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Grade 8Book 2Units46.用所给词的适当形式填空1We can municate (munication) with each other by email.2She explained everything very clearly (clear). 3Its unusual (usual) for Betty to be late for school. What happened to her?4Its so cloudy (cloud) and cold that its likely to snow.5The little boy was_beating (beat) the drum at this time last night.6It was raining heavily (heavy), so we decided to stay at home and watch TV.7The moment I saw her, I realized (realize) something was wrong with her.8Secondly (second), the US is still the largest economy country in the world.9She had fallen (fall) asleep when her father got home.10The truth (true) is that he didnt want to help her.改错1To my opinion, your coat is not worth so much money. ToIn 2The appearance of the old house plete changed in my hometown.I even cant realize it now. pletepletely 3Shakespeare is a famous writer.He once pared the world with a stage. withto 4The tired traveler went to bed and fell sleep at once. sleepasleep 5Take time to relax by listening to music, reading a book or just spending some time alone.Relaxing allows you return to your studies with more energy. 在return前加to .汉译英1我帮妈妈做了家务。首先,我拖了地。I_helped_my_mother_do_the_housework._At_first/Firstly/First_of_all,_I_swept_the_floor. 2无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。You_may_do_whatever_you_want_to_do. 3我删除了这篇文章的一个段落。I_cut_out_a_paragraph_in_this_article. 4这对我来说并不是一个大问题,但是对别人来说可能就是了。This_isnt_a_big_deal_for_me,_but_it_is_might_be_an_issue_for_someone_else. 5昨天下午四点以后暴风雨减弱了。The_rainstorm_died_down_after_4:00_yesterday_afternoon.

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