2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module2 Unit4 Toys I like period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module2 Unit4 Toys I like period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module2 Unit4 Toys I like period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content1B M2U4 Toys I Like (Period 1)Aims1. To use nouns to identify toyse.g., ball, doll, bicycle, kite2. To use formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g., I like _.3. To love toys and share with others.Language focusTo use nouns to identify toyse.g., ball, doll, bicycle, kiteTeaching aidsCAI, flash cards, some toys, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-up1. Say rhymes2. Enjoy a song What do you like?通过儿歌和歌曲,营造英语氛围,使学生快速进入状态,并为新课作好铺垫。While-task procedure1.To learn : ball, doll2.To learn: kite 3.To learn: bicycle1. Put these two things on the desk.Game: Follow the instructions:Doll, doll, doll,Touch the doll,Ball, ball, ball,Touch the ball.2. Guessing gamea. T: It is nice. It has two eyes, two ears , a mouth and a nose . Girls like it. What is it?b. Elicit Barbie Doll. c. Show the flashcard and read the word: dolld. T: Look, how many dolls? Elicit: doll, doll, dollsI like dolls.e. T ask: What do you like?Ps practice:I like dolls.3. T: Whats this? Do you like it?a. T: It is round. Boys like to kick it on the playground. What ball is it? (A football)b. Practise the word ball like doll.c. Say and act: ball, ball, kick the balld. pare with ball and doll.: Listen and enjoy the rhyme on page 15.1. Say a rhyme about kites to elicit kite. 2. Read 3. T : How many kites?What do you like?Ps: I like kites.4. Rhyme: Kite, kite, kites I like kites. Up and down Flying very high.1. T: Look, who is ing? Ben is riding a bicycle.Can you ride a bicycle?2. Say and act: bicycle, bicycle, ride a bicycle. 3. Read the word4. Say sth. about the bicycle 让学生听口令,自由选择物品,自己建立音与意的联系将语言与学生思维有机结合起来,在猜一猜活动中拓展材料教洋娃娃时,补充学生喜欢的芭比娃娃,和生活结合起来。 通过师生谈话引出操练新句型,便于学生理解。将语言与学生思维有机结合起来,在猜一猜活动中拓展材料 适时操练书上儿歌,区分这两个易混淆的单词。以旧引新,使学生感到亲切易接受。通过师生谈话引出新单词,拓展新词汇,增加输入量,提高学习兴趣。Post-task activity1. Activity: What is missing?2. Activity:Look and say: I like. on page 14.3. Listen and match4. Look and say.1. Read the words 2. Encourage the children to find which word is missing. 1. Look and say:I like balls/dolls/kites.2. e.g., Im Ben. I like balls.让学生通过仔细读单词,巩固今天所学单词,同时找出哪个单词老师藏起来了。充分利用教材和教辅p15巩固新知。Homework1. Listen and read the new words and sentences.2. Listen and read the new rhyme on page 15.培养学生良好的听说习惯。板书设计 Toys I likeball doll kite bicycleI like balls.dollskitesbicycles教学反思附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module2 Unit4 Toys I like period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content1B M2 U4 Toys I Like ( Period 2)Aims1. To use formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g., I like the ball. 2. To use adjectives to describe things. e.g., Its super.3. To learn to how to do some shopping.e.g., Can I help you? Here you are. Thank you.4. To love toys and share with others.Language focusTo use formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g., I like the _. Its _.Teaching aidsCAI, a red apple, some toys, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-up1. Say the new rhyme.I like the ball.I like the doll2. Say a chant:e.g. ball, ball, ballsI like balls. 3. Sing a song :Apple tree通过儿歌和歌曲等进行有效复习,并营造英语氛围,使学生快速进入状态。While-task procedure1. To learn :I like the .Its . 2. Say and act: At the toy shop 1.To elicit:T: Do you like apples?Ps: Yes. I like apples.T :Show a red apple and ask:Do you like the apple?Why?Ps:Itsred./round/sweet/ nice.2. To learn : supera. T: Show some super toys e.g., car, girl, boy, bicycleb. T say: I like the Its super c. Read: superd. Rhymes3. Look and say :I like the _. Its _. 4. Do a survey on page 16Model T: What do you like?P1: I like the ball. Its nice. 1.To elicitT: We all like toys. Lets go to the toy shop and buy some.2. Learn the dialogue on the book.a. T: Look. Eddie and Alice are at the toy shop. What does Eddie like? What does Alice like? Why?b. Ps look and listen.c. Ps answer the questions.d. Say and act it. Can I help you?I like the. Its . Here you are. Thank you. 用复习时唱的歌曲通过师生谈话法引入,再用实物生动呈现出本课新句型,自然顺畅,学生也容易理解。这是一个新单词,所以用一些实物易于学生理解和运用。看图机械操练新句型,以便于上口。让学生通过做小调查再次操练句型并了解他人喜好。由于购物时的常用语上学期已学过,对话中新的语言点上面也已突破,所以可以让学生整体听说。Post-task activityDraw your favourite toy and talk about it.(On workbook page 17)1. Look and say the model.2. Draw3. Say画画说说,调动学生多种感官,发挥主观能动性,培养创新能力。Homework1. Listen to the dialogue and read it.2. Say and act with your parents.培养学生良好的听说习惯。板书设计M2U4 Toys I likeI like theItssuper教学反思

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