2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit8 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit8 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版Teaching aims:Structures(New):Receptive: What shape is it? Productive: Its a square.Structures(Review):Receptive: What is it? Productive: Its a dog.Vocabulary(New):square circle triangle star heart rectangleVocabulary(Review): dog cat rabbit fish bird mouse monkey net nestTeaching preparation: Prepare student cards, poster for this Unit, scissors, crayons, and pencils.Teaching Steps:Step 1: Review (1)Review the words. Ask, “What is it ?” and have children respond, “Its a dog.”(2)Repeat for all the words of animals.Step 2: Preview(1)Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary.(2)Hold up the flashcard for square and have children look at it. Point to the square and say, “Its a square.” Present the word, square. Model the word at least twice. Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill. Then point to the shape and elicit the word from individual children.(3)Repeat the step above and present the new vocabulary: circle, triangle, rectangle, star, and heart.(4)Review the six new words by holding up different shapes and eliciting the word from the children in a choral drill, and then from individuals.Step 3: Model the dialog(1)Pin up the Poster for this Unit where all the children can see it. Allow a few minutes for the children to look at it.(2)Using the cookies on the poster to present the other new structures: Its a square, Its a circle, Its a triangle.Step 4: Talk about the story(1)Have the children open their books at pages 10. Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.(2)Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words.Step 5: Story(1)Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.(2)Play the tape again, pausing at each picture. Have the children repeat the words each time.Step 6: Set homework(1)Ask the children to remember the words and practice the sentences.课后小结:本课的单词为形状类,而且发音较难,可以指出新单词中发音与原来所学单词相同,学生接受的会更快一些,例如:circle中的/ir/与bird中的/ir/发音相同。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Unit8 Shapes 第一课时教案 北师大版课时进度第1课时课型特点新授课教学目标技能目标1.能初步开口说英语。2.模仿跟读。3.重点句型的使用。知识目标1.句型:What shape is it? Its a .2.单词:square, circle, star, heart情感、文化、策略目标感受开口说英语的乐趣,培养观察思维能力。教学重、难点1.Listen and say the words and sentences. 2.Sing the song. 教具准备 crayons , recorder, tape, pictures, scissors教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step1 Organization. 1.Sing the song2.Greetings. 3.Play a guessing game. Step2 Presentation. 1.Sing the song. “One two, One, two. Its fish”2.Greetings. Ss: Hello, good morning , Miss Yu Its an orange./Its a ball.No, it isnt.Its a ( circle ). What shape is it? What shape is it? Its a circle. Its a circle. What shape is it? What shape is it? Its a circle. Its a circle. 板书No, it isnt. Its a square .Sing the song. Hello, hello. Im a square. Im a square .A brown square, a brown square. Hello, hello. T(Ss):No, it isnt. Its a star. S: Its a star. 板书What shape is it ? What shape is it ? Star, star, star. Star, star , its a star. Sing the song Hello, hello. Im a star. Im a star. A yellow star, a yellow star. Hello, hello. T(Ss):No, it isnt. Its a heart. S: Its a heart. 板书Sing the song. (1)What shape is it?What shape is it?Its a heart. What shape is it?What shape is it? Its a heart. (2)Hello, hello. Im a heart. Im a heart. A red heart, a red heart. Hello, hello. Sing the song. “One two, One, two. Its fish”What color is it?T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls. Whats this?1. Look at the picture. Listen and say . Is it a ball? Its a circle. What shape is it? 板书2. Sing the song.1 2 3 1 1 2 3 13 4 53 4 556 54 3 156 54 3 11 5 1 - 1 5 1 -3.Practice . Repeat the step above, using the cookies on the poster to present the other new structures. Is it a circle? Its a square. 板书 What shape is it?4. Sing the song. Hello, hello. Im a square. Im a square .A brown square, a brown square. Hello, hello. 5.Ask and answer. T: Is it a square?T: What shape is it? 6.Sing the song.1 1 1 3 1 | 1 1 1 3 1 | 3 3 2 1 2 1 | 3 3 2 1 2 1 | 7.Sing the song Hello, hello. Im a star. Im a star. A yellow star, a yellow star. Hello, hello. 8.Ask and answer. T: Is it a star ? T: What shape is it? 9.Sing the song. (1) What shape is it?What shape is it?Its a heart. What shape is it?What shape is it? Its a heart. (2) Hello, hello. Im a heart. Im a heart. A red heart, a red heart. Hello, hello. 通过唱歌营造和谐愉快氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。教师和学生的问候,拉近教师和学生的距离 先学这些图形单词和句型,把单词和句型编成歌曲,调动学生学习积极性,很快掌握本节课内容,然后学唱这课的歌曲,学生容易接受。先学这些图形单词和句型,把单词和句型编成歌曲,调动学生学习积极性,很快掌握本节课内容,然后学唱这课的歌曲,学生容易接受。学生的学习状态 关注学生的兴趣点关注学生的发音关注学生的演唱是否能记住单词关注学困生的掌握情况作业设计1. 听磁带十分钟,并跟读P10-11(一颗星)2. 完成一,并能自己朗读P10-11(两颗星)3. 完成二,观察生活中的事物并用英语说出它的形状(三颗星)板书设计Unit8 Shapes Lesson1挂图What shape is it? AssessmentIts a. a square a circle a star a heart

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