八年级英语下册 Module 2 Experiences练习题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 2ExperiencesWritten test part (共95分). 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Would you like to travel _ a boat on the river _ me this afternoon? A. by; for B. on; with C. by; with D. on; for ( )2. Lisa likes eating pizza, and her brother _ likes eating it.A. too B. still C. also D. even( )3. Have you _ been to Australia before?Yes, but only once.A. never B. ever C. often D. then( )4. This picture is _ from that one. Therere some _ between them.A. different; different B. different; differencesC. differences; different D. differences; differences( )5. London is one of _ cities in Europe. A. big B. bigger C. the bigger D. the biggest( )6. Why dont we go for a picnic this weekend? That _ great! A. sounds B. looks C. smells D. tastes ( )7. The car is too expensive. Mr Smith cant _ it. A. hope B. afford C. learn D. help( )8. My grandfather died three years ago. I _ him very much.A. forget B. leave C. protect D. miss( )9. The Childrens Day is ing. All the children are _ the days. A. worrying about B. thinking about C. counting down D. writing down( )10. Is this a true story?No, it isnt. Mike _.A. tried it on B. put it on C. picked it up D. made it up( )11. Stop _ video games. Its not good for your study.A. play B. to play C. playing D. played( )12._ you _ the movie Lost in Hong Kong?No, I havent. A. Have; seen B. Are; seeing C. Did; see D. Will; see ( )13. Linda _ this book, so she knows it very well. A. is reading B. readsC. was reading D. has read( )14. Is your mother at home?No. She _ the supermarket. She _ there just now. A. has gone to; went B. has gone to; has beenC. has been to; went D. has been to; has gone ( )15. Im going to travel to Paris this month. _A. Good luck! B. Thats a pity. C. Have a good time. D. Have a try!. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。When I was 15, my family left China. And a year later, we 16 to New York. Unluckily, my father couldnt 17 any food for my family. So I decided to 18 my family. I looked through the ads (广告) every morning and later found a 19 at Waterbury Hospital Health Centre. There I had to sweep floors. I smiled 20 remembered my fathers advice.“Be proud 21 what you do,” my father said, “whether youre a boss or not.”So even if my job was the lowest, I felt 22 to do it. Each morning, I cleaned toilets, swept floors and did some other 23 work. And after meals I had to clean the plates and bowls. I worked hard because I wanted people to 24 “That young man does a nice job.”Through eleven jobs Ive held, my 25 wise (明智的) words have stayed with me. I have swept floors, and Ive been the manager. I think Dad would be proud.( )16. A. moved B. ran C. entered D. sent( )17. A. cook B. decide C. try D. buy( )18. A. hold B. help C. miss D. count( )19. A. dream B. work C. job D. mark( )20. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )21. A. in B. with C. of D. at( )22. A. bored B. excited C. afraid D. nervous( )23. A. easy B. difficult C. clean D. dirty( )24. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk( )25. A. teachers B. friends C. fathers D. mothers. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Tim, youre back! How was your holiday?B: It was so much fun.A: (26)_ Tell us about Australia.B: It is a beautiful country! But its very crowded at this time of the year.A: Youre right. April is part of the tourist season (季节)! (27)_B: I went to Sydney and Canberra.A: Canberra? Its the capital city of Australia. B: Yes, thats right. A: (28)_B: I visited the Sydney Opera House in Sydney and the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra.A: Wonderful!(29)_B: Yes, very good. The hotels were also cheap!A: Who did you go with?B: No one. (30)_ I think I had a great holiday!A. I travelled there myself.B. Were your hotels nice?C. What cities did you go to?D. I heard you went to Australia.E. Where did you take these photos?F. Were you tired there?G. What places did you visit?. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) A Each of these hotels offers something special and interesting. Sleep in a train at the Train Station Inn. This hotel is in an old train station in Nova Scotia. The owners (主人) use the station and the train as rooms. There are seven old train cars. There is a restaurant in the dining car. Prices are from $89 to $169 each room or train car.Sleep in a jail (监狱) in Ottawa. Here, you can sleep in the old Ottawa Jail. There are still bars (铁栅) on the doors! Prices are from $25 to $65. Dont worry, there arent any criminals (罪犯) there!Sleep in a tepee (圆锥形帐篷) in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. This hotel is in Albertas Banff National Park. There are guided tours and lessons about culture in it. The best part is sleeping in a real tepee outside. The price is around $300.Sleep in a lighthouse (灯塔) at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn. This hotel is on Newfoundlands Quirpon Island. You can see the ocean from the windows. Prices are from $225 to $350. The hotel has the traditional look and feel of the lighthouse, so no Internet, TV or telephones are in the rooms. It offers guided tours.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. If Nadia only has $50, she can choose to live _.A. in the Ottawa Jail B. at the Train Station InnC. at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn D. in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise( )32. How many hotels offer guided tours? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.( )33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material? A. There is a big museum in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. B. Theres no Internet at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn.C. There are lessons about culture at the Train Station Inn. D. Some criminals are still living in the Ottawa Jail. ( )34. Who may be interested in the material? A. Doctors. B. Teachers. C. Travellers. D. Criminals. ( )35. You may find the material in a _. A. dictionary B. storybook C. magazine D. novelB Last year, Bob visited Vancouver, Canada alone. He went there to give a talk on the environment (环境). When it was over, he travelled to the Rocky Mountains and stayed in the Maple Leaf Hotel. He then took a short walk to look at the local plants in the forest. After a few hours, he knew he took the wrong way, but was sure he could get back to the hotel. However, after walking for several hours the next day, Bob knew he was in trouble. “I had my mobile phone, but the battery (电池) was almost dead. I could probably make just one call. But I didnt know the number of my hotel and I didnt want to worry my family if I really didnt have to,” said Bob. He went on walking for three more days. He knew which plants he could eat and he had little trouble finding them. On the fourth day, he knew there was no hope and decided to call his family. “He was quite calm when he spoke to me on the phone,” said Shirley, Bobs wife. “He seemed (似乎) to be in control (操控) of the situation.” Shirley called the Maple Leaf Hotel at once. “That week lots of visitors went to the city to watch basketball games, and we thought Mr Rigsby went there too,” said the hotel owner. As soon as Shirley phoned, the hotel sent out some people to look for Bob. They found him about one hour later, and luckily he was quite unhurt.“I will never go to the forest without a guide. I never want an experience like that again,” said Bob.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )36. Bob went to Vancouver to _.A. watch football games B. give a talk on travelling C. watch basketball games D. give a talk on the environment( )37. What does the underlined word “dead” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A. 兴奋的 B. 惭愧的C. 已废的 D. 充足的( )38. Who did Bob call in the end?A. His mother. B. His wife. C. His sister. D. His daughter.( )39. What can we learn about Bob from the passage? A. He knew what he could eat in the forest.B. He stayed in the forest for seven days.C. He didnt like travelling with others.D. He was seriously hurt in the forest. ( )40. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Travelling in the mountains B. An early callC. An enjoyable experience D. Lost in the forest. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。41. Many Chinese people go to _(法国) on holiday every year.42. Therere two _(古老的) houses in the park. 43. Jenny entered three _(比赛) at school last term.44. They _(邀请) their teacher to play games yesterday. 45. How many _(国王) are there in the world now? B) 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。Germany, mix, queen, Arabic, tower46. The _ and her children live in this palace.47. _ is an important country in Europe. 48. There are two _ on the top of the mountain. 49. My uncle lived in Egypt for many years, so he can speak _ very well.50. James _ American English and British English sometimes. . 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。51. 你梦寐以求的假期是怎样的?How is your _ _?52. 我弟弟在那个游戏中得了一等奖。My brother won the _ _ in that game. 53. 迄今为止,我已经收集了200多张邮票。_ _, I have collected more than 200 stamps. 54. 我一直想环游世界。_ always _ to travel around the world. 55. 我发现数学很难学。I find _ very difficult _ learn maths. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。minute, hide, by, arrive, who, buy, final, angry, hungry, see, I, soA long time ago, there was a dishonest (不诚实的) bread seller at the village market. She (56)_ early to get a good place and put her box of bread under the market tree. Then she went to (57)_ somewhere not far away.Several (58)_ later, a meat seller arrived and sat down. She was (59)_ because she didnt have breakfast that morning. She noticed the bread and wondered (想知道) who it belonged to (属于). “Whose bread is this?” she shouted. Nobody answered, so she shouted again and again. (60)_ she thought that there was no owner, so she took some of the bread to eat. After (61)_ this, the bread seller came out of her hiding place. “Because youve taken some of my bread, you must give (62)_ some meat to pay for it,” she said. The meat seller refused (拒绝), (63)_ the bread seller called other sellers to help her. The other sellers came and stood (64)_ the two women. They listened to their stories in order to decide (65)_ was right. At last, they found that the bread seller left the bread there to trick (哄骗) the meat seller, so the meat seller didnt need to pay. . 书面表达(10分) 假如你是王峰,请你根据下面的表格信息,给你的新朋友Mike写封电子邮件,向他作自我介绍。80词左右,邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数。 姓名王峰家乡湖北武汉年龄12爱好旅游(游览过白金汉宫、长城和金字塔)运动(擅长网球和乒乓球)语言(擅长英语,会讲法语和阿拉伯语,但经常混淆)Dear Mike,_Yours,Wang Feng附 加 题 (共10分)My name is Ann. I worked as a volunteer (志愿者) in xx because I wanted to do something to help others. I called some charity shops (慈善商店) to ask if they needed volunteers. Although I didnt mind where I volunteered, I was glad that one of the Sue Ryder shops said yes. Sue Ryder was a charity very close to my heart because volunteers from Sue Ryder once cared for my dad in the hospital.Volunteering in the shop helped me know what shop work was like and I was surprised to find how much I really enjoyed doing it. I also found how important the public (民众) were. Lots of people gave us things they didnt need for the shops to sell. In this way Sue Ryder raised money to care for people with life-changing illnesses. I always left the charity shop late because I knew how important the work of Sue Ryder was.Another thing I enjoyed about volunteering was talking with other volunteers in the shop. They were friendly and helpful. I really improved my teamwork skills by volunteering.I worked in the shop from late April to early August. I learned many things from it and Im sure they will be useful in the future.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。1.Why did Ann work as a volunteer? _2. Who once got help from Sue Ryder in Anns family?_3.Did Ann enjoy volunteering in the Sue Ryder charity shop?_4. What did Ann think of other volunteers in the Sue Ryder charity shop?_5. How long did Ann work in the Sue Ryder charity shop?_参考答案笔试部分. 1-5 BCBBD 6-10 ABDCD 11-15 CADAC. 16-20 ADBCA 21-25 CBDAC. 26-30 DCGBA. 31-35 ABBCC 36-40 DCBAD. 41.France 42. ancient 43. petitions 44. invited 45. kings 46. queen 47.Germany 48. towers 49. Arabic 50. mixes. 51. dream holiday 52. first prize 53. So far 54. Ive; wanted 55. it; to. 56. arrived 57. hide 58. minutes 59. hungry 60. Finally 61. seeing 62. me 63. so 64. by 65. who. One possible version:Dear Mike,Im Wang Feng. Im fromWuhan,Hubei. Im twelve years old. I like travelling. I have been to many interesting places. For example, I have visitedBuckinghamPalace, the Great Wall and the Pyramids. I also like sports. And Im good at playing tennis and table tennis. Im interested in languages. I have learned English, French and Arabic. My English is very good but my French and Arabic are not good. When I speak French and Arabic, I often mix them.Yours,Wang Feng附加题1. Because she wanted to do something to help others.2.Her dad.3. Yes, she did.4.Friendly and helpful.5. More than three months.


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