2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson5教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson5教案 (新版)冀教版教学目标:知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词pencil, pen, ruler, crayon, pencil box. 2. 能熟练运用句型:Whats this? Its a _.来询问物体的英文名称。 3. 能熟练运用句型:How many _ do you have? I have _. 来询问所有物品的数量。情感目标:乐于开口,积极参与。教学重点:1.词汇:pencil, pen, ruler, crayon, pencil box.2. 句型:Whats this? How many _ do you have?Its a _. I have _.教学难点:物品数量两个以上的表达时末尾加“s”.教学过程:I. Warm upGreetings:Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Review:1. Whats this? Its a _.(book, desk, chair, school) (出示词汇卡片练习,先师生问答,然后生生问答。)2. How many? ( one-five) (看课件,先师生问答,然后生生问答。)II. New Concept1. Whats this? 观看教学光盘,What are Li Ming and Danny talking? 指名答:Whats this? Its a _. (看光盘,是为了给学生一个原声输入,学生在第三课已接触过此句型,因此给机会让他们回答,既锻炼了自主能力,又提高了模仿能力。) Watch the second time, follow to read. think: What things do you know? (较难读的 crayon, 要多读几遍,并教给学生先分后合地去读。) 师出示实物,让学生再次试读新词,操练句型。 T: Whats this? S: Its a _. (板书) S1:Whats this? S2: Its a _. (利用自己手中的文具,互相问答。)2. How many? 观看教学光盘,What are Li Ming and Danny talking? 引导学生答出:他们在询问物品的数量。 Watch the second time, think:How do they ask? How many books does Li Ming have? How many pencils does Jenny have? T: How many books /pencils do you have? (板书) I have _. (板书时“s”用彩笔标示,引起学生注意。) T: How many books does Li Ming have? S: One book. T: How many pencils does Jenny have? S: Three pencils. (师强调末尾的“s”.) Watch the third time, follow to read. T: How many _s do you have? S: I have _. (询问学生的学习文具数量,孩子们边数边答,是真实的情境,更利于学生接受并实践。)III. Practice1. Guessing game: Whats this? (运用单词卡片,巩固五个词汇。)2. Look at the pictures and answer: How many? (课件出示图片)3. pair work(学生利用自己手中的文具进行问答): S1:Whats this? S2: Its a _.S1:How many _s do you have?S2:I have _. IV. Production 文具展销会:比一比看谁家的文具品种全,数量多。找出四五名同学扮演文具展销商,其他同学为顾客,进行观摩提问: Hello! Whats this? Its a _.How many _s do you have?I have _. Good-bye!V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: read the book. Ask your parents or friends in English. Finish the exercises. 板书设计: Lesson 5: How Many? pen. pencil. Whats this? ruler. How many _s do you have? Its a crayon. I have _. pencil box.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson6教案 (新版)冀教版一、 教学目标:1. 知识技能目标:知道并能能运用表达再见的常用句型Good-bye. Bye. See you later! 能听懂,会说,认读,拼写单词six, seven, eight, nine, ten。能说唱chant. 2. 情感态度目标:学生敢于开口,乐于学习本课的句型和单词。学生对本课chant有积极的兴趣,体验用英语交流的乐趣。学生主动参与小组活动,并与他人积极合作。3. 学习策略目标:学生在学习中集中精力,对所学内容主动练习和运用。学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重点:句型:. Good-bye. Bye. See you later!单词:six, seven, eight, nine, ten。三、教学过程 Step I Class opening and reviewT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S:Im fine, thanks.? T: Do you remember the Number chant? Now lets chant: one book, two books, three books four. One, two, three, four, five books more.S1: one book, two books, three books four. One, two, three, four, five books more.T: Good. How many pencils do you have?S: I have . pencils.T: Good. Today lets learn more numbers.通过greeting复习前几课课所学内容,通过chant唤起学生旧知,为学习新课做铺垫。Step II New concepts Part 1: How many?(1) Show the cartoonT:How many numbers do you see? S: five.再次总结出单数时,名词后不加s.复数时名词词尾要加s. 板书six ,seven, eight, nine, ten.Show the cartoon again. Follow it.(2) Lets chant.先听,把握节奏,可通过动作,图片等适当解释open the door. Pick up sticks. Dont be late.第二遍一起chant. (3) Lets count!T: How many boys?S: Pair work练习No.3并展示。(4) Group Work. thingnameHow many _ do you have?rulerbookpencilpencrayonpencil box S1: How many _ do you have?S2: One/two/three/four/five小组合作练习,完成表格。并汇报。(5) What do you see?教师出示课件,让学生快速说出看到的物品及数量。T: How many?S: Part 2: See you later!(1)Show the cartoon.T: What are they talking?S: Good-bye. See you later! Bye.观看动画,了解要学内容,板书。让学生明白这三个都是表达再见的意思。(2)Show the cartoon again. Follow it.再次观看动画,模仿标准的语音语调。(3)课本角色扮演S1:Good-bye. See you later.S2: Bye!(4) 配音表演教师出示几张图片,让学生为图片配上合适的句子。并表演。 Step III Class closingHomework: 1.Chant with your friends. 2. Read the book. 3. Write the numbers.T: Now class is over. Good-bye. See you later!S: Bye! 板书设计:Lesson 3 Numbers 15six seven eight nine ten. Good-bye. See you later! Bye!


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