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第七讲七年级(下)Modules 1112一、单项填空1.xx合肥包河区二模Do you like tea or coffee?.A. Yes, I doB. Go aheadC. Thats fineD. Either will do2.xx云南fast China is developing!Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a3.xx长春Dumplings are very delicious. of my parents like them.A. AllB. BothC. NoneD. Neither4.xx合肥包河区一模The writers new book willnext year.A. work outB. look outC. hand outD. e out5.me a chance and Ill let you know that the answer is right.A. GiveB. GivingC. GivesD. To give6.Mrs Smith showed the boys how to behavelike a gentleman at the dinner table.A. happilyB. bravelyC. politelyD. differently7.2019预测Since he left the keys at home, Tom had to get in the window.A. throughB. betweenC. overD. across8.Bruce, I dont like this restaurant. Its too here.Well, lets go somewhere quiet.A. dirty B. expensiveC. dangerous D. noisy9.I want to be a scientist when I grow up.Study hard, your dream will e true.A. after B. ifC. thoughD. and10.2019预测Children can discover basic about history in the museum.A. storiesB. factsC. ideasD. names二、完形填空xx马鞍山二模Children today have many things to play with. They can watch television, 1what they like on the Internet, or play video games. But what do you think children did for 2long ago? They read books.Some of you might ask, Are books really fun? Believe it or not, books 3many things that television or puters cannot. Most books use4to tell a story, and they can make progress in your imagination(想象力). You can5the characters(人物)and background in your mind and you can also imagine6the characters feel.The words and sentences that are used in storytelling are also very interesting and usually cannot be7 on television or on websites. They are sometimes so beautiful and8that they can bring tears to your eyes.Books also help us to think harder and9. As we continue to read, we ask ourselves questions and try to find answers.These are some of the10why books are so fun to read and why people always look forward to good books. Remember: the more you read, the faster you grow.1.A. look overB. look afterC. look throughD. look out2.A. funB. workC. meaningD. exercise3.A. discussB. catchC. translateD. provide4.A. wordsB. drawingsC. lettersD. signs5.A. studyB. pictureC. visitD. remember6.A. whereB. howC. whyD. when7.A. foundB. keptC. changedD. touched8.A. relaxingB. interestingC. movingD. frightening9.A. higherB. deeperC. longerD. faster10.A. examplesB. problemsC. subjectsD. reasons三、阅读理解AMany people say dolphins are intelligent(聪明的). They seem to be able to think, understand and learn things quickly. But are they as smart as humans, or are they more like cats or dogs? Dolphins use their brains quite differently from the way humans do. But scientists say dolphins and humans are very similar in some ways. How?Like humans, every dolphin has its own name. The name is a special whistle (哨声). Each dolphin chooses a specific (特有的) whistle for itself, usually by its first birthday. Dolphins are like people in other ways, too. They talk to each other about a lot of things such as their age, their feelings, and finding food. They also use a system of sounds and body language to municate. Understanding dolphin conversation is not easy for humans. No one speaks dolphin yet, but some scientists are trying to learn.Dolphins are also social animals. They live in groups called pods, and they often join others from different pods to play games and have fun just like people. Scientists believe playing together is something only intelligent animals do.Dolphins and humans are similar in another way: both species make plans for getting things they want. In the seas of southern Brazil, for example, dolphins use an intelligent plan to get food. When there are fish near a boat, dolphins signal (发信号) to the fishermen to put their nets in the water. Using this method, the men can catch a lot of fish. Why do dolphins help the men? There is an advantage for them: they get to eat some of the fish that escape (逃脱) from the net.1.What is a dolphins name?A. It is a kind of game.B. It is a body sign.C. It is a dolphins age.D. It is a specific sound.2.What does the underlined word others refer to?A. Other fish. B. Other people.C. Other dolphins. D. Other games.3.What can we infer from the passage?A. Some scientists can understand dolphins system of sounds.B. Dolphins probably help fishermen by using their body language.C. Humans join dolphins groups to get things they want.D. Dolphins can talk to humans about their age and their feelings.4.Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Dolphins can municate with each other at birth.B. Dolphins are social animals because they play together.C. Dolphins are smart and are like humans in some ways.D. Dolphins help humans do many things like catching fish.Bxx重庆A卷改编A group of students from the US have been in China for a week. Here is part of their chat history(聊天记录) on WeChat.5.How much was Sunnys bill?(不超过5个词) 6.What are the group of students mainly talking about?(不超过5个词) 7.Do you think it is necessary for Sunny to give tips for the service? Why or why not?(不超过20个词) 四、单词拼写1.S(微笑) at the world and you will be bright.2.In m(现代的) society, education is important to the human beings.3.Although Sam is not a p(完美的) boy, he works hard.4.The music made me think of the s(声音)of a running stream.5.Please keep the doors closed while the train is m(移动).五、书面表达每个人都有自己的业余爱好,有益的业余爱好不但可以陶冶我们的情操,增强我们的体质,放松我们的身心,还能让我们在学习或工作时精力更旺盛,效率更高。作为一名中学生,你在忙碌的学习之余会做些什么?请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈一谈你的业余爱好。要点提示:1.你的业余爱好是什么;2.讲述有关你的业余爱好的一次经历;3.你的业余爱好对你学习、生活的影响。写作要求:1.短文内容包含所提示的要点,可适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;2.短文中不得出现真实姓名、校名及地名; 【参考答案】一、单项填空1.D【解析】句意:你喜欢茶还是咖啡?哪个都行。A项:是的,我喜欢;B项:可以,干吧;C项:没问题,可以的;D项:哪个都行。根据语境可知选D。2.C【解析】题干中提到了中国发展得真快啊,修饰副词fast要用How,且How之后不必加冠词。3.B【解析】根据题干中的饺子很美味可推断,我的爸爸和妈妈都喜欢它们。表示两者都要用Both。4.D【解析】句意:这位作家的新书将会在明年出版。A项:计算出;B项:当心;C项:分发;D项:出版。根据语境可知选D。5.A【解析】肯定祈使句以动词原形开头,故答案为A。6.C【解析】句意:史密斯夫人向这些男孩展示了如何在餐桌上像一位绅士一样举止文雅。happily开心地;bravely勇敢地;politely有礼貌地,文雅地;differently不同地。故选C。7.A【解析】因为把钥匙忘在家里了,Tom不得不从窗户进去。故用through,表示从物体内部穿过。8.D【解析】结合答语中提到的咱们去个安静的地方吧可知这家餐馆太吵了,故用noisy。9.D【解析】设空前是说要努力学习,设空后是说你的梦想就会成真。设空前后之间存在顺承关系,故用and。10.B【解析】孩子们可以在博物馆里发现关于历史的基本事实。故用facts。二、完形填空【短文大意】在没有电视和网络的时代,读书就是孩子们的娱乐活动。事实上,阅读是一件充满乐趣并能使人受益的事。1.C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。look over检查;look after照顾;look through浏览;look out当心。根据设空后的on the Internet可知选C。2.A【解析】考查名词辨析。根据下文中的Some of you might ask, Are books really fun?可知选A。3.D【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:信不信由你,书籍能提供许多电视或电脑无法提供的东西。根据语境可知选D。4.A【解析】考查名词辨析。结合下文中的The words and sentences可知此处是说,大部分的书用文字讲述故事。故选A。5.B【解析】考查动词辨析。study研究;picture想象;visit访问;remember记得。此处是说,你可以在大脑里想象人物和背景。故选B。6.B【解析】考查宾语从句的引导词。 此处是说,你也可以想象人物的感受是怎样的。故选B。7.A【解析】考查动词辨析。此处是说,(书本里)讲述故事时所用到的语言文字非常有趣,通常情况下这些语言文字在电视或网络上是很难被找到的。根据语境可知选A。8.C【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据设空后的they can bring tears to your eyes可知书中的文字和句子有时会很感人,故选C。9.B【解析】考查形容词辨析。此处是说,书籍也帮助我们更加深入地思考。根据语境可知选B。10.D【解析】考查名词辨析。根据设空后的内容及关键词why可知此处说的是原因,故选D。三、阅读理解【A篇短文大意】本文主要介绍了海豚与人类的相似之处。1.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的Like humans, every dolphin has its own name. The name is a special whistle(哨声)可知答案为D。2.C【解析】代词指示题。根据上下文可知,海豚经常会加入到来自不同群组的其他海豚中,故选C。3.B【解析】推理判断题。通读最后一段可推断,海豚或许会使用它们的身体语言来帮助渔民,故答案为B。4.C【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲的是海豚是一种很聪明的动物,在某些方面很像人类,故答案为C。【B篇短文大意】本文主要是来自美国的几个学生的聊天记录。5. 270 yuan./It was 270 yuan.6.Experiences in China./Unforgettable things and people./Different cultures.7.Yes, I think so. Because its a way to show thanks for the waiters service.No, I dont think so. Because we dont give or accept tips for service in China./Because he (she)has paid for the meal. Its the waiters duty to serve well.四、单词拼写1.Smile2.modern3.perfect4.sound5.moving五、书面表达One possible version:My hobby is reading books. I like reading books because I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. I had an unusual but interesting experience. One day, I went to the library to read books. I liked the book so much that I forgot the time. It was too late. When I was going to leave the library, I realized that I was locked in the library. The librarians didnt notice me when they left. Books can teach me how to be a good person. Books can even solve many problems for me. I really like reading books.


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