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2019-2020年三年级第二学期英语期末检测卷(彩图)( )10. A. buy B. boy C. bigListen and tick or cross. 听录音,判断,对的打“”,错的打“X”。(每小题2分,共计5分)1. 2. 3.( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )三、Listen and number.听录音,标号。(20分) pupil long banana toy today( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B. ( ) Is it in your school bag?( ) No, its not under the book.( ) Mum, where is my pencil?( ) Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.( ) Is it under your book?四、Listen and choose 听对话,选图片,答案写在括号内。(每小题2分,共计10分)项 目分 数等级总 分总等级听力部分笔试部分( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( )5.A. B. 五、Listen and choose 听对话,选出正确的答语,答案写在括号内。(每小题1分,共计5分)( ) 1. A. Im from China.B. Im Zhang Peng.( ) 2. A. I see 13. B. Here you are. ( ) 3. A. He is my brother.B. Shes my friend, Amy.( ) 4. A. Look! Its in the desk.B. Thanks.( ) 5. A. Yes, he is .B. Yes, I do. 笔试部分(50分)一、 Read and choose.( 15分) orange twenty grandmother Canada tall boat brother sixteen China chair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、 Read and choose the difference. 根据词义选出每组中不同类别的单词(每小题1分,共计5分)( ) 1. A. student B. teacher C. big( ) 2. A. brother B. eleven C. eighteen ( ) 3. A. long B. thin C. grandpa ( ) 4. A. cat B. mum C. monkey ( ) 5. A. fish B. banana C. pear六Read and choose.读一读,选一选。根据句子的内容选出正确的选项,填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共计5分) ( )1. _ that man? -Hes my dad. A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres ( )2. It _ a long nose and a short tail . A.is B. has C. have( ) 3.Is she your mother? -_. A. Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she isnt ( )4. Look at that giraffe. - _. A. No. B. Wow, its so tall. C. Its a zoo. ( )5.How many caps do you have?. -_. A. I have three B. I see three C. So beautiful 七Look and copy. 请在四线格上抄写下列单词。(每个单词1分,共计5分。)1. under 2. orange 3.milk 4. pen 5. hand 八、 Look, read and choose. 看图片,选句子。从每组句子中选出与图片相符的句子(每小题2分,共计10分)( ) 1. A. Be thin, be thin, be thin, thin, thin. B. Be fat, be fat, be fat, fat, fat.( ) 2. A. The ball is under the chair. B. The ball is in the chair.( ) 3. A. Twelve and eight makes twenty. B. Eleven and nine makes twenty. 12+8=20 ( ) 4. A. Im Sarah. I like pears. B. Im Chen Jie. I like apples. ( ) 5. A. Look at that dog. Its so fat. B. Look at that monkey. Its so fat. 九、Read and choose.选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上(10分)A. Goodbye. B. Good morning, Sarah. C. Im from the UK. D. Nice to meet you, too. E. This is my friend, Amy. Shes a new student.John: .Sarah: Good morning, John.John: .Sarah: Nice to meet you.Amy: .Sarah: Where are you from?Amy: .Sarah: Goodbye.Amy: .十、 Read and judge 阅读短文,判断对错。正确的打,错误的打(每小题1分,共计5分)Hello, Im Sarah. Im from the USA. This is my brother John. I am ten, and John is fourteen. I like pears, and John likes grapes. I am short, but John is tall. I have big eyes, but John has small eyes.( ) 1. John is from China.( ) 2. Sarah is Johns sister.( ) 3. John is 14 years old.( ) 4. Sarah likes grapes.( ) 5. John has small eyes.附送:2019-2020年三年级第六册期末计算综合练习题班别 姓名 座号 比赛时间:40分钟 满分:100分 挑战计算极限,争当计算明星!加油! 一、口算。310 8040 185 4060 3010 134 2520 16043005 7209 166 7200 18020 090 1040 1250 855 573 08 3230705 254 156 6309 4505 1240 2406 1660 8442 60050 5003 0930 2730 8412 4203 91039159 1170= 10005 7515 320180 3040= 40580 5604= 951 48090 5107 2004724 80002 10220 400050125252 5008 75255 324712 45555 70(4032) 9053 1010306(10398) 730 514642028 750(70+80) 30025 阳光小学数学第六册计算复习班别 姓名 座号 二、笔算。(乘法不用验算,除法要验算)5463 2538 3619 77485082 3705 1947 90052334 3924 3605 32682039 6336 2638 77056962 8824 8098 56796428 8203 6306 4584= 40.6= 7.32.9= 100.7= 8.2-5= 6.5+4.7= 1.2-0.3= 4.6+2.4= 3.8+6.6=三、估算。2386 8763 4176 7535 8930 3248 4322 52688909 45950 41760 35156511 7611 2719 45195321 8421 3821 3521 四、计算与换算。3日( )小时 48个月( )年 35天( )星期 4时20分=( )分 五月份=( )天 5年( )月3平方米( )平方分米 32平方分米( )平方厘米3厘米( )分米 138秒( )分( )秒300公顷( )平方千米 80000平方米( )公顷1元2分=( )元 6厘米=( )米 13平方千米=( )公顷1990是( )年,2月有( )天。 9分米=( )米6.02米=( )米( )分米( )厘米1.6元=1( )6( )五、脱式计算。439467 248418 67(966)2517120 (450175)5 268+2965 3153453 574(125-118) 948135217363 560-1224 375524六、在里 填上“”、“”或“=”。2463 4926 2405 2466 6004 7005 02 0.02 0.41 0.14 3.5 3.47 1.2 0.981.4 1.36 1.08 0.99 3.58 3.54 7.01 7.10七、列式计算。 1、16与24的和除以8,商是多少? 2、400减去170与80的和,差是多少? 3、64的14倍减去522,差是多少? 4、748与116的和是8的多少倍? 5、25乘5除225的商,积是多少? 6、6个752比5172少多少?7、25与47的和乘98,积是多少?8、175与49的和除以4,商是多少?9、195除以32减去27的差,商是多少?


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