2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 6(3)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 6(3)教案 新世纪版教学内容本课教学内容为Unit 6 A Fishing Game的Wonderland 部分。教学目标一、基本目标1) To learn these words: a pingpong table, a ball, bats, hoops, cards, a doll, toy soldiers, tickers2)Using the sentences the students learned before.二、发展目标1)To be able to make some phrases whit these words.2) Having the students be able to ask and answer about these words.三、情感目标1) To enable the students to ask information about having or not having;2) To enable kids to feel the euphemism.教学难点 1) To contract the use of the pattern “to have got” in the plural from of nouns.2) To learn how to do changing dialogue exercises for shopping. 教学设备slides, paper, some toys, tapes教学过程Pre-task preparation1. Rhyme.2. Daily talk.While-task Procedure: 1. a pingpong table, a ball, bats.What are they doing now? (show the slide)Whats this/that in her hand? (a ball, bats) Have you got a ball?Make some sentences.2. hoops. Alice and Sue are in the play room, too. (show the slide)What are they doing? Can you play hoop? Have a match3. cards What else can you play? Ive got some cards. Can you play cards? What have you got? Ive got King /Queen/ Jack.4. a doll A riddle: In the play room, who is sitting on the chair? Have you got a doll ? Can you describe your doll?5. toy soldiers What can you hear? There must be somebody in the next room. Lets go and see. Have you got toy soldiers?6. stickersHave you got any stickers? / How many stickers have you got?Post-task Activities1. What toys do girls /boys like? What toys have you got?2. Read the words and do some excises3. Game.4. Make dialogues. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 6(30)教案 人教PEP【教学重点】在情景中运用small, big, long, short, tall。【教学难点 】have 和 has 的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。【教具准备】1 教师准备教材配套的录音带。2 教师准备Lets talk / A 部分的教学课件。3 教师准备第一册Unit 4 B Lets chant 的磁带。4 教师准备所学动物类单词卡片(或玩具)和图片。5 学生准备相关的动物玩具及面具。(每人至少一个)【教学过程 】1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)(1)日常口语练习。(2)教师播放第一册Unit 4 B Lets chant 的录音带。将cat, pig, monkey, mouse 的图片贴在黑板上。学生边指图边跟录音复习歌谣,还可以做出相应的动作。通过此歌谣可以复习Look at 的句型, 以及big, fat, funny 等单词。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师为学生播放本单元第一课时的教学课件,复习单词big, long, short, small, tall。(2)了解so 的用法。学生读完Unit 4 B Lets chant 的歌谣后, 教师从黑板上取下pig 的图片,对学生说:Look at the pig. Its so big. 强调so 的语调,并加以“大”的手势。接着,教师拿下mouse 的图片,对学生说:Look at the mouse. Its small. Its so 示意学生说出:Its so small. 同样,教师做出“小”的手势。让学生体会 so 在句子中的意思是:“强调某种程度”。(3)教师出示单词卡片或实物对比的方法,再次认读并复习表示大小、长短的单词big, long, short, small, tall。(4)教师播放Lets talk / A 部分的教学课件,让学生初步了解对话含义。(5)根据学生对课件的记忆以及平日生活中的观察,让学生说说大象的眼睛、鼻子以及整体的样子。S: The elephant has a long nose. It has big ears. It has a short tail. It is (so)big. 教师引导学生将这些句子用and连接在一起,并带读:Look at the elephant, Its so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears.6)再次观看Lets talk / A 部分的教学课件, 让学生跟读对话中的句子,模仿发音,要求自然生动。3 趣味操练 (Practice)(1)将课件中的声音关闭,为其中的人物配音。(2)让学生拿出事先准备好的玩具。先将学生手中的各个玩具单词说一说,然后教师做示范:请一名学生上讲台前,教师指着学生手中的玩具说:A monkey. Look at the monkey. It has small ears. It has big eyes and long tail. (etc.)之后,请几个能力较强的学生说说手中动物玩具的样子。(3)让学生以小组为单位,继续练习简单形容自己、他人或小动物的情况。在此处,教师提示学生注意:形容自己时说: I have big eyes and small mouth. I have .形容他人时说: He/She has long hair.形容小动物时说: It has a long nose.(4)教师请每组派一名学生到讲台前表述组里的人或小动物玩具。如:Look at the monkey.Its so funny.It has a long tail and a big mouth.It has big eyes and a small nose.Or:Look at Mary(Mike/Tom).She has big eyes and small nose.She has long hair.She is happy.(5)做Lets practise 部分的练习。按照课本中所呈现的方式,教师先拿出一个小猪的面具,请一名学生到讲台前戴上面具,扮演“小猪”,说:I have . 接着,教师可以让另一名学生转述“小猪”的话,如:Look, it has big nose and small eyes. 教师带领学生做游戏,通过游戏的形式让学生连锁记忆,从而复习巩固介绍自己、他人或小动物情况的句子。4 课堂评价 (Assessment)做活动手册第35页的练习,方法和步骤同以前。5 扩展性活动(Add-activities)教师把学生带到室外,做传球说物的游戏。将学生分为34组,每组围成一个圈,每圈的学生分一个气球,学生听音乐作传球活动,当音乐停止时, 手中拿到球的学生则抽取问题,问题的内容为:形容某某人或某某小动物。回答问题的同学用Look at . It has. Its so. 或 Look at . He/She has. He/She is so . 的句子来表述。

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