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语法专题(九)系动词和情态动词语法综合演练1.xx乐山改编 What do you think of the fish soup?Well, it a bit salty.A.looksB.smellsC.tastesD.sounds2.xx重庆B The cake delicious. Id like to have another one.A.tastesB.looksC.soundsD.feels3.xx温州 The cheese cake so good that I cant wait to eat it.A.tastesB.feelsC.soundsD.smells4.xx河南 Are you going to the cinema tonight?I dont know. I go or I stay at home.A.will; will B.must; must C.should; should D.might; might5.xx武汉 Must you go?Yes. Im afraid I really .A.mayB.shouldC.mustD.can6.xx株洲改编 You look so weak! I think you go to see a doctor at once.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.can7.xx黔南 You write the report again because spelling mistakes are not allowed at all.A.mayB.canC.mustD.could8.xx荆州 Can we walk across the road now?No, we . We have to wait until the light turns green.A.couldntB.needntC.shouldntD.mustnt9.xx宜昌 Mum, Ive signed for a big box by Future Express(快递). Whats in it?Im not sure. It be a present from your brother.A.mightB.mustC.shouldD.will10.xx黄冈 Must I finish reading the book today, Mr. Brown?No, you . You can finish it in two days.A.needntB.mustntC.cantD.couldnt11.xx临沂 Could you please speak a little louder? I hear you very well.A.cantB.mustntC.shouldntD.neednt12.xx天津 Must I e here before 6:30 tomorrow?No, you . There will be plenty of time.A.mustntB.cantC.couldntD.neednt13.xx孝感 Lucy is walking the dog in the park.She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A.cantB.mustntC.needntD.wont14.xx重庆A Must I go out to have dinner with you, Mum?No, you , my dear. Youre free to make your own decision.A.shouldntB.mustntC.needntD.cant15.xx连云港 How amazing this robot is!Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact with people.A.mayB.canC.mustD.should16.xx内江 The blue coat be Tonys. He never wears blue clothes.A.canB.must C.cantD.mustnt17.Have you got the results of the exam?No. All we do now is to wait.A.mustB.canC.mayD.could18.In some countries, people download(下载)music from the Internet without paying, because its against the law.A.wouldntB.needntC.mustntD.couldnt19.I dont care what people think.Well, you . Youre not alone in this world.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.will20.2019原创 Must I do the project on my own?No, you . You can work with your classmates.A.mustntB.cantC.shouldntD.dont have to参考答案1.C根据常识鱼汤有点咸是品尝的结果,故选C。2.A3.D根据常识可知,“香”是闻出来的。故选D。4.D5.C6.B根据句意可知,看起来虚弱,应该去看医生。表示一种合理的建议。故选B。7.C8.D结合语境和下文“我们必须等到交通灯变绿。”可知选D。9.A由“Im not sure.”可知,“可能是你哥哥寄的礼物”,是一种猜测,表可能。故选A。10.A在英语中must表示“必须”之意的一般疑问句,其否定回答用“No, you neednt.”或者“No, you dont have to.”,意为“没有必要”。故选A。11.A12.D13.A选项中B、C、D 均不可表示推测。根据后一句中“She is singing loudly in her room.”可知她不可能在公园里遛狗,所以表示否定推测用cant。故选A。14.C15.Bmay意为“可能”;can意为“能;能够”,表能力;must意为“一定;必须”;should意为“应该”。因为“眼睛里有摄像头”所以具备“看”的能力,故选B。16.C17.B根据题干“Have you got the results of the exam?”可知回答应是说“没有,我们现在能做的就是等待。”故选B。18.C19.C20.D

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