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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm cameSectionA(3a-4c)知能演练提升.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The weather program r that a heavy rainstorm would get to this area.2.If you look out of the w, you can see a beautiful garden.3.The rain was beating a the glass during the rainstorm.4.We are going to build a school in this (地区).5.It was difficult to see in the dark (光线).单项选择1. Helen was walking on the street, she met her math teacher Mr. Black.A.WhileB.BeforeC.AfterD.Until2.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windows.A.belowB.acrossC.behindD.against3.I was doing my homework at 11:00 oclock last night.So late? You are .A.sleepingB.waitingC.kiddingD.working4.Everyone may feel time very quickly when they do something interesting.A.go byB.to go byC.went byD.goes by5.She to an English program while her parents TV.A.was listening; is watchingB.listened; were watchingC.was listening; watchedD.was listening; were watching.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空askthinkgrowbeginhavegowalkrainturngetOne day, a little boy and his father1out after supper. While they2a walk in the park, it suddenly 3to rain. They didnt have raincoats, so soon they 4very wet. The little boy felt unhappy.While they 5home in the rain, the boy thought of something. Then he 6to his father and 7,“Why does it rain? Do you think it is nice?”“It isnt nice, I think. But its useful,” answered his father.“It 8to make flowers and vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass 9for cows and sheep.”The boy10about this for a few seconds, and then said,“Then, why does it rain on the road too, Dad?”完成句子,每空一词1.这场暴风雨摧毁了许多东西。The storm many things .2.仔细检查你的作业, 要确保没有一个错误。Check your homework carefully there isnt a mistake in it.3.昨天雨猛烈地敲打着窗户。The rain the windows yesterday.4.面试只用了十分钟, 但觉得像几个小时似的。The interview only took ten minutes, but it .5.当街道的吵闹声渐渐消失时, 我进入了梦乡。I when the noise was on the street.参考答案.1.reported2.window3.against4.area5.light.1.A2.D3.C4.A5.D.1.went2.were having3.began4.got5.were walking6.turned7.asked8.rains9.grow10.thought.1.broke; apart2.to make sure3.beat heavily against4.felt like hours5.fell asleep; dying down


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