2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours复习教学案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours复习教学案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours复习教学案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours复习教学案 (新版)牛津版一 、词汇复习,单词常见的词形变换:mouse - mice/mouses Asia (n)- Asian (adj./n)Africa (n) African(adj./n)Europe(n) European (adj/n)dark (adj)- darkness(n.黑暗)rule(规则)-ruler(统治者music-musical(n.音乐剧/adj 音乐天赋的) -musician(n 音乐家)please (v)-pleased(adj) pleasant(adj) pleasure(n)二、重点短语和句型1. 进行网上旅行take an online tour 网上课程an online course一个岛国an island country2. 换频道 change the channel3. 澳大利亚的季节和我们的是相反的。Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. 4. 了解全世界的名胜learn about places of interest around the world 5. 在网络或图书馆的帮助下with the help of the Internet or libraries 6. 用做use sth to do/ use sth. for doing sth.7. 新年前夜 on New Years Eve8. 搜索信息 search for information 9. 发送和接收电子邮件send and receive emails给某人写电子邮件write an email to sb.10.看录像 watch videos11. 前几天the other day 将来有一天some day12.你通常用电脑干什么?What do you usually use your puter for? 13.在顶部at the top of 在的底部at the bottom of14. 聚在那里迎接新年 gather there to wele the new year 15. 你介意做吗? Would/do you mind doing ? 你介意给我演示如何开始这次网上旅行吗? 当然不(介意)。 -Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour? -Of course not 16.在这个古老的欧洲国家中 in this old European country an European country17.点击 click on 18.举世闻名的贸易中心 the world-famous trade centre19.在的南端 at the southern end of20.感谢你的帮助。不用谢,这是我乐意的。 -Thanks for your help. - My pleasure./ Its my/ a pleasure.21.再向前further on 继续向下 further down22.实现你的梦想 realize/achieve your dream =make your dream e true23.看巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下 see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness24.岛的中心是中央公园。(倒装句) In the centre of the island is Central Park. 25.人们辛苦工作一天后放松的好地方a good place to relax after a hard days work26.在日常交际中使用英语 use English in daily munication27.预定票和旅馆 book tickets and hotels 28.自从20世纪早期起 since the early twentieth century 29.点餐 order meals30.到此为止 so much for 31.在网站上 on the website32.去不同地方的票 tickets to different places 33.由组成be made up of 由制成(看出原材料)be made of 由制成(看不出原材料) be made from 在某地制造be made in 34.在澳大利亚东北海岸 on the north-east coast of Australia35.历史悠久 have a long history 36.梦想,想象 dream of/about 梦见/想做某事dream of / about doing sth. 你曾梦见没护照周游世界?Have you ever dreamt of travelling around the world without a passport?三、知识点1. at the top of . 在的顶部e.g. 山上有座塔。There is a tower _ the hill.2. click on . 点击e.g. 点击这个图标。_ this icon.3. at the southern end of. 在的南端 south (n.) + ern = southern(adj.)以此类推:north + ern = northern west + ern = western east + ern = easternat the end of.在的尽头,末尾;后接时间、地点名词。e.g. 这个月末 at the end of this month 在路的尽头 at the end of the road4.further on 更进一步,再向前e.g. 再向前一英里a mile further on,further 是far的比较级,除了表示“更远”以外,还可以表示“进一步”。e.g. 深造 further study 进一步的信息 further information5.Its exciting to see . 看到很激动Its + adj. + to do sth. 做某事怎么样e.g. 对我来说按时完成这么多的工作很困难。Its _ me _ so much work on time.6.see sb. doing 看见某人在做某事e.g. 我刚才看见很多孩子在操场上打篮球。I _ many children _ basketball on the playground just now.感官动词see,watch,notice,hear,+do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing表示动作的连续性,进行性。e.g.I_ _ _inthegardenyesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调“我看见了”这个事实)Isawhimworkingwhen I passed the garden yesterday.(强调“我见他正干活”这个动作) 7.through the darkness 穿过黑暗through 意为“穿过”,通常指从物体或事物的“内部”穿过。e.g. 穿过隧道 through the tunnel 穿过雨林 through the rainforest8. a hard days work 一天的辛苦工作hard 的用法:用作形容词 (adj.) 1)表示“硬的” 2)表示“困难的,艰难的”= difficult 用作副词 (adv.)1.)表示“努力地,勤奋地”Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up. 最为重要的是,你必须努力学习,迎头赶上。 2)表示“强烈地”The wind is blowing hard outside. 9. Would you mind . ? 可用于客气地请人做某事。e.g. Would you mind _ the sentence again? 你再解释一下这句话行吗?mind doing sth. 介意做某事e.g. 你介意帮我搬这张书桌吗?Do you _ me carry the desk?“介意某人做某事”用mind ones doing sth.,你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?Do you _ here?9. be the opposite of 与相反/相对e.g. 他们的观点与我们相反。Their ideas _ ours.10. hear of 听说,得知。如:Have you ever _ him (this)? 你听说过他(这件事)吗?11. a ship with many sails一艘有很多帆的船,with表示“带有或拥有”,例如:白宫是一个带有大花园的美丽建筑。The White House is a beautiful building_a big garden. = The White House is a beautiful building_ _ _a big garden. 四、检测题(一)词汇: 1.How do you get on well with English?After several _(year) study , we have learned much knowledge.2. The lamps in the office suddenly went out, leaving them in _(dark).3. I heard some children _(sing) when I pass the room.4.His parents can support him to go aboard for _ (far) study.5.Anna doesnt like playing puter games .sometimes she does it_(simple) to relax.6. Mary_ (pick) some vegetables when I met her in the supermarket yesterday.7.I hear he can use this kind of new puter _(easy). 8. Hainan is in the _(south) part of China.9. In summer , we can go _(sail) in Sanya.10. They spend ten _(美元) on the tickets.11. Mr. Green _(work) in the pany since he _(leave) school.12. I have never_(hear) of him before.13 There are many beautiful houses along the _(海岸).14.I_(visit) the Palace Museum with my grandparents the other day.15. He was one of the _(统治者) when he was very young.16 He studies in an _(国际的) school.17. The cute monkey es from _(非洲). 18. The park is a good place _(fly) kites.19. _the baby _ (stop) crying yet?20. We _ (pay) a visit to his farm last week.21. Who _ (break) the glass? It was all right just now.22. My brother often uses his iPad_ (search) for information.23.I _(print) 20 copies(份)of this report already. How many do you want?24. This is the second time that Alana _ (visit) the Palace Museum.25. Helen always_ (try) her best to do everything well when she was at school.26. We are still discussing where_ (gather) and when to start our show.27. Im sure Father_ (buy) me some presents when he es back from Beijing.28. Now the rain_ (stop) already. Shall we go on playing football again?29. _ (click) on this icon and you will get into another page.30. Last Sunday we went to the park and_ (stay) there for over two hours.(二)选择:( )1._ have you known the city? For five years.A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How much( )2.I _ the book for two weeks. I must return it to the school library.A. borrow B .have borrowed C .kept D .have kept( )3.- Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please?-Im afraid not. He _out. He _ in 10 minutes.A. goes, es B. gone, came C .will go, will e D. has gone, will e back( )4. The bus _ for ten minutes.A. has left B. has gone C. has been away D .has e( )5.We _ in this city for two weeks. A. have gone B. have arrived C. have e D. have been( )6. -What are you going to do this weekend?- I _ yet.A .havent decided B. wont decide C .have decided D. didnt decide( )7.There_ a hospital in my hometown fifty years ago.A .had B .was used to C .were D. used to be( )8. -What a nice bike! How long _ you _it? - Just two weeks.A .have, bought B. did, buy C. have, had D .are, having( )9. When did your father_ your mother?A. marry B. marry to C .marry with D. get married( )10.There _ great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years.A. has been B. have been C. was D. were(三)任务型阅读Wildwood School Library GuideThis will offer you some information about our school library. You can use this guide to help your kids use our library. Service Hours:3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. on school days; 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. on weekendsOn school days, your kids may borrow or return books during opening hours only when his classroom teacher allows him to. At the weekend, our library is open to both you and your kids. Borrowing:Each student can borrow one or two books at a time. More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research. Returning:Books borrowed from the library can be kept for 15 school days. The books must be returned before the due (到期的) date or the kid can not borrow other books. Damaged (受损的) or Lost Books:When a book is returned in a damaged condition, the kid will have to pay three dollars for the damage. Full price must be paid if a book is lost. We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to protect them from rainy weather. Wildwood School Library GuideAimTo 1_ kids use the library better Service HoursIts open for two and a half2_ on school days and weekends. Students cant borrow or 3_ back books if the teacher doesnt agree. Kids can go to the library with their 4_ at weekends. Borrowing Students can borrow more books for class reading activities and school research. Returning Students can5 _the book for about three weeks. You cant borrow other books 6_ all the books are returned before the due date. Damaged or 7_ BooksIf you damage the book, you 8_ pay 3 dollars while 9_ price for a lost book. You need to 10_ books from rainy weather. (四)首字母填空 Do you want to be the best student in your class, be the envy of all of your friends in school and be the p_ of your teachers and parents! First, a best student must study hard. This is the primary task of a student. Remember, if you dont do anything, you will be nothing. Ask questions in class if you do not understand something. Also, try to enjoy all the s _ you learn at school and work hard on them. It seems that hard-working students can have success more e_ Second, good study habits are very u_. For example, you must listen to the teacher carefully and at the same time take some n_. After class you should revise your lessons and notes. At the end of the day you should revise what you have learnt during the day and prepare the lessons youll learn the next day. Dont forget to try asking your parents or teachers for help if you cannot c ome up w_ answers by yourself. They have personal learning experiences and can help you with your studies in many ways. Usually, the students who ask their parents or teachers for help can do b_ in class than those dont. Lastly, remember to never give up. You are already on your way in being the best student! It doesnt matter if you f_, because you can learn something from failure and you will surely make p_ after each failure. As we know, a 10 a lot of famous people once failed, they never lost heart and managed to climb to the top and succeed. 词汇A)1,years 2.darkness 3.singing 4.further 5.simply 6.nineteenth 7.easily 8.southern 9.sailing 10. relaxes 11.Afraic 12. international 13. coast 14. dollars 15. Rulers任务型阅读help, hours, give, parents, help, until/unless, Lost, must, full, protect 六首字母填空 四. 1. passport 2. Australia 3. bottom 4. Channel 5. relaxing 6. receive 7. dollars8. international 9. dream 10. programmes五. 1. has stopped 2. Click 3. stayed 4. was picking 5. is sleeping 6. have printed 7. has visited 8. tried 9. to gather 10. will buy


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