扭的).If right-handers cut up potatoes with their left hand, they will .A. get hurtB. give up cuttingC. feel awkwardD. change their tools本题可以运用到解题技巧1. 细心审题,直接就题找答案浏览题干,确定关键短语为cut up potatoes with their left hand,浏览段落,确定关键句 If you are right handed, try this experiment: Take a knife with your left hand and try cutting a potato into pieces. Dont be surprised if you feel awkward(别扭的).“如果你是一个习惯用右手的人,用左手拿刀把土豆切成块。如果你感到别扭并不让人惊讶。”,根据句意即可推断出正确答案,故选C。题型题型二:推理判断题解释推理判断题着重考察学生的逻辑思维能力,即要求学生根据文章的逻辑关系进行推理判断。此类题目难度大,涉及面广,如人物的性格、心理,故事的结局、寓意,文章的出处、体裁,作者的倾向、态度等。设题方式1. It can be inferred from the text that_.2. From the text we know that _.3. With which of the following does the author agree?4. The passage is probably taken from a _.解题技巧1. 通过文章陈述的事实进行推断2. 根据文章所提供的的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言进行推断3. 根据作者的意图和态度进行推断典题精析Boredom is often linked with loneliness, but a writer named Meera Syal said boredom had helped her in developing her mind. She told researchers about her childhood. Having few things to do, Syal often talked with her neighbors. She also tried to do things like learning to bake cakes. “But importantly, I Thought and wrote a lot, because I was bored,” Syal said. She kept a diary, filling her time with short stories and poems she made up.Grayson Perry, an artist, grew up in a family with little money. He enjoyed himself by making up stories, drawing pictures for his stories and reading many books in the library. Bored but free, he spent hours looking out of the window, watching the changing clouds and seasons. Perry filled up his free time with what he liked. He became creative, because he could think freely. The writer talks about Syal and Perry to .A. stress the great differences between themB. introduce a popular writer and a famous artistC. suggest good ways of going through boredomD. show effects of boredom on developing creativity本题可以运用到解题技巧2. 根据文章所提供的的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言进行推断题干意为“作者谈论Syal 和Perry的例子的目的是什么?”。两个段落很长,我们首先要精读段落,抓住两个人物的态度,第一段中关键句为a writer named Meera Syal said boredom had helped her in developing her mind.意为“Meera Syal说无聊帮助她发展了她的思想”,第二段关键句为He became creative, because he could think freely.意为“他变得积极,因为他能够自由思考”,由这两句关键句可知两个人都认为“无聊可以发展创造力,”,故选D。题型题型三:词义猜测题解释单词的猜测能力是阅读理解能力的主要组成部分,是考查对文中关键词语的理解。而且,所考察的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据文中语境来判断。设题方式1. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means _.2. The word“”most likely means _.3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word _.解题技巧1. 通过因果关系猜测词义2. 通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜测词义3. 通过构词法猜测词义4. 通过定义或释义说明来猜测词义5. 通过描述猜测词义6. 用知识和生活经验猜测词义7. 根据上下文的指代关系猜测词义典题精析Children are expected by their parents to be reading a textbook all the time. However, research shows that it may hamper the development of their imagination, while boredom can give them opportunities to develop creativity. What does the word “hamper” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Slow down.B. Keep up with.C. Go beyond.D. Give rise to.本题可以运用到解题技巧2. 通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜测词义浏览本段,会发现本段中存在转折连词while“然而”,while后的句意为“无聊能给他们发展创造力的机会”,所以while之前的句意应该与之相反,进一步推测词义。A意为“(使)慢下来”,B意为“跟上”,C意为“超出”,D意为“引起,导致”,故选A。题型题型四:主旨大意题解释考查学生对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解能力。设题方式1. 问标题:What is the main topic of the passage? / The best title for the passage is _.2. 问中心:The first paragraph is mainly about the _. / The passage is mostly about _.3. 问目的,态度:The author wants to tell _. / The purpose of this article is to _.解题技巧1. 浏览文章首尾段和各段开头,抓住主旨段或主旨句2. 浏览全文,抓住关键字眼,把握主旨3. 以掌握主旨为前提,处理推断作者语气及写作意图典题精析In the past, people thought it was strange to use the left hand. Young students looked down upon their left-handed classmates. Some children were even punished for using their left hand to write. But these days parents and teachers have accepted that. In almost every school in the world, left-handed students can use their left hand to write.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. Causes of being left handed. B. Encouragement to left-handersC. Punishment for using the left hand. D. Changes in opinions on left-handers.本题可以运用到解题技巧2. 浏览全文,抓住关键字眼,把握主旨本题考察的是第二段段落大意,要首先锁定第二段的关键词but,but之前的关键词in the past和it was strange to use the left hand表明了在过去人们认为使用左手是奇怪的,but之后的关键词these days和have accepted that表明了现在人们接受了惯用左手的人。所以这段主要是讲述了人们关于惯用左手的人的态度上的转变。可以判定答案为Changes in opinions on left-handers.,故选D。语篇精讲浏览问题(抓住题干及选项中的关键词,以便有目的性的通读文章)题号题干及选项1Why are Canadian officials placing chickens along the border? (细节理解题)A. To help clean up the border. B. To see if the virus is still around. C. To protect the chickens from falling ill. D. To make sure that the birds can find food. 2Which of the following is TRUE? (细节理解题)A. People find it difficult to travel from one place to another. B. Plants always create problems in places where they belong. C. Biological polluters may destroy the local plant and animal life. D. Viruses spend a long time getting used to the local environment. 3Customs officials in many countries prevent people from bringing in _. (细节理解题)A. chocolates B. shoes C. pictures D. plants 4What is the best title for the passage? (主旨大意题)A. Land Pollution B. The West Nile Virus C. Smart Polluters D. The Water Hyacinth 通篇寻读(通读文章,根据问题中的关键词标记出文章中的重点词,短语或句子,为逐题分析做准备)话题体裁字数建议用时实际用时正确率星级科普环保类说明文3607分钟_/4Health officials in Canada are very busy these days. They are placing chickens at fixed points all along their 2,500 km border (边境) with the United States of America. Its not a joke, nor have the Canadians gone mad. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒) is still around. The virus infects birds, so the chickens have a chance of catching the virus and fall ill. The West Nile virus is spread among humans. It killed seven people in New York last year. Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people from entering their land. However, it is very difficult to stop viruses traveling from one end of the earth to another. When they travel to new places, they get used to the environment very easily and sometimes start destroying the local plant and animal life. These biological polluters are called smart polluters. These smart polluters can be carried across borders of countries unknowingly. Just as we humans are travelling across the world more often than earlier, these biological polluters have also started journey much more. They slide into airplanes through their wheels. They dig into objects that travelers may be carrying from one country to another. There are some good examples of how these polluters work. The water hyacinth (水葫芦) of South America is blocking lakes in China and Africa. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks its natural balance. Thats why the customs (海关) officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant, or an object made of wood that is in its natural form. The customs officials have these rules because these varieties (多样性) of plants are special to certain places. The plants have the power to spread new illnesses among native plants and animals. Biological polluters always create problems in places where they do not belong. They could be special varieties of plants, bugs or even animals. 逐题分析语篇解读:本文是一篇科普环保类的说明文。文章主要说明了smart polluters这种污染的特性,传播途径及对自然造成的危害。1. Why are Canadian officials placing chickens along the border? A. To help clean up the border. B. To see if the virus is still around. C. To protect the chickens from falling ill. D. To make sure that the birds can find food. 解析:B.细节理解题。题干意为“为什么加拿大官方沿着边境放置鸡?”,题干关键词Canadian officials placing chickens出现在文中第一段,浏览第一段并没有发现答案,我们接着浏览第二段,第二段同样是对这一事实的描述,根据关键句They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒) is still around.可知“他们用这些鸡是为了看病毒是否仍然存在。”,故选B。2. Which of the following is TRUE? A. People find it difficult to travel from one place to another. B. Plants always create problems in places where they belong. C. Biological polluters may destroy the local plant and animal life. D. Viruses spend a long time getting used to the local environment. 解析:C. 细节理解题。本题需要我们逐项排除。A项意为“人们发现smart polluters很难从一个地方传播到另一个地方”,根据文章第四段关键句These smart polluters can be carried across borders of countries unknowingly.中的“unknowingly”可知它的传播是不知不觉的,故此项错误;B项意为“植物总是在它们所属的地方创造问题”,根据文章最后一段关键句Biological polluters always create problems in places where they do not belong.可以判定此项是错误的,这里需要注意选项中的plants就是biological polluters中的一种;C项意为“生物污染能够摧毁当地的植物或动物的生命”,根据第三段中关键句sometimes start destroying the local plant and animal life可以判定此项是正确地;D项意为“病毒花费很长时间适应当地的环境”,根据第三段中关键句they get used to the environment very easily可知它们很容易适应环境,故此项错误。3. Customs officials in many countries prevent people from bringing in _. A. chocolates B. shoes C. pictures D. plants 解析:D. 细节理解题。题干意为“许多国家的海关官员阻止人们携带什么入境?”,A项意为“巧克力”;B项意为“鞋”;C项意为“图片”;D项意为“巧克力”。根据题干关键词customs officials可将答案锁定在文中最后一段,根据段中关键句customs (海关) officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant, or an object made of wood that is in its natural form.可以推断出答案,故选D。4. What is the best title for the passage? A. Land Pollution B. The West Nile Virus C. Smart Polluters D. The Water Hyacinth 解析:C主旨大意题。本题旨在为文章选择合适的题目。浏览全文会发现文章主要介绍的是smart polluters这种污染,而B和D是这种污染形式的例子,A项文中没有涉及,故选C。精讲笔记(学生在教师的指导下, 回顾本讲中积累的阅读理解的知识和方法)语篇中积累的词汇(至少积累10个)单词词性及词义单词的运用(鼓励学生用所学词汇造句)语篇中的学到的方法(至少掌握2种)细节理解题1、2、3推理判断题词义猜测题主旨大意题4能力提升基础过关一、词汇/短语英汉互译单词/短语词性词义adj.疯狂的spreadv. realizev.get used tov.毁坏,破坏biologicaladj.adj.聪明的unknowinglyadj.slide intov.打破preventfromv.属于二、句子英汉互译1. 医生彻夜的工作以拯救伤者的生命。_.2. 因特网是如此有趣,它使任何事都有可能发生。_.3. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒) is still around._.4. Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people from entering their land._.5. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks its natural balance. _.阅读练习话题体裁字数建议用时实际用时正确率星级科普环保类议论文4187分钟_/4Need to buy something? Why go to a store? Buy it on the Internet! Need it now? Why wait? Ask for next-day delivery! Each day, more and more people try online shopping. In fact, online sales have doubled in the last ten years. But not everyone is excited. Some scientists now say that online shopping is bad for the environment.People are surprised to hear this. “They think, I dont need to drive, and the business doesnt need to build a store, so there will be less pollution,” says Nuria Prost, an environmental scientist. “But it is not so simple. In fact, online shopping is wasteful. It also adds to air pollution.”In truth, the Internet is not always as good a friend to the environment as it seems. For example, most people thought that the Internet would help offices use less paper and other materials. But paper use increased by 33 percent between 1986 and 1997. “Online shopping could have similarly negative effects,” says Nevil Cohen, a professor of environmental science.Part of the problem is what people are buying these days. In the past, people bought things on the Internet that did not require much packing material, such as books and clothing. But now people also shop online for large, heavy products such as televisions, puters, and furniture. These products need to be packed in large amounts of plastic and paper. This creates a lot of waste.Another problem caused by online shopping is air pollution. When customers buy products and ask for next-day delivery, panies often have to send them by air. Airplanes use much more fuel than cars and produce more carbon dioxide (CO2). When people buy a lot of different things from different online businesses, this creates even more travel by airplane.Online product returns are also a problem. For example, an online shoe store may allow customers to return shoes without extra pay if they are the wrong size. This doubles the packing material and number of airplane trips required to sell one pair of shoes.“If people want to protect the environment, they need to think before they shop,” says Prost. “People need to ask themselves: Is this exactly what I want? Do I really need it tomorrow, or can I wait?” Online stores can also charge(收费)customers for returns. This may make people shop more carefully. “Online shopping is fast and easy,” says Prost, “but we cant forget the negative effects it has on the environment.”1. Why does online shopping create a lot of waste?(细节理解题)A. Because panies charge more for product returns. B. Because people buy too many things they dont need. C. Because paper use has increased by 33 percent from 1986 to 1997.D. Because large, heavy products require much packing material.2. What do panies do to meet the needs of the next-day delivery?(细节理解题)A. Prepare more products.B. Get more workers to pack.C. Send the products by air.D. Open more stores in cities.3. Prost probably agrees that _.(推理判断题)A. people should drive to stores to buy thingsB. online shopping adds pollution to the environmentC. online shopping saves more than shopping in a storeD. people can buy things online without careful consideration4. What is probably the best title of the passage?(主旨大意题)A. A Good Deal to Make?B. A Different Lifestyle to Keep?C. A Cleaner Way to Shop?D. A New Business to Start?参考答案基础过关一、词汇/短语英汉互译单词/短语词性词义madadj.疯狂的spreadv. 传播realizev.意识到get used to习惯于,适应destroyv.毁坏,破坏biologicaladj.生物的smartadj.聪明的unknowinglyadj.不知不觉的slide into溜进breakv.打破preventfrom阻止做belongv.属于二、句子英汉互译。1. Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man.2. Internet is so interesting, which makes all possible happen. 3. 他们用这些鸡的目的是为了看是否西尼罗河病毒仍然在周围。4. 世界各地的国家正在意识到阻止某种人进入他们的领地也许是有可能的。5. 来自巴布亚新几内亚的树蛇正忙着吃光关岛的一些鸟,这件事打破了它的自然平衡。阅读练习1. D 2. C 3. B 4. CD篇名师点拨知识篇高频词单词/短语词性词义拓展掌握情况优良差aim at目的在于pleasantadj.高兴的cooperate with与合作whetheror not不论,是否normallyadv.正常的managev. 管理,设法manage to do sth. 设法做某事influencev. 影响n. influencethrowat朝扔solvev.解决speak ill of诋毁,说的坏话cheerfuladj. 愉快的necessaryadj.必要的opp. unnecessary长难句1. To make life easy and pleasant, he must cooperate with his neighbors. (优*良*差*)_句意:为了使生活简单、愉快,他必须与他的邻居合作。本句为不定式作目的状语,为了。2. However, the sympathy (同情), admiration and appreciation which a neighbor may offer will have a great humanizing influence.(优*良*差*)_句意:然而,邻居所能提供的同情,钦佩和赞赏将会提供极大的人性化的影响。本句为which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the sympathy , admiration and appreciation。3. Neighborliness is not only for people but it is also largely important between neighboring countries. (优*良*差*)_句意:睦邻友好不仅对人们是重要的,而且对于邻国之间也是很重要的。本句涉及句型“not onlybut also”,意为“不仅而且”,此句型可以用到写作中。方法篇“方法得当, 事半功倍。”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于阅读理解解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解阅读理解的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了阅读理解的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少?一、阅读理解解题步骤第一步快速浏览全文,了解文章大概。浏览时要注意以下句子:每段的开头和结尾,重要的情节句子,如果遇到未学或不认识的单词或不理解的句子,可以根据上下文猜测,切不可停留而放慢速度。第二步浏览问题,明确要求。把文章后每个题目内容看明白,这样又能辅助进一步理解文章的主要内容,具体做题时就能对号入座,找到文章中确切表达所要回答问题的关键句子。第三步通篇寻读,确定段落。也就是带着问题去读,找到要回答问题的关键词、句或意群,以及任何有关答题的信息,用铅笔画下来,以便为下一步答题做好充分准备。第四步逐条分析,对号入座。把需要回答的问题和寻读中找到的信息逐条分析,对号入座。一般来说,出题者问题设计都是按照文章内容自上到下顺序设计的,根据难度先解决容易的,最后解决深层次的理解题。第五步复读全文,验证答案。全部题目做完后,必须再仔细阅读一遍全文,进一步加深对文章理解,核实所选答案是否正确。二、阅读理解解题技巧初中英语选择型阅读理解题主要分为四种题型,分别是细节理解题,推理判断题,猜测词义题和主旨大意题。接下来我们将从这四种题型的定义,设题方式和解题技巧三方面进行介绍。题型题型一:细节理解题解释本类试题主要考察学生对阅读材料中的某一特定细节或文章的主要事实的理解能力。问题包括询问人(who)、物(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(cause)、结果(effect)、文中的数据(data)等。新闻、说明文、广告信息等常常考察这些细节。设题方式1. W


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